Drive In Church Service Worships the Risen Messiah

King Jesus Is Risen
Drive In Church Service Worships the Risen Messiah


April 12, 2020

by George Gramlich

After some issues with the local officials, the Living Stone Cavalry Chapel held its first drive-in/in-your-car Easter Service last Sunday, April 12, 2020. It was an awe inspiring service held in the snowing, freezing cold, with a brisk wind to boot. The Worship Team, led by Debi Moore,  performed beautifully in the challenging conditions while Pastor Sean Meagher gave a powerful sermon. It was truly a touching, moving event. He is Risen indeed.

My Redeemer Lives

I know He rescued my soul
His blood has covered my sin
I believe, I believe
My shame He’s taken away
My pain is healed in His name

I believe, I believe
I’ll raise a banner
‘Cause my Lord has conquered the grave

My redeemer lives
My redeemer lives
My redeemer lives
My redeemer lives

You lift my burdens
I’ll rise with You
I’m dancing on this mountain top
To see Your kingdom come

My redeemer lives
My redeemer lives
My redeemer lives