BOCC: Printz Demands Another Public Hearing on Planning Commission’s New Zoning Resolution
Will “Dark Skies” Rear Its Ugly Head Again?
Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
—May 31, 2018
by Jackie Bubis
The meeting started at 9:00 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Introductions of the public in attendance followed.
Chairman Flower reported that, after studying Robert’s Rules of Order on the subject, items cannot be added to the agenda during the meeting; they can only be moved or deleted. He then introduced Lisa Drew, the new administrator at the Custer County Clinic. She gave a bit of her background.
The Board approved the minutes of May 16th.
Commissioner Items
Commissioner Printz reported a number of meetings he attended: Upper Arkansas Council of Governments meeting, a thank you party for Bob Weisenbach after his resignation from the Tourism Board, Affordable Housing, the Memorial Day Celebration in Silver Cliff, the UACOG housing study meeting and the Justice Center meeting. He also mentioned an ongoing issue with an at-risk adult in our community that he’s been addressing.
Chairman Flower reported a similar list of meetings: Health Safety Resource Team, Airport Board, Weed Board, Huerfano Commissioner meeting with Roger Squire about teaming up with them for weed spraying, Jake Shultz memorial, met with Dawna Hobby and Kelley Camper regarding the salary schedule, met with Under Sheriff Chris Barr regarding the incident at the Post Office, and the Justice Center meeting.
Commissioner Canda reported “working with my bosses,” to find out what is bothering the citizens of Custer County and getting a lot of good comments on road work. He met with the Watts family representative regarding work at the airport – they are already getting involved with the community by donating toward a new scoreboard for the football field. He met with the Democrat Party chairman and his wife. He then went on to ask for prayer for Allen Butler who was in intensive care at Parkview and reminisced about the many things Mr. Butler has done with the kids in the community.
Attorney Items
Mr. Smith reported attending the Health Safety Resource Board meeting, the Weed Board meeting and the Justice Center meeting. He added that, while the commissioners all attended the Justice Center meeting, they did not participate in the vote.
The Board reviewed vouchers and signed checks.
Jackie Hobby and Vic Barnes came before the board to get approval of the updates to the Zoning Resolution. Mr. Printz was clearly very concerned about some of the changes made, calling them “ridiculous” before the meeting in conversation with Mr. Flower. He asked for a workshop to be held so he could have the Planning Commission explain the changes and help him understand what he termed “changes in philosophy.” Mr. Smith explained that the statutory procedure for the Board to accept this document included a 14 day notice and a public hearing. Mr. Barnes explained that the Planning Commission had already held public meetings prior to their recommendation. Mrs. Hobby stated that they had never had more public meetings after sending the revisions to the BOCC. Mr. Printz insisted and also stated that he would be sending a copy to Dennis Hunt of CTSI for input. Mr. Canda did not have the same concerns, saying that the Planning Commission works with the public to come up with these recommendations. The workshop will be held on June 13th at 1 p.m. in the commissioner room at which time we will hear what Mr. Printz’s objections are. The public hearing on the document will be on June 25th at 6 p.m. in the courtroom. The redline document can be found on the Custer County website on the Planning and Zoning page.
Kathy Clark, Council Coordinator with Custer County Kids Council updated the Board on their work. She reported on the survey the group did, but said that there was little information from the Amish/Mennonite communities or the homeschoolers. Mr. Canda brought up questions of whether the Kids Council was seeking to intrude on family decisions and privacy. Ms. Clark said that they were not. Ultimately, she was coming before the Board to ask them to become the fiscal agent for the group, allowing grant money to pass through the county. After clarification that there was negligible cost to the county (under $10/year) to do so, the item was approved.
Sean Beharry gave the 2017 Library Report, which shows increased usage of the library. He introduced McKenna Reiff who talked to the Board about some of the opportunities for teens to volunteer at the library. McKenna was the 2016 Teen Intern and has continued to volunteer with the library.
Ann Barthrop from the Justice Center Land subcommittee brought the group’s unanimous recommendation to the Board for entering into negotiations with the Chet Haga Trust to acquire several pieces of land close to the courthouse for expansion. The Board approved Mr. Smith to begin that communication.
The Board approved several bookkeeping transfers. They also agreed to have Mr. Smith put together a policy reminder to the county departments to make sure that Kelley Camper gets copies (preferably electronic) of all grants and contracts.
The Airport Board and Mr. Canda reported on the specifics of the work that the Watts family (who bought the south end of Wolf Springs Ranch) wants to fund at the airport. They include putting in an additional taxiway, modifications to the existing taxiway, and a jet fuel system.
AT&T has been in touch with Chairman Flower regarding their proposal for the county to lease them access to a small piece
of ground right by the courthouse for their FirstNet buildout. Details will be forthcoming when the AT&T representative addresses the Board on the subject.
In public comments, resident Claudia Morris reported to the Board that her family will be donating land upon which some Ute artifacts have been found. She is in the very beginning stages of working with History Colorado and Roland McCook to set up an educational site.
Mr. Printz expressed his thanks to Mr. Flower for his mention of Printz’s son’s surgery for a serious elbow injury. His son is on the mend.
Mr. Flower asked for a moment of silent prayer for Allen Butler.
The Board went into executive session for legal advice on the Claudia Morris right-of-way issue and a topic on employment that Mr. Flower wanted to discuss. Mr. Smith asked if it was a specific employee issue, in which case that employee would need to be invited. Mr. Flower said it was just a general question. When they returned from executive session they voted to have Mr. Smith correspond with Ms. Morris’ attorney regarding what they talked about during executive session.
The meeting was then adjourned.