Sentinel at the corner of 6th and Main on weekends, for those voters who want to sign but can’t make it during business hours which are Monday through Thursday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Friday 9 a.m. to noon. The response has been incredible. Above: Ann Barthrop, Peggi Collins, Bill Parker, Joe Cascarelli and Dennis Shaydak. Sentinel Photo
by George Gramlich
The statewide petition to place Colorado’s Governor Jared
Polis on the ballot to be recalled is available to be signed at the
Sangre de Cristo Sentinel at 601 Main Street in Westcliffe, CO. (Other valid petition gatherers are also circulating in the County.)
From today, there is only about 50 days left to sign. If you want to stop the liberal onslaught against freedom and liberty in Colorado sign this petition to remove the main culprit who has, in just one legislative session, signed the most rabid anti-American, unconstitutional, and morally bankrupt laws ever to be passed in our once great state. Bring your family, your friends and neighbors. Help protect us from a person who wants to eliminate TABOR, the only thing standing between us taxpayers and the liberal tax monsters that want to tax us to death to fund their failed socialist model.
Do you want our elementary school children to be taught explicit, deviant, degenerate sexual practices? If no, sign the Recall Polis Petition. Do you want the Sheriff to SWAT your house in the middle of the night because your irrational liberal neighbor falsely says you have mental issues and ALL of your guns will be confiscated without and hearing or proof what so ever? If no, sign the Recall Petition. On and on and on. Sign the petition. Every signature counts. Take Back Colorado.