by Fred Hernandez
By now we have all heard, or should have heard, about the choppers coming to our area. They will be crisscrossing our mountains, hills, valleys and towns. You may even see them overhead from your backyard as you barbeque a hot dog or burger. It will start very soon and continue until sometime in the first week of August. Why are they here? What are they mapping? Who sent them? What is it all about? Anything to do with the government?
On Thursday, the third Thursday of the month, June 17th, all the answers will be revealed at the Liberty Rocks event sponsored by Custer Citizens for the Constitution. As always it will be held at Tony’s Mountain Pizza starting at 5:30 p.m., to order food and drink, with the program proper commencing at 6 p.m.
The guest speaker is Mr. Jay Temple, a geoscientist employed by the Colorado Geological Survey which is a branch of the Colorado School of Mines. He lives in Colorado Springs and is under contract with the United States Geological Society (USGS). His mission is to survey this area of the Rocky Mountains to find, identify and map the location of certain elements, minerals and other substances that need to be made known to government agencies who are responsible for the production of materials that may be needed now or in the future. Mr. Temple has a lifetime experience in his profession and will give the community a complete picture of what is to be accomplished, for what reasons and other information relevant to the whole project. Come with all your questions, concerns, thoughts and suggestions. If you have any questions, see the Ad below for contact information.