Thank You for Recent Moonlight Excursion!


Dear George,
The Republican Caucus in Custer County really showed that it is gathering in spirit and creativity when it produced a very original social gathering last Saturday night at All Aboard Westcliffe!
The venue was super appropriate because the party was to commemorate one of the most exciting parties that ever took place in a county that has a reputation for pretty good parties.
In 1908, our ancestors gathered at our very own train station for a moonlight ride from Westcliffe to Hillside by train. The participants partied on as the train whisked through the beautiful countryside. The event was legendary!
With the grandeur that our forebears managed to manifest during those difficult times of silver mining and ranching in mind, the Republicans decided to relive those thrilling events of yesteryear as a fundraiser for the party.
Brad Baltzly and Nikita Phillips served up delicious dinner. So many of the ladies went to the trouble to find beautiful period clothing. Their colorful and elegant finery transformed our train station venue from the ordinary to the sublime. It really was beautiful, everyone!
There are so many people to thank, I am sure I will make a mistake and leave out someone who went the extra mile. I do not know who made the wonderful pies that were auctioned off, except for those from Lisa Avery, who is, as we all know, one of the top gardeners and cooks in the county. Please let me know who else baked pies and I will amend my thank you!
The committee to bring period frivolity to our town was headed by
Brian Thomas. Committee members included all the usual suspects who drive all the successes we have with their hard work and generosity: Ann Barthrop, Lisa Kidwell (booted for torn meniscus in her knee, she still soldiered on), Paul Vogelsong, Nikita Phillips, Brad Baltzly, Joan Wilcox, Stephen Wilcox, Cathy Thomas, Kathy Lutz, Dawn Ramsdell , Jason White and Nancy Drummond.
Waiters who served up
elegant appetizers and served the partiers were high school students. The D. J. was Sean Thomas.
Once all the bills are paid and all the dancing slippers from under the beautiful ball gowns are returned to their satin boxes for the next exciting Republican event, the committee believes the proceeds will top $1,500 for the upcoming election coffers.
We who attended were enchanted by it all and wish to express our great thanksgiving for a creative, purely fun evening. When these things are done in the spirit of love and generosity like this, wonderful times ensue!
Thank you to all you wonderful people!
Bill and Joanne Canda
Rural Custer County