Custer County School Board Meeting

—December 12, 2017
by Larry Luikart, Reporter

President Davis called the meeting to order followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.  All members of the Board were in attendance and the Agenda was approved with minor modifications.
The Owner’s Representative for NV5 (the agent for the Bond Issue construction) spoke regarding the team and overview of the planning, safety, and security of students and the various steps leading to the actual work on the project.
There were no Public Comments at either session during the meeting. Vice-President Lee presented Bobcat Pride Certificates to every individual involved in the fall Athletic Program.
The Consent Agenda included the following items; Minutes from the Board Meeting on November 17, 2017, Sub-Contractors for the Teacher Housing Project, Change of Date for the January School Board Meeting to January 16, 2018, and a Temporary Waiver of the Supervisor requirements for Policy CCA-Organization Chart. Approved en masse by the Board.
There were no reports from Students and Staff. Business Manager Amy Perschbacher gave her report regarding the District Finances.
The Board approved the following personnel: Pre-School Paraprofessional Position, Sausha Christensen, Substitutes: Elizabeth Goddard, Bernette Clark and Jamie Mide.
The Board approved the following Item: Early Notification Incentive. This item offers a monetary incentive for teachers currently employed in the District to announce early their intention to leave the District. The low number of new teacher graduates, salary disparities and housing issues make it necessary to get an early start at recruiting.
Other items approved by the Board included: Financial Reports and Vouchers; Insurance Renewal; Certification of the Mills at 28.861 including the increase for the BEST Grant increase of 2.457 mills; and the Draft Audit.
The Board reviewed and then approved the Crisis Preparation and
Response Plan.
The Board approved a first reading of a number of policies; Accident Reports, Security /Access to Buildings, Use of Video and Audio Monitoring, and Staff Conduct. The proposed changes are either minor in nature or required by Colorado statue.
The Board discussed The Board and Superintendent Evaluation Instrument. They approved Director Doreen Newcomb, the BOCES alternate.
Principal Jack Christensen took the assembly on a walking tour of the school showing and explaining the various evaluation instruments and instructional materials displayed throughout the school. APES Wall is an acronym for Answer, Prove, Explain, So What. This acronym helps students focus on achieving success on short answer questions.
There is a wall containing VOCABULARY words, so students are exposed to new words as they move through the school. The ROOT CELLAR is a wall containing words which have similar root identifications, usually based in Latin or Greek.
Assistant Principal Krissi Camper explained the DATA WALL in her office. All the elementary students are included using color-coded cards to track their progress in the various academic subjects. A student needing extra support and instruction can be easily identified. The idea is to help those who need extra help while moving the entire grade forward toward achieving success.
Mr. Christensen reported the administration and staff will be looking at PBA writing data and developing a writer’s corner which showcases excellent writing. Assistant Principal Krissi Camper reported the new behavior system is working well. She indicated staff recommended some minor modifications including going from paper to Google doc for secondary students. The tracking sheets can be shared by all teachers regarding a particular student throughout the day.
Superintendent Mark Payler distributed information regarding average salaries, cost of living adjustment, number of students in a school, and percentage data for Districts Above / Below the Cost of Living. He supplied this as information but one of the startling observations is Custer County C-1 School District ranks 139th lowest of the 179 Districts in Colorado. (Reporter’s note: Even with the significant fiscal disadvantage, the District is teetering on being recognized as an exceptional school district. The credit goes to the dedicated Board, Administration, Teachers, and Staff who put forth immense effort on behalf of the students creating an environment where learning takes place.)
The next scheduled meeting for the School Board is January 16, 2018. Please note the date change due to the Christmas break.
Merry Christmas!