November 11 BOH Meeting

BOH: Oh My!!! WuFlu Spike -Then Dip,
Dr. Doom Attacks the Good Doctor Brown
“Red Bug” Hedberg Gets Slammed

by George Gramlich,
News and Notations

The November 11, 2021 Custer County Board of Health’s (BOH) monthly meeting was pretty hot, with two whiny libs topping the cake at the end of the meeting. Situation normal in Happy Valley.
The Commissioners had to change their hats for little nurse’s caps as the three amigos sit in the capacity of the Board of Health directors.  All three directors were present, Chair Bill Canda and members Tom Flower and Kevin Day. The meeting started at 9 a.m.
First up, of course, was the good Doctor Clifford Brown who is the head of Custer County’s Public Health Agency (PHA). With the big increase in WuFlu cases lately, you knew it was going to be interesting. Brown restated what is commonly known, that the state’s reporting is way behind what is actually happening and it is often just shaky. He says the numbers he is posting in various places are the state’s numbers and can be a bit misleading as they are behind the actual curve. But it is what it is. Brown said we had a pretty big spike starting in late August and last Friday we had 43 positive WuFlu cases for the week, but now it is down to just 14 official and 2 more possible (youth) so things are definitely a bit better, but still not good. He noted that our seven-day positivity rate is 31.85 which is high but so is most of Colorado as well as our surrounding counties.
Brown said we have four people currently in the hospital with this stuff and eight (official) deaths but he knows we have more than that. (Probably around 11.) To date, Happy Valley has had 409 “cases”.
He then went into some detail about kids getting it and how he is working with the school to minimize the problem. He repeated the news that the state vaccine bus comes every other Friday to the school and they gave shots to 282 people last Friday. (That was all shots, including boosters.) As a side note, Brown said there are three state buses doing this and bad King Polis wanted to drop it to one a week last week but the uproar from the peasants was so great he decided not to. (What a kind and generous man.)
Brown said the vaccine bus folks have their act together. He said if you had symptoms, you should see your primary doctor and/or go to the local clinic. If you just want to be tested, you should call and make an appointment. Along those lines, he said Colorado is ranked very high (5th) in the country in infection rates right now. There have been a total of 4,751 vaccinations given in Happy Valley and about 75% of the people older than 65 have been vaccinated which is good. He said the new “anti-body” treatments are now available and they work well in minimizing the degree of sickness. And that was it for the Good Doctor.
Chair Canda then opened the floor for comments. To everybody’s
delight, the Chair of the Custer County Democrats, the ever-whining Dr. James (Dr. Doom) Gilbert was the first to get his whiney jaw going.  Rising to the apex height of liberal indignation, and in that whiny, plaintive voice that most libs have (which is beyond annoying. Like a four-year-old girl yelling at her younger brother), Dr. Gilbert starts stating some random statistics from Johns Hopkins University about the WuFlu and said at one point a week ago or so we supposedly had 51 WuFlu cases and that Dr. Brown somehow didn’t announce this to the world and that is so bad, so bad.
He then goes on an extended rant about how we have a ton of cases, the data is not being posted by Brown fast enough. On and on. Blah, blah, blah. We are all going to die because “nobody is doing anything”. The whine fest continues: Brown isn’t doing his job. You are not following your own recommendations. (The muskies are all looking at their computers trying to ignore the whine diatribe.) Doom says he is “disturbed” about Brown’s comment that the 43 cases could have been worse. Raising his voice another octave (If that was even humanly possible.) He says the Good Doctor Brown is not following up on people who should be isolated, and, his very life was just threatened as he was talking to somebody in the building who admitted they should be in isolation and WERE NOT!!! (OMG!!!!) If Brown is doing his job, how can things like this happen? He almost yells that the peasants in the county are NOT following the isolation rules and Brown is allowing this to happen. On and on. Blah, blah, blah.
Finally,  Day speaks up and asks Mr. Know-It-All what would YOU do to force people to isolate? After some incoherent mumbling, Gilbert says the Pubic Health Director has the AUTHORITY to issue “ORDERS” commanding the peasants to obey and Brown is not doing this.  Day says you can’t “legislate” people to obey and this sets off Doom Boy again.
Flower jumps in with nobody is going to tell Flower to wear a mask and he will make that decision on his own. And Flower is not going to tell Gilbert to wear a mask. Gilbert then gives the classic, lib self-righteous retort to people who questions masks saying I don’t wear a mask for my own protection, I wear for your protection. (What we need is hearing protection, Dr. Doom, from your insane self-absorbed, myopic, progressive guilt rants.) Then we get more whining. Finally, Canda says is that all you got there…, and the rant stops.
We’re not done with stupid libs yet, folks. Guess who Zooms in now, none other than the editor/owner of our very own local Wet Mountain Pravda, Jordy “Red Bug” Hedberg. Remember he has been on a pathologically insane quest to discredit the good Doctor Brown over an item in Brown’s incredible resume (a Masters Degree in Public Health) that the muskies didn’t even care about when they hired Brown. Red Bug has even filed a complaint with the state ethic’s commission over this and just recently published another hit piece on Brown and Public Health.
So, Red Bug announces on Zoom that he is present and wants to talk about something.  Canda asks him why he isn’t at the meeting (like a man. Gosh, even Dr. Doom showed up!) and Red Bug says oh no, I ain’t going into a little room with no ventilation with all YOU PEOPLE THERE. (That is, us peasant people.) Red Bug says he has requested the audio and minutes of the August 3rd (or 4th, he isn’t clear about that) 2020 BOH meeting. This is a meeting where the muskies discussed hiring Brown. He says he hasn’t gotten the stuff yet. Flower and Canda tell Red Bug that the county can’t find the audio and minutes. They later say the BOH meetings were kind of messy back then and they didn’t have a regular secretary (and the audio/minutes were either never done or lost now). This freaks Red Bug out as he needs those items to prove “certain things” that the muskies did at that meeting. Then more whining.
Red Bug then says the county had asked him to retract an article he wrote last year attacking Brown and the muskies and he won’t do it, but Mr. Magnanimous offers to “ compromise ” if the MUSKIES print a letter saying they are sorry about what they said about poor lil’ Red Bug. (The words ‘self destructive’ comes to mind here.)
Canda flat out says no. We’re not going to retract anything on that letter. That shuts Red Bug up. And that’s it for the Red Bug (for a minute.)
Citizen Tracy Ballard then Zooms in and says one person at today’s meeting showed an incredible amount of disrespect towards the good Doctor Brown and she apologizes for that rude person’s behavior. Doom Boy is quiet. (Good job, Tracy.)
Ted Ballard comes up on Zoom asking about whether the American Legion should have their Veteran’s Day Banquet this Thursday (November 11) as he is worried about the WuFlu. He says about 60 would be there. This, of course, causes everybody to talk about it.
It looks like at the end, Ted is going to cancel it.
Canda then says he has something prepared to say. Canda says the latest hit piece on the BOH and Brown in the November 4th issue of the Wet Mountain Pravda was totally false, misleading and did a disservice to the community. He went about how the state’s late reporting is the big issue and not the Public Health Agency’s (PHA) reporting. He said they agreed a long time ago to weekly reports and that is what Brown is doing. Canda says Red Bug is reporting street hearsay as facts and notes that Mr. Red Bug Cub Reporter has never asked for an interview with PHA or the BOH since Brown took office. Canda goes over more “false accusations” in Red Bug’s article ending with Red Bug is hurting our community with these allegations about the PHA and Brown. Canda says he is not going to debate this now. And folks, that was that.