Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
—February 5, 2019
by Jackie (Muddy) Bubis
The meeting started at 9 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Attorney Clint Smith was not present. Introductions of the public followed.
Commissioner Items: The Commissioners each reported the various meetings that they had attended.
Chairman Flower welcomed Meredith Nichols as the new administrative assistant for the BOCC. Her email address will be BOCC
Staff Reports
Rusty Christensen and Dennis Sprecher, from the Landfill and Recycling gave their report. Revenue in 2018 was up from 2017 – 2017 revenue was $206,880 and 2018 revenue was $218,093. There was a discussion of the county landfill accepting electronic waste. If the Commissioners decide to proceed, the landfill will need a new shelter, a new scale, and the charge will likely be $.60 a pound. The Board instructed Mr. Sprecher to come up with a proposal and present it.
Gary Hyde from Road & Bridge gave his report. His department is working on frozen culverts at the moment that are overflowing and icing the roads. The question arose whether the Wet Mountain Fire Department was paying Road & Bridge for its fuel use. The answer, hunted down by the administrative assistant, was yes. The topic of snow removal at the airport was discussed and Mr. Hyde assured the Board that his department will make sure that this is done.
In September 2018, the Road & Bridge department damaged a CenturyLink line. They thought it had been relocated and they used a locator device which did not give an alert so they failed to call 811. Months passed and finally a demand for payment came for $2,875 plus an administrative charge of $345. After discussion, the Board decided to pay the $2,875 but not the $345. Commissioner Printz will draft a letter to that effect. In response to this error, Road & Bridge will no longer break the ground without filling out an internal form and calling 811. Mr. Hyde also announced that Hermit Road will be chip sealed this summer.
Roger Watkins, the interim Veteran Services Officer, gave his report. He’s been very busy and is looking forward to helping with the hiring process for the VSO. (The job posting for that position will close on February 13th at 4 p.m.) The Board discussed some minor changes to the Annex building that will help with veteran’s privacy.
Vernon Roth presented the IT report. He announced that he has finished the process of “beaming” high-speed Internet to the county health department and will next work on doing the same thing for the search and rescue building.
Laura Lockhart gave the DHS report.
New Business
The ambulance service license was signed after the inspection report came back from the RETAC.
The Board passed a request for an additional $800, if needed, to finish off the public meetings for the strategic economic prosperity plan.
The meeting adjourned at 11:20 a.m.