Front Row Left to Right: Nora Christensen, Everest Rutt, Brayden Baker, Matthew Burgdorff, Lily Anne Taylor, Jasmine Ferris, and Keller Johnson.
Last Friday, May 18th, the Girl Scouts and the Cub Scouts Pack #114 got together for some bowling fun and comradery. It was the first time for this joint venture. They are looking forward to more combined events in the future.
The Cub Scouts are looking forward to marching in the Memorial Day Parade on May 26th. On Monday May 28th, they will be joining the Boy Scouts to help the American Legion Post #170 with the Annual Memorial Day Service at Silver Cliff Memorial Park at 10 am. While you’re there remember to stop by the Boy Scout tent for their annual bake sale! There are sure to be some yummy baked goods available.
Anyone interested in joining the Scouting programs in the Westcliffe area should contact Doug Burgdorff-Cub Scout Committee Chair at 719-371-0902, Ted Johnson-Cub Master at 719-371-1257.