Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
—June 19, 2019
by Jackie (Muddy) Bubis
The meeting started at 12 noon with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Introductions of the public followed. The Board approved the minutes from May 31st, June 6th, and June 7th.
Commissioner items:
Commissioner Canda reported that the final strategic plan was emailed out and the check was cut for Cheryl Trent’s services and mentioned that there needed to be meetings scheduled for organizing the implementation of the plan. There has been some confusion about broadband meetings with the two towns and the county scheduling a workshop and the CCEDC sending out invitations to a meeting in Salida. The USGS water balance survey from the USGS will be on July 24th, further details to follow. There was discussion on a topographic report that is needed by the architect for the Justice Center and whose responsibility it is to supply that.
Commissioner Printz expressed his continuing concerns about ambulance service in Wetmore.
Commissioner Flower listed meetings that he has attended. He reported that Mike Shields was sworn in on the Board of Upper Arkansas Water Conservancy District and that Tim Canterbury is the new chairman.
Attorney Items:
Attorney Smith finished the new burn ordinance in cooperation with Sheriff Byerly. Mr. Flower asked him to research what constitutes a commercial enterprise in our county. He then opened the one bid received for lots in Golden Arrow Valley. The only bid complied with the Boards lower limit of $1000 per lot for a total of $11,000. There was a discussion regarding whether to issue a quit-claim deed or a warrantee deed. Mr. Printz wanted to only issue a quit-claim deed because a warrantee deed would cost the county money. Mr. Flower expressed that if that were going to be the deal, the Board should have made that known before the bid. Eventually it was decided to wait and see what the buyer wants and go from there.
Linda Poole from San Isabel Land Protection Trust was there to answer questions that the Board had regarding them signing on as partners for the GOCO grant. After discussion, the decision was made to move forward with the county being an official partner in the effort. This will require 384 hours from someone or a group of Custer County employees or volunteers to attend the meetings over the next two years. The project title is “Sustainable Sangres: Regenerating Headwaters Landscapes and Communities through Collaboration.” This is a $40K grant to be used on a $304K project that will hire a “high power facilitator” to work with various groups to arrive at a 50-100 year “shared
long term vision.”
The Board approved the purchase of a new computer for the Planning and Zoning Office.
The Board approved and signed the Housing Rehabilitation application with Upper Arkansas Council of Governments.
The first reading of the new burn ordinance was postponed until the meeting on the 28th.
The Board rescinded the Special Use Permit they approved for the Airport because the process was not followed. These permits originate in the Planning Commission and they make the recommendations to the Board to approve or deny.
Because there were no citizens present from San Isabel, Mr. Printz suggested that next year only one meeting be held there rather than two. That subject will be addressed in the first meeting of the new year.
The meeting adjourned at 2:05 p.m.