Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
—December 18, 2018
by Jackie Bubis
The meeting started at 9 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Introductions of the public followed. The commissioner room was packed to overflowing. Most were veterans attending to hear the agenda item regarding the VSO position. Some were there for the agenda item concerning broadband.
Commissioner Items
Commissioner Printz and HR officer Dawna Hobby interviewed for the maintenance job and hired a new maintenance person who started yesterday. Mr. Printz also reported that the Tourism Board seems to be back on track, having adjusted its bylaws and making some positive decisions. There was one resignation on the Tourism Board and there are letters of interest for the position.
Chairman Flower reported on a number of meetings he had attended, also mentioning former Commissioner Cleo Day’s funeral, and the GOP Christmas party. He also updated the Board on the Grape Creek land sale which has not yet closed and that a notice of intent to sell the 35 acres in Rosita will be placed in both papers.
Commissioner Canda expressed that he had several folks interested in the Tourism Board position and he is encouraging them to send letters of intent. He reported that former Commissioner Carol Custer is in the hospital and gave updates on both the economic development strategic plan survey and the berm work at the Airport, which is now complete. He also reported that the team working to restore phone service in Wetmore is narrowing down a solution and that there has been a great deal of cooperation. Another meeting of these team members [was] December 20th at Rancher’s Roost.
Attorney Items
Attorney Smith has been working on the Grape Creek property sale and on a resolution for setting the bond for the Treasurer.
Public Comment
Dallas Anderson addressed the Board with his concerns about a possible nuisance ordinance and about attainable housing. Monte Lee, who was in attendance and is on the Attainable Housing Board, spoke up to address Mr. Anderson’s concerns about the type of housing that his board is after. He expressed the need for housing for teachers and Sheriff Deputies.
Bob Fulton asked the Board to use any influence that they had with CDOT because there has been no mowing along highways 69 and 96.
At Sean Beharry’s recommendation, JD Henrich and James
Gearhart were unanimously reappointed to the Library Board.
The Board approved the transfer of interest of $922.84 from County General to the Conservation Trust Fund.
After a long discussion and a great deal of input from the local veterans in attendance Roger Watkins was hired as the interim VSO. Watkins will be working twenty hours a week and will be in the office on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after the first of the year. It was apparent that there were rumors that this position would not be filled or would only be filled by a part-time person. Chairman Flower stressed that his Board is firmly in support of the VSO and that this position will be a full-time position. Veterans were concerned because “we’ve all seen VSO’s who suck at their jobs.” They also stressed that Tim Swartz had set the bar high. The Board assured the visitors that they wouldn’t hire until they found the right person. Chairman Flower also stressed the importance of veterans filling out the upcoming census.
Dale Mullen and Charles Bogle of the Custer County Economic Development Corp. (CCEDC) were asked to come before the Board to update the Commissioners on the EDA grant submittal for the tower project. The upshot was that after many false starts, the grant paperwork was submitted last Sunday. Bogle expressed confidence that it will be approved and didn’t think the County needed an extension on the DOLA grant (which is contingent on the EDA grant). Commissioner Canda expressed his disappointment with the CCEDC for sending email to the other two Commissioners without including him. He also suggested that the CCEDC work with CDOT and CenturyLink as they are working to bring fiber into the valley. Dale Mullen, “in his professional opinion”, stated that there will be no benefit to residents of Custer County from the work that CDOT and CenturyLink are doing. Commissioners Canda and Flower differed with Mullen on the subject with a hopeful wait-and-see attitude.
Commissioner Flower announced that the Justice Center planning grant for $65,000 has been awarded to Custer County. The Board discussed the need for a $10,000 match and where that money would come from. All Commissioners believe that the money will be available in the current budget once the 2018 vouchers are all paid.
The Board amended Resolution 18 – 27 that changed the name of Reis Road into three separate roads. Valley View Drive was changed to Valley View Lane.
The Board approved the Resolution 18 – 33 to purchase a surety bond for the Treasurer for $100,000. This will cost the county $100.
The Board unanimously passed the AT&T tower land lease. The 2500 ft.² that will be leased is just south of the Sheriff’s Department exercise yard. AT&T will install 150 foot mono-pole tower with no guide wires. The tower will be lit. The lease will bring in $1,600 per month that was earmarked for the Justice Center project. This tower will provide First Net service to emergency services in the County as well as service to customers.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:17 p.m.