Recall: It Does Not Matter…

To the Editors of the Sentinel and the Tribune:

I’ve only lived here for a little over five years but wish that it had been much longer. The Cliffs are a dying type of refuge from the big cities and their lax ethics and morals. Not that the ‘Cliffs don’t have their share of problems.
I am writing regarding the current effort to recall our three County Commissioners. So, right to the point.
It does NOT matter if you liked Robin Young or not. By all rights she was mischievously removed by shady back door dealings for questionable, possibly even personal reasons. And MAKE NO MISTAKE, elected officials that behave in that manner have little regard for those who elected them, any of them. They will eventually get around to something or someone near and dear to you and you’ll be powerless to defend your friend or ideal. And to mention, apparently little to no consideration for the devastation of losing the 4-H program for our kids.
It does NOT matter if you are in favor of dark skies or not. “To criminalize outdoor lighting choices in an already dark county in order to increase the Dark-Skies certified footprint that will not bring any more eco-tourism to the county than the existing ‘Cliff’s certification has, is inflicting a small group’s opinion/agenda on all of us.”
Not to mention the blatantly obvious good/light versus dark/evil subtext involved. But that does not matter. What matters is that those elected officials that so chose to inflict their opinion on the rest of us will eventually get around to inflicting an opinion on you that you do not care for. And, you’ll be powerless to defend yourself against it.
It does NOT matter if you ever want to buy a new home in Custer County or not. But those elected officials that immediately, upon entering office, find it necessary to institute more government via a building code, clearly had this in mind but did not mention it in their campaigns (or for that matter any of their other questionable acts). On the surface, this appears sound and good and is certainly packaged as such and of little financial impact. But has anyone considered the effects on the cost of a house? Let’s face it, few of us can afford the home we would like and they are about to get more expensive. And as is typical of governmental creep (or creepiness), this is just the beginning of regulations, codes, restrictions and more government intrusion into your life and your wallet. They’ll eventually institute a rule, code or regulation that does significantly affect you.
It does NOT matter if you agree or disagree with closed door meetings. The State appears TO DISAGREE, but so what if our local elected officials ignore a higher power, the State or otherwise, and choose to discuss and make plans that affect your future behind closed doors. Eventually they will hatch a plan behind closed doors that you do disagree with.
The bottom line is that these particular elected officials have only been in office for a little over six months and have already proposed so many vast and sweeping changes; it clearly appears that they had a plan to do so before they were elected and neglected to inform those that elected them of their plans. It appears that they clearly have no plan to stop doing so. AND, they will eventually negatively affect your life and pocket book. Make no mistake about it. You are witnessing the tip of the iceberg and after only six months, the part that is revealed or above the water line is massive. Just imagine what’s lurking beneath the surface.
So, right to the point. Like the County Commissioners or not, they do NOT appear to be representing the values of this community, following state law or public opinion or adhering in any fashion to what they campaigned on and the citizenry should have the opportunity to vote to remove them from office. Now that you know the true agenda, decide for yourself, and SIGN THE RECALL PETITION before your refuge is no longer.
Frank L. Oberlin
Custer County