by Becky Olson
It was a packed house at Tony’s Mountain Pizza last Thursday, May 30th where nearly 70 people showed up to Liberty Rocks for a program on Socialism and Communism. Dan Bubis, who hosts Liberty Rocks, spoke briefly and set the tone for the evening and introduced each speaker. His lovely wife, Jackie, gave a vignette on how one man can make a difference, a story about John Quince Adams’ determination and repetition on the need to abolish slavery and how his efforts lead up to (years later) influencing Abraham Lincoln.
Attendees heard three Custer County residents share their harrowing real-life experiences with socialism. Custer Citizens for the Constitution generously sponsored pizza, salad and dessert while county residents Fred Hernandez, Harald Frank, and Ann Willson had the packed house on the edge of their seats with their gripping accounts of living under totalitarian rule.
Mr. Hernandez lived in the Philippines in 1972 when democratically elected President Marcos declared Martial Law across the country after several years of escalating political rhetoric and propaganda. At the time, the Philippines was a clone of the United States, with the same Constitution and three-branch government that afforded its citizens the same freedoms Americans enjoy. Mr. Hernandez describe how everything changed overnight and gave the grave warning, “to those who think this can’t happen here in the United States: Don’t bet on it!”
Mr. Frank grew up in West Germany in the 1960s – 1980s before coming to the U.S. in 1994, and finally becoming a citizen in 2007. He shared many poignant anecdotes with the audience about what it was like to live on the “free” side of the Berlin Wall. For example, many in the audience were shocked when he related a story about a couple that had been arrested and had their children taken away simply because they wanted to home school them – which is illegal. Mr. Frank also warned about a trend we’re starting to see here in Colorado, which is the imposition of “fees” on various activities by unaccountable elected officials who know they would not get voter approval for increased taxes. His parting warning was that far too many Americans take our great country and unprecedented freedoms for granted.
Ms. Willson shared a fascinating account about she and her family’s time living in Taiwan while her husband was stationed there in the 1960s and 70s. She had jaws on the floor when describing what it was like (as the political climate changed) to have armed guards point rifles with bayonets in your face and make it clear they were watching every family member as they went about their daily business.
Finally, residents Joe Cascarelli, Becky Olson, and Sheriff Shannon Byerly gave short presentations on current issues in Colorado that demonstrate how the ever-creeping arm of the administrative state continues to invade our lives and infringe our rights.
Liberty Rocks meets at Tony’s on the last Thursday of every month with a new topic– everyone is welcome to attend these tavern-style gatherings.