Brad Baltzly Announces Run for Coroner

In a letter to the Editor, Brad Announced his run for Coroner:

Hello Custer County.
I am pleased to announce that I am running for Custer County Coroner. I have lived in the valley since 1994 and have operated Baltzly Construction Services here for almost 28 years. I have an extensive background in death and crime scene investigation including training on the national level at the National Forensics Laboratory, Metro State College in Denver, and all of the courses offered by the Colorado Coroner’s Association. I was your chief deputy coroner here for five years.
Many people have asked me “why would you want to be coroner?” My answer is this, the death is an unfortunate and sad part of the job, but the investigation is very intriguing, and as the last advocate for the deceased, our job is incredibly important. In such a small community I’ve known many of the people I’ve picked up. Many were close friends. Friends that didn’t want to be handled by a stranger. I took great pride in being there for them and for my community when they needed me. You can follow me on Facebook baltzly for coroner or email me at
I would greatly appreciate your support in the upcoming primary election. Thank you for your consideration. –—Brad Baltzly