Press Release
The Sangre Shooting Sports Club (SSSC) held its annual members’ meeting on Saturday, January 18, 2025, at Lange Hall in the Hope Lutheran Church, Westcliffe. Approximately 60 people were in attendance. Morning
refreshments were served. 2024 accomplishments
were reviewed and planned activities for 2025 were revealed including community efforts such as CPR classes and highway cleanup adventures as well as shooting events. Sheriff
Rich Smith also gave a presentation on new and proposed Colorado gun laws that will have an impact on individual citizens. Tom Sullivan was reelected as President. Cole Collins, Peggi Collins, Bill Garrett, Steve Konegni, John Noard and Linda Pollack were elected as Board Members. Specific Officer positions were selected by the Board members. They are John Noard, VP, Peggi Collins, Secretary and Bill Garrett, Treasurer.