New Town Manager, Trustee Cole Resigns, Cathy Snow Appointed Mayor Pro Tem, Proposed Relocation of Farmer’s Market, Updated Building Codes Coming, & Water District Q4 Report
by Becky Olson
The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees for the Town of Westcliffe was held on January 17th and convened as scheduled at 5:30 p.m. in the conference room. A quorum of Trustees was present and proceedings commenced after recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance and unanimous adoption of the consent agenda.
There being no old business, the Trustees moved into the first item of new business: Discussion of possibly moving the farmer’s market from its current location in Jess Price Park due to concerns about signs of heavy use on the grass. A representative of the farmer’s market was present to express concerns with the pro-posed relocation to an area with less visibility, citing the negative economic impact this would have on some of our community’s most vulnerable businesses. After a fair amount of discussion, it seems that perhaps the installation of astro turf at Jess Price Park might be the best compromise. The Trustees decided to postpone any decisions while they researched the logistics and cost of this proposed solution.
Next on the agenda was the presentation of the Sheriff’s Office’s Q4 2022 report, but no one from the SO was present at the meeting, so next up was the Director of the Round Mountain Water and Sanitation District (RMWSD), Dave Schneider, with the district’s Q4 report. Mr. Schneider reports approval from the state for the new wastewater treatment plant technology is anticipated this spring, where after the district can proceed with design and construction. Phase One, which addresses the district’s current needs, is expected to take six months to complete, but Mr. Schneider reiterates that tap permits can resume being issued as soon as ground breaks on that work. Phase Two, which addresses the district’s retention ponds, is expected to take 12-18 months to complete. The district’s new well will not be online now until about mid-March due to challenges obtaining certain supplies, but once that is ready, the district will be taking full advantage of its senior water rights for the first time ever. Mr. Schneider concluded with brief comments on the reservoir project, stating an inter-governmental agreement with the Upper Arkansas Water Conservancy District (UAWCD) is currently being drafted and the project is expected to proceed this summer.
Next up was Bill Christie, who was appointed interim Director of the Office of Emergency Management after former Director Adrian Washington’s resignation last month. Mr. Christie will serve as interim Director until the vacancy is filled, and asked the Trustees if they could send a representative to the office of OEM’s monthly community meetings. Trustee Cathy Snow volunteered to be that representative.
The Trustees quickly addressed a procedural item to ask town attorney Clay Buchner to draft a proposed ordinance for some changes to Title X of the town’s municipal code pertaining to requirements for rebuilding structures after fires that were not up to current building codes. The Trustees then quickly voted unanimously to pass ordinance 01-2023 formalizing last month’s decision to move the regular monthly meeting of Trustees from the third Monday to the third Tuesday of each month.
The Trustees next discussed bids received for the work to fill in the pond on Adams Boulevard, per the orders of the Division of Water Resources. The Water Commissioner, Jerry Livengood, was present to address questions from the Trustees, as well as concerns that the entirety of the Division’s requirements have not been well articulated to the town thus far. The Trustees requested certain clarifications and assur-ances in writing from Mr. Livengood, who also expressed he would be very generous with the required timeline for completion of the work to fill the pond so long as he could see steps were being taken to comply.
The Trustees then briefly discussed the impact of new regulations on the costs of relevant town employees obtaining Commercial Driver’s Licenses (CDL’s). Town Clerk, Kathy Reis, suggested adding a requirement for employ-ees to pay back a portion of this cost if they leave within a certain period of time. This topic will be revisited in February’s meeting.
The Trustees then voted unanimously to authorize Mayor Paul Wenke and new Town Manager, Caleb Patterson, to work together to purchase a used pickup truck for Mr. Patterson to use when performing inspections.
A brief discussion then ensued on the desire to update the town’s building code from the International Building Code (IBC) organization’s 2006 regulations to the 2018 regulations. No action was taken at this time and more fact gathering and discussion will follow.
The Trustees then voted unanimously (and regrettably) to accept Trustee Bess Cole’s resignation. After Mrs. Cole was thanked for her service, the Trustees voted unanimously to affirm Mayor Wenke’s appoint-ment of Trustee Cathy Snow as the new Mayor pro tem and to appoint Trustees George Mowery and Randy Wilhelm as new check signatories. Town Clerk Reis will place ads in the local papers to solicit letters of intent from individuals interested in filling the vacancy. If the position isn’t filled within 60 days, an election is required to be held. Moving on, the Trustees next voted unanimously to appoint resident Chris Lund to the town’s Master Plan Review Committee.
After some minor housekeeping items in Staff Reports, and with no further discussion items or public comment, the meeting was adjourned.