Press Release
Despite having mostly dirt roads to drive on, many car enthusiasts are attracted to our valley. Our highways are certainly beautiful driving roads with unparalleled vistas. However, for permanent residents, people who love cars and love to drive feel somewhat isolated from other car enthusiasts. Our summertimeWestcliffe Car Show is a fun event, but what happens to those enthusiasts the rest of the year when they can’t be out and participating in car culture? They feel lonely.
Now car culture has come to the airways on KLZR. Local car enthusiasts can now get a weekly fix of fun car information and
brotherhood/sisterhood feel good vibes by listening to the “Automotive ADHD” radio show Saturdays at 10:15 a.m.
The radio show is hosted by a locally grown host who has deep roots in the valley. Matt West is a radio broadcaster by profession and a car hobbyist who loves to talk endlessly about cars. In the radio show he provides car news, engaging interviews, interesting car trivia, and even explains car mechanics so than non-mechanical people can understand engines and other moving parts.
The local radio show is only available on KLZR, but a regional version of the show is available as a podcast through most streaming platforms under the title of “Automotive ADHD.” If they miss the local broadcast, car lovers can still keep up with car culture online or via their smart phone on the podcast. More information is available on the “Automotive ADHD” Facebook page at
automotive adhd.
For more information or to schedule an interview with Matt:
Berta Boucher, marketing assistant:
Matt West: 719-285-3731