Breaking News! Custer County BOCC OK’s Firearms in County Buildings

by George Gramlich
At the June 19, 2024 Custer County Board of County Commissioners meeting, the Commissioners passed Resolution 24-08, Lawful Possession of Firearms in Sensitive Buildings.
Background: The Colorado legislature recently passed a bill, SB 24-131 prohibiting the carry of weapons in county buildings. However, it provided that counties can opt out of the restriction.
Many counties to date have done so including Fremont County. The Sentinel has been encouraging the Commissioners to also do this.
Commissioner Epp put the Resolution on the Agenda and had County Attorney Slater modify Fremont County’s Resolution for Custer County.
Resolution 24-08 allows for the open and concealed carry of firearms in all county buildings except for the courtroom and adjacent court clerk’s area. Note that there is a prior county resolution that prohibits the open carrying of firearms in certain designated areas (such as Human Services). Resolution 24-08 keeps those restrictions in place.
All three Commissioners voted to pass the Resolution.
Bottom Line: You can continue to open or concealed carry in Custer County public buildings except for the courtroom area and certain
delineated specific areas.