“Thank God for Custer County!” BoH Stands Tall: We Are Open and Free

“Thank God for Custer County!”
BoH Stands Tall: We Are Open and Free
We Will Not Comply

by George Gramlich,
SDC Sentinel Editor,
News and Notations

–March 10, 2021


Last week’s vote by the Custer County Public Health Agency (BoH) board members to declare the county “normal” and refuse to follow the covid mandates and rules from our Denver overlords made shockwaves all over the state. And especially in the King Polis throne room. As seen below, the state bureaucrats were in an uproar and literally threatened Custer with retribution.
So, this BoH meeting of March 10, 2021, promised to be pretty hot. And hot it was.
The meeting was moved to the courtroom so the peasants could attend. (And attend they did.)  
The meeting started at 9 a.m. and all three board members were present: Chair Bill Canda, and members Tom Flower and Kevin Day. The BoH Director, Dr. Clifford Brown, was also present.
The meeting started with Brown’s corona status report. Brown says not much has changed since last week. We have had 2,474 covid tests run since this nightmare started with 164 positive results. Only one death which was in December. To date we have given 1,804 vaccinations. Zero positive tests in December.
Canda opens up with saying the BoH has issued two press releases since the March 4 BoH meeting where the board voted to lift all state covid restrictions. The second press release reiterating that stance was published Tuesday, March 9th. Canda stated that all our businesses can now open and run with their own rules. Citizens have the right to choose their own precautions.
A Douglas County Board of Health board member called Canda last night, he stated. In that conversation he lauded the actions of our BoH in standing up to the tyranny coming out of Denver. He told Canda “Thank God for Custer County” and he was extremely proud of our actions and don’t stop what you are doing. The Douglas director said that they will be issuing a press release saying that Douglas County will be petitioning the state to get off the covid color dial as their numbers are normal.
A comment from one of the peasants attending: They should have done what Custer County did and tell Polis to “pound sand” received a big ovation from the deplorables in the gallery.
Canda continued saying that last Friday the Custer County BoH received an urgent email from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) demanding that the board rescind its order by the next day by 5 p.m., that the county was in direct violation of the illegal dictates from Polis and his cronies and that Custer is in the Blue Level and by gosh, we will crush you deplorable rednecks if you do this. (Or language to that effect.) Canda went on to say that we have been working with the state all along, and have been granted variances. He also reported that CDPHE said they are working on a plan to move counties off the dreaded death dial but it would, at a minimum, take 10 months for a county to do it. So that ain’t gonna fly here..
All three directors have been contacted by the CDPHE storm troopers. Canda told the CDPHE that they will be having a meeting on March 10th and they will get back to them. He says the statist bullies are scared as Custer let “the cat out of the bag” and other counties are looking to do what we did and the bureaucrats want to stop the insurrection. And that means crushing us.
Canda continued with the statement that CDPHE literally threatened Custer with repercussions like not giving grants and such and Canda said that is “extortion”. Canda mentioned our state senator, Cleave Simpson, had called him and said, “I got your back”.
Day said he agreed with what Canda had said and thanked the county profusely for doing what was right (re safety protocols) during this mess and that that had produced a super safe county now. He said “We cannot legislate safety” which got a bunch of “Amens” from the peasants.
He supported Canda’s idea to write a letter to the CDHPE asking them to work with us but he said that any actions that they would want would still be up to the “individuals” in the county to implement.
Canda then jumped in and said that they now (as of yesterday) want to “work” with us as we did not fold after the Friday threat letter. (And other counties are jumping onboard.)
Flower was next up. He repeated the reasons he voted against the opening decision last week: the migrating mongol hordes from Texas will be coming here soon bringing the dreaded red bug with them killing all of us. He said despite his vote, he supports the position of the board. He then did a five-minute whine on how hard it is to be a politician and people are emailing and calling him complaining about his stance. The usual. He then defended the two interviews he did with KOA and KRDO saying he just gave them the facts and wasn’t knocking the board’s decision to not comply. Fair enough. He then said he had a 75-minute Zoom meeting with two of the head people at CDPHE running this covid thing and he asked them on a scale of between 1 and 10, with 10 being that Polis will punish Custer financially (grants, etc.), what would Polis do if we didn’t Kowtow to them? He said they both said 10. Flower replied to them that that was “extortion” and not right. He then went on and on about we better be ready for the consequences. Then more talk about meetings/emails/phone calls with other
political people in southern Colorado.
Then more whining again about how hard it is to do this job with all the criticism. Finally, he caps off the speech with how much he dislikes King Polis and Polis is ruining the state. Good Flower.
Canda, rested, fires back up with he knows the state can “punish” us but if they try the “press” would make a big deal out of it and then would be a big deterrent. (The problem in Custer is only one newspaper will defend the board’s actions.) He then goes on about writing the letter to CDPHE again.
Canda now makes a motion to stand firm with last week’s open-the-county vote and not comply with the threat letter CDPHE sent us. Commish Day seconds.
Flower reiterates his we better be ready for the statists to come down here and beat on us and we need to keep our “eyes open”.
There was some public discussion over this but not one person said they wanted the board to change its vote. In fact, a whole bunch of folks stood up and thanked the board for doing this.
The motion was finally voted on with ALL THREE BOARD MEMBERS voting yes.
The next BoH meeting was set for March 17, 5 p.m. at either the courtroom or Lange Hall.(The Sentinel applauds these guys. Somebody has to stand up to the tyranny coming out of Denver and it might as well be us. Comply this, King Polis.)

The board issued a press release post meeting giving their stance again on March 10, 2021.