The Gun Grabbers are HERE in Boulder

The Gun Grabbers are HERE in Boulder


Hi, I’m writing to you because I subscribe to your paper and it would be a waste of time to write to The Denver Post, The Times Call or The Daily Camera. I attended the Boulder City Council Gun Grab meeting. I would say that there were approximately 20 gun owners to every gun grabber. The gun grabbers had their children with them bearing signs that said things like ” No more sales of Military Weapons”. The kid was about four [ years old] , his Mom was pregnant and this is scary. The sound system was terrible, you could not hear the speakers, the visual sub-titles were at the bottom of the screen so that if you were not Tall or infant you could not tell what was being said and there was no air, no open window and no air conditioning. The place was packed, upstairs downstairs and the back room. It was so unpleasant that I got the feeling that they did not want us there. I also got the feeling that this law was already passed. There will be another Government fee and a $100,000 fine if you don’t register your guns.

I looked up violent crime statistics for Boulder. (2013- 0 murders, 33 rapes) (2014- 1 murder, 43 rapes) (2015- 1 murder, 39 rapes) (2016, 0 murders, 46 rapes) (2017- 3 murders, 41 rapes} The crime statistics do not say if the murder were gun related, knife or beating. I do remember some homeless guys beating a guy to death in that time period. Those rape numbers are extraordinarily high and should be addressed. If those women were armed I bet the numbers would come down but being Boulder what we need is a [phallic] registration program, fee determined by size; in Boulder it is not function but appearance.  I also think we need a Second Amendment PRIDE Day, where everyone who owns gun that has not shot a person has to open carry that gun on Second Amendment PRIDE Day. In this action we can show the snowflakes how many guns
are out there that have not broken out of their gun safes and attacked them.

Ed Dloughy,
Longmont, Colorado