Silver Cliff Town Board Meeting
– February 4, 2019
by Lisa Frank
The meeting was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance and followed with roll call. Absent from the meeting was Trustee L. Guarnere and Mayor Laswell. Mayor pro tem Buck Wenzel chaired the meeting. In the audience were four Silver Cliff citizens who introduced themselves and the meeting began.
Consent Agenda – passed unanimously with no objection or discussion.
Old Business
Senior Center Update – There was no Senior Center representative and no report.
Viscount Update – There was no update because of the duration of the limited Government shutdown, no contact could be made. Mr. Roger Camper was asked by Mayor pro tem Wenzel for an update on the Silver Cliff Pit. Mr. Camper reported that the Lessee will clear the entire 40 acres to a level state for 12 feet before going deeper in any area. He believes that any minerals of value are at least 40 ft. beneath the current surface, leaving a good bit of depth of ground before reaching any mineral. He also reported that if valuable minerals were discovered at any time, the lessee would have to go through a process of gaining approval from the Town of Silver Cliff and Silver Cliff residents before mining them. The approval process would take two to three years through the various governmental agencies, if approval was even given to mine, and longer if the town and citizens did not approve. The lease agreement currently ends January of 2021 and Silver Cliff will put the lease on the 40-acre pit out for bid at the end of 2020.
Ideas for Increasing Revenue – The status remains the same with ongoing meetings scheduled.
New Business
2018 Sheriff Fourth Quarter Report – Sheriff Shannon Byerly reported that the fourth quarter of 2018 was pretty quiet in Silver Cliff. Calls for Service (CFS) were down in the fourth quarter and there were only 183 calls attributed to Silver Cliff for the entire year which amounts to roughly 9% of all calls in Custer County. There were approximately 1,980 CFS in the county in 2018. Silver Cliff calls in the fourth quarter were highest for animal abuse (5) and the Sheriff speculated it was because of the cold weather. When investigated the Sheriff Office (SO) found no incidents of actual ‘animal abuse’. There were 72 traffic stops, 20 medical calls and four thefts reported. One theft at the Family Dollar, one Internet theft, one identity theft and one theft was reported but unfounded as the person reporting found the missing item. In the fourth quarter there were 10 DUIs in the county and this is an alarming figure for the SO, therefore the Sheriff will continue to work with liquor establishments and Town Clerk Ileen Squire is helping to coordinate his effort. The Sheriff will continue to pursue coordination between establishments and hopes it will help to resolve this growing DUI problem. There were 60 DUIs in the county in 2018 and this is up by perhaps 10 from 2017, but we had significant fatalities for a rural county. The SO has upped its business checks and encountered only one objection which was a misunderstanding as to legality. The Sheriff had a conversation with the owner of 96 Roadhouse that resulted in complete compliance. By law the Sheriff’s Office is encouraged to drop into establishments serving liquor to visit with bartenders or owners and inquire as to any problems they may be encountering before a call in to the SO is needed. The Sheriff reported that by the end of the first quarter of 2019 his office should have the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) system up and running resulting in higher quality reporting and tracking of medical emergencies in Custer County. This system allows for adding more information and tracking of medical events, along with establishing a medical director to review those calls in order to improve the handling of medical emergencies. An MD has been selected for regular review of the calls and the SO hopes to upgrade to an electronic system in the future, but the cost currently would be $15,000 additional and this system by paper-tracking will have to do for now. There are two liquor licenses currently up for renewal in Silver Cliff (the Liquor Cabinet and Highway 96 Roadhouse) and the Sheriff saw no significant issues with either renewal. There was one arrest at 96 Roadhouse and the SO has upped its
business checks there.
The Sheriff stated that he understands people’s understanding, or misunderstanding, that the SO is targeting establishments that serve alcohol but that if that is what it takes to save lives, he is willing to shoulder that blame. He offered that he would like to see zero fatalities in the county and that he would rather his Deputies pull over potential drunk drivers than be called out to a wreck with a fatality and have to inform family
members of this.
A question from Trustee Handy brought further discussion of an association being established for businesses that serve alcohol. Trustee Fred Hernandez stated that he is bringing to the Town Board some ideas for establishing an association for training and problem-solving. Sheriff Byerly stated that he is not personally a proponent of adding governmental oversight on private business, but if these issues of driving impaired and fatal accidents continue, he would support this idea, but it would only work if the County, Westcliffe and Silver Cliff were all involved. He said that when serving in Cañon City he found that when there was an association, the businesses involved would go to each other to solve problems, before the Sheriff’s Office was called, thus lessening the burden on law enforcement.
Trustee Hernandez reminded the Trustees that an association would be a private, not governmental, organization and could be beneficial to establishments because if it were safer to frequent these establishments more people would go and enjoy themselves resulting in more, not less, business. This could be a win/win situation with any dues going to provide additional services to clientele. Someone offered that there are community grants for things such as ride-shares, etc. The final question asked of the Sheriff was did the DUI’s increase in 2018? His simple answer was yes, up by possibly 10 from last year reminding the Town Board that this was the number of impaired drivers his office found, certainly not all impaired drivers on the road.
Consideration of approval of Resolution 02-2019 Adopting the Master Plan – There was some discussion to delay the vote until more information comes in from the consultant. Amendments to the Master Plan can be made but a plan must be adopted in order to amend. A motion was made and seconded and passed unanimously.
Introduction of Ordinance 01-2019 Adopting the Town of Silver Cliff Municipal Code – This code can be amended after adoption. Motion made and seconded, passed unanimously.
Consideration of Approval of the 2019 Recycle Program – This program costs the Town $499.00 a year and fulfills a need. Motion made and seconded, passed unanimously.
Introduction of Ordinance 02-2019 Regulating Residential Growing, Cultivating and Processing of Marijuana – This ordinance parallels those of Custer County and Westcliffe with the end-goal of getting all governing bodies on the same page. Silver Cliff has one difference with the others in that Silver Cliff’s Ordinance includes language that any fines not paid be attached to the owner’s property taxes instead of a putting a lien on the property. Introduction of the Ordinance is by publication in the newspaper for public reading. Motion made and seconded, passed unanimously.
Consideration of Approval of the Renewal of the Liquor License for The Liquor Cabinet – Motion made and seconded, passed unanimously.
Consideration of Approval of the Renewal of the Liquor License for Highway 96 Roadhouse – Motion made and seconded, passed unanimously.
Consideration of Approval to Purchase Plow and Spreader for Town’s Pickup – Roger Camper introduced the idea of purchasing a snow plow and sand spreader for the Town’s pick up and has researched and found equipment he believes is a good investment. Layton Truck Equipment in Co. Springs has a new plow and sand-spreader that would fit the Town’s pick-up and could be used to plow snow in Silver Cliff and Silver Cliff Ranch when snow is too little to warrant the use of the Town’s dump truck or motor grader. Budgeting and financing were discussed and alternative ways of paying for the equipment, but Roger stressed that if the town is going to move forward with their commitment to roads, they need the right equipment. The cost estimates are $14,292 without the spreader and $14,874 with the sand spreader. One Trustee asked if there were vibratories included in the price of the sand spreader. Mr. Camper did not have the answer and will find out and report back to the Board. The consideration was discussed further and a motion was made to purchase both pieces of equipment and seconded, and passed unanimously. The next concern is for the hiring of a Maintenance Supervisor. The town still has no qualified applicants for the position and Roger would like to advertise in Florence, Cañon City and Pueblo. The Town is offering $27-$35,000 a year with full benefits for the employee (not the family), working four days a week except in the snow season. If working more than four days, time off is given to balance the hours. A CDL is required with a Tanker Endorsement which the Town gives the hiree a month to secure. One problem is the person must pass a drug test and it has become difficult to find and hire people since marijuana became legal in Colorado.
Staff Reports – Building & Zoning/Public Works and Clerk Reports were given.
Committee Reports – Trails/Museum/Pike Committee, Park Committee, Grant Committee, Recycle Committee, E911 Committee, and Economic Development Committee were given.
Public Comments – reporter had to leave meeting.
Board of Trustees Open Discussion – reporter had to leave meeting.