SB22-153 Election integrity??? Bill: Recommended Reading

NEW National: Videos of people stuffing the ballot boxes

Crane admits election law violations! HERE

Cranes letter to the legislature HERE

fraud PROVEN in colorado, cabal freaks out, legislators respond

Joy Overbeck: Egregious bill criminalizes clerks checking election accuracy
This flagrantly despotic bill fixes that dilemma by actually eliminating the authority of the local county clerk and canvassing board to certify their own elections. Section 13 of the bill gives the secretary of state sole authority to overrule a county’s decision not to certify. If a local canvassing board refuses to certify because it has found problems in the election, as have been found in many counties – such as hundreds of invalid voter registrations because voters moved, or died, or don’t exist – the secretary of state can certify anyway.  This provision effectively renders the work of the local canvassing board null and void.

Some of the provisions of this jaw-dropping bill drastically change existing Colorado law, some are also very likely unconstitutional, and some are both. Examples:……”



Downloading the reports concerning Mesa County Voting Machines: All three reports now available.

NEW 05/01/22  Jeff O’Donnell Explains Audit #3 Mesa County and other election fraud items.