denver, despotism, and the death of self governance

by Ashe in America

Amid the chaos, destruction, and distractions, the Colorado Communists have been busy, led by the youngest Secretary of State…the darling of the Cabal…the doe-eyed pinocchio to Soros’ Gepetto…the incomparable Jena Marie Griswold.

Secretary Griswold and her legislative lapdogs are ramming through a radical power grab of Colorado elections, and based on the pace they are currently moving, Ron Hanks (HD60, US Senate Candidate) is predicting whiplash:

“This can be rammed through by the end of next week, in my estimation. It went through Senate State and Veteran Affairs and was referred to Senate Appropriations. We could see it in the State House committees as early as Monday. Passing any meaningful amendments through the House is unlikely, so it could move quickly.”

Representative Ron Hanks (R), HD60 and US Senate Candidate

The bill abstract states that it, “increases election security measures for the secretary of state’s office, election officials, candidates for elected office, and voters.” That’s one way of looking at it.

Representative Hanks has another, “Every one of my colleagues needs to admit that this piece of legislation effectively nullifies local oversight of elections. County Officials are elected, just like the Secretary of State, but this law subjugates them to her. It removes local governance and control in one of the most important area of American government — our elections.”

he’s not wrong – this bill destroys self governance

In our current gold standard, Emperor, er, Secretary Griswold controls pretty much everything. The Communist, er, Democrat Party doesn’t allow for dissent in Colorado or, let’s face it, anywhere. They all do what they’re told.

While there are a few loopholes in our current election law that this legislation aims to close – a few areas where the People of Colorado still have some visibility and oversight in how their rulers are selected – the true aim of this radical bill is to make it a crime even to question the Empress of Golden Election Fraud.

Keep in mind that, according to the March 8, 2022 Rasmussen poll, 54% of likely voters believe it is likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. Only 40% don’t think it’s likely, and that’s only because there has been zero coverage of the mountains of evidence that continue to accrue since election day.

Anyone who looks knows the election was stolen. The tide is turning – and Jena is wigging.

For heaven’s sake, the Wisconsin Speaker Vos just admitted Wednesday (March 16, 2022) that fraud in Wisconsin was widespread. I joined Joe Oltmann on Conservative Daily Wednesday to discuss the developments in Wisconsin, and we were joined by Peter Bernegger, Draza Smith, Dr. Doug Frank, and Jeff O’Donnell. It was both fun and illuminating, and you should check it out!

All over the country, elected officials like Speaker Vos have had to walk back their previous fraud denials. That doesn’t bother Secretary Griswold. She is committed to keeping her Empire of Fraud. Let’s take a look.

what are we looking at?

The preamble of this abomination to self governance reads:

“The bill increases election security measures for the secretary of state’s office, election officials, candidates for elected office, and voters. Current law authorizes the attorney general and the secretary of state (secretary) to enforce the provisions of the election code by injunctive action brought in the district court for the judicial district in which any violation occurs.” (emphasis added)

Colorado SB22-153

The key words and phrases to pay attention to here are, “enforce,” “by injunctive action,” and “any violation.” That’s the set up.

And in the amended version from committee, the “and” is changed to “or,” meaning Secretary Griswold can act alone on this. May the odds be ever in your favor.

Attorney General Phil Weiser and/or Secretary of State Jena Griswold are going to enforce, by injunctive action, certain punishments on anyone for any violation.

That seems like a totally legit thing they can do. 

Keep in mind: AG Weiser has had the Mesa County Forensic Report #1 since September 2021, showing evidence of criminal violations of State and Federal election law by Griswold, and Weiser has not so much as used a sentence with letters that could spell “investigation,” much less investigated.  That means Colorado election laws are meant for Griswold to subject you to, not for her to follow…..

To read the rest of the article, please see