BOCC: Wetmore Sink, New Health Insurance, CCEDC Grants, Live Streaming Issues

Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)

—October 31, 2017
Westcliffe, CO
by Jackie Bubis
The meeting started at 9 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call. Mr. Kattnig was present via phone. County Attorney Smith was not in attendance. State Senator Crowder was visiting. Introductions of the public in attendance followed.
The Board approved the minutes from the October 18th meeting.
Commissioner Items
Commissioner Printz is working on the replacement for the sink at the Wetmore Community Center – after saying in the previous meeting that the Wetmore citizens were just stuck with it. The new one should arrive on Thursday.
Commissioner Hood commented that she has spoken with Centurlink and the phone lines that are in the tree at the Wetmore Community Center will be fixed no later than November 10th. She reported on attending the VSO workshop and commended Tim Swartz on the quality of the workshop.
Commissioner Kattnig had no items but welcomed Senator Crowder and also spoke of the success of the VSO.
Administrative Assistant Items
Mrs. Gaide reported that the grant for the Hermit Bridge project was received and that there needed to be a discussion with Road and Bridge Supervisor Hyde about what comes next. She stated that the live streaming test run last week revealed that the sound could not be heard. The work is ongoing to get that running. The contract with CTSI for health insurance was signed and meetings are set up with departments to get the applications completed. The savings to the county are in the range of $50K and she reported that the employees are pleased with the change.

Old Business
Kelly Kohl was before the Board again with his road vacation request in Sierra City in the Lake DeWeese area. Readers will recall that this road was recently deeded to the county. After discussion the Board tabled the item until they could get Attorney Clint Smith to give an opinion on the issue. Mr. Kattnig continues to be convinced that it would be wrong to deed this road to Kohl and his neighbor despite Jackie Hobby reporting that it has been done before in Rosita.
RETAC appointments were discussed. A decision was made to put five people on the RETAC board at this time and interview two others for one remaining alternate seat. Beth Archuletta will represent EMS. Her alternate will be selected at a later date. County Health Nurse Magnuson will be primary with Cindy Howard as her alternate. And Dave Tonsing will be primary with Larry Weber from SAR as his alternate.
The closing of the miscellaneous account approved at the last meeting was changed to reflect a new amount. $1,750.54 will be moved into the account for affordable housing. When asked if this amount would come off the Affordable Housing’s $10K budget request, both Mr. Printz and Mrs. Hood agreed that it would not.
The Sheriff’s grant application to Wal-Mart corporation for reimbursement for new batteries and pads for their AED’s (Automatic External Defribrilators) was approved unanimously.
New Business
The Board approved the vouchers and signed checks. Mrs. Hood has donated up to $10K to the Sheriff’s Department to cover various needs. Mr. Printz thanked her profusely.
The CCEDC came before the board to request their support for three grants in the amount of just over $2M for the six broadband towers that will be built next summer. No county funds will be requested at this time for that project. One grant is federal, one is state, and one is private. The Board approved the grant proposals.
Clerk Kelley Camper needed a Board signature for an annual Department of Revenue Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
The quote for service on the county fire extinguishers and the purchase of one additional extinguisher was approved. Mrs. Hood asked that the company doing the work be requested to do a training with the county employees on the proper use of these extinguishers.
Public Comment
Senator Crowder spoke with the Board about broadband and expressed his appreciation that Custer County is moving ahead with this project. Mr. Kattnig expressed his concern that federal firefighting resources in Colorado would be lost to California.
The meeting adjourned at 9:50 a.m.