Surprise! Sussmann Acquitted and Hillary Clinton Not Indicted. Yet.

by Gene Ferraro, Contributor
While the Michael Sussmann trial is over, the stench of the beltway swamp lingers. On Tuesday, May 31, 2022, Michael Sussmannn, the lawyer charged with the single crime of lying to the FBI was acquitted “by a jury of his peers”. Of those peers, several of the selected jurors openly expressed strong disdain for former President Donald Trump and/or support for Hillary Clinton. Most said they hadn’t heard a thing about the Sussmannn case prior to their selection as jurors. To no one’s surprise, at trial it was revealed that Sussmann, a former partner at prestigious law firm Perkins Coie and himself, a onetime federal prosecutor, had been secretly hired by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to attend to its dirty campaign plan. It was proven that Sussmann’s mission was to propagate the Russia-Trump collusion narrative to destroy Donald Trump and discredit the millions of Americans who supported his candidacy for president. The entire affair was orchestrated and financed by none other than candidate, Hillary Rodham Clinton.
At the trial, it was revealed that in order to accomplish his mission, Sussmann fed the FBI false accusations of Trump links to Russia’s Alpha Bank. Concurrently, Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele, a discredited former British Secret Intelligence Service agent, separately funneled their infamous dossier to that same, hapless and complaisant, FBI. To keep the voters watching the complaisant evening news and popular media outlets the Clinton team shoveled them all the dirt they could conjure. Demonstrated at the trial was that Sussmann personally provided intentionally
false information to the grossly incompetent and dishonest FBI, which it then fed to the media, who in turn dutifully reported the lies they were provided by FBI, which gave the FBI credibility and cover…ensuring it would endlessly supply new headlines for the “media”.
To keep their Trump reputation destruction machine operating at capacity, the FBI went so far as to allow Sussmann to review and edit one if its own press releases. Sussmann was even on a first name basis with the then, FBI General Counsel, James Baker. While general counsel, Baker openly described Sussmann as a “friend” and typically met with him with a mere 24 hours’ notice. So tight were the two, Baker had provided Sussmann a government issued access card to the FBI headquarters! Any book publisher would turn away a fiction writer who authored such a silly and incredulous storyline.
As if the left needed more assistance to destroy Trump and his “illegitimate” campaign, then CIA Director John Brennan on cue, tipped off Senate minority leader, Harry Reid (how we’d like to forget him) with all the Russian collusion claims he could muster. The miserable Trump hater Harry, then eagerly wrote a letter, which was successfully leaked to the public, containing Brennan’s
“verified” but uncredited, accusations against Trump.
As an outgrowth of his then secret affiliation with the DNC, in September 2016, Sussmannn took claims of a secret Trump connection to Russia’s Alfa Bank to the FBI and said he wasn’t acting on behalf of any client or organization. Prosecutors have maintained he and his firm, were secretly working for the Clinton campaign when he went to the FBI. It is clear now that his intensions were to smear Trump and discredit him and every American who supported him.
It is now a matter of record, that entire affair was a carefully orchestrated dishonest and disgraceful conspiracy. To no one’s surprise, the leaders of the Clinton campaign not only knew the truth and withheld it, but also sponsored it. While we can expect most of the press will ignore that which was revealed at Sussmann’s trial, the Russia-Trump narrative that Clinton sanctioned did enormous harm to our nation and its reputation. It disgraced the FBI, humiliated the press (if possible) dishonored Trump’s supporters, and sent our weary nation on a three-year investigation to nowhere. Vladimir Putin has never, nor will he ever come close to inflicting such harm and damage our great nation.
God Bless Us, One and All.