Recall Kickoff -Full House

by Fred Hernandez and staff

Once again on the Liberty Rocks platform at Tony’s Mountain Pizza on Thursday June 27th, Dan Bubis began the meeting by introducing the Liberty Rocks format and purpose and his wife, Jackie, gave a second edition of “Can One Man Make a Difference”. The Liberty Rocks presenter for the evening was Mr. Tom Good, an energetic leader of the group that seeks to rectify whatever went wrong in the last gubernatorial election.

To a packed audience of about one hundred eager listeners, Mr. Good gave a detailed dissertation about the entire process for the recall of a sitting official. The many do’s and don’ts educated the attendees on all aspects of what promises to be a hard effort that will need the iron will of a committed public to take Colorado back from the clutches of a totalitarian type of governance. It will take a daunting 640,000 plus signatures to succeed.

With the help of a PowerPoint presentation projected on the big screen, Tom made a good impression on everyone present with his in depth knowledge of process with all its nuances. For instance, all signers of the petition need to sign exactly as they are registered to vote. The example given was if one lives in say, number 10 East 5th Street, the exact same address must be given. It makes a difference on the smallest of things, e.g. the letter E for East. The signature must be exactly the same. As he pointed out, we have no friends in the state government and certainly none in the office of the Secretary of State which is charged with reviewing all signed petitions and remove any that are not exactly as they should be. This is of paramount importance and everyone needs to be aware of it. If there are any questions all are asked to invest the little time it takes to call and find out or check on line to see how their name and address read on their voter registration.

The Sentinel on Main Street has been designated as de facto HQ for this effort. The phone number is 719-783-3360. The office is at 601 Main Street in Westcliffe, CO.

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*Training meeting for those interesting helping with the Petition Drive will Meet at the Sentinel on July 10 at 5:30 p.m.

After the Good’s presentation, the Custer Citizens for the Constitution (CCC) presented past 2018 gubernatorial candidate Greg Lopez, who drove up from Denver with his former campaign manager Wendy Miller, took the stage front and center and to the enthusiastic applause of all those present and went through the paces of his efforts to win the election. It was to the great surprise of all when Mr. Lopez informed the room that he had spent about sixty thousand on his campaign as compared to the twenty million dollars of incumbent governor and the millions spent by the other candidates.

In a tongue in cheek reminder he mentioned again one of his more memorable lines during the campaign when he said “if we do not elect a Republican we will become the ugly twin sister of California”. And that is exactly what has come to pass. Greg Lopez gave many examples of bills that, among the 50 U.S. States, had their roots in California. He discussed the National Popular Vote, Red Flag Law Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO), The Sex Education bill and the unrealistic timeline for reduction of carbon energy resources.
Colorado Republican Women -Royal Gorge Chapter came to the event and introductions were made as they are interested in starting a chapter or including women from Custer County.
The two-hour affair ended with explosive applause and the enthusiasm of all was evident in the way many remained to converse or ask questions from both speakers Mr. Good and Mr. Lopez. Everyone is enjoined to stand up against all forms of socialism by either simply signing the petition or, better yet, sign up to carry a petition to friends, neighbors and the general public. As Mr. Lopez pointed out by noting the line on his red hat “Make Colorado, Colorado Again”
The event was recorded by The Crusader of Canon City. You may see the videos by going to or find the links  HERE  at

*Recommended articles to read on Recall  (Colorado Politics) HERE

and (Recall Press Release)  HERE