SDC Sentinel Has an Embedded Reporter Covering The People’s Convoy

The SDC Sentinel
Has an  Embedded Reporter Covering
The People’s Convoy

by George Gramlich, Editor

The People’s Convoy, emulating the very successful recent Canadian Freedom Convoy, will be leaving California this Wednesday, February 23rd and head to Washington, D.C. (See the People’s Convoy Press Release on page 23.) This is going to be a big, big
deal, patriots.

We are pleased to announce that the Sangre de Cristo Sentinel will have an embedded reporter covering the convoy from the start to the end. That reporter is the conservative author, blogger, film maker, T.L. Davis. T.L. is a big friend of the Sentinel and we have run many of his articles since we started. T.L. called us up last week and wanted to know if we could bring him on as a reporter as he was in contact with People’s Convoy administration re him being a credentialed reporter. We got T.L. a Press Pass and he left on
Monday to drive to California to cover this momentous event.

T.L. will be sending us daily updates which we will post on our website and FoolBook. We will have a comprehensive report every issue while this lasts.

Follow T.L. Davis at, or go to and search for Texas TL in Exile.

Contact information for The People’s Convoy:

For more links see  our page : People’s convoy updates and links on the left side bar (top)