June Westcliffe Meeting: Restaurant Outdoor Seating Fees, Dark Skies Doesn’t Like Proposed New Rodeo Lights

by Becky Olson
The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees for the Town of Westcliffe was held on June 20, 2023, and convened as scheduled at 5:30 p.m. in Patterson Hall. All Trustees were present and proceedings commenced after recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance and unanimous adoption of the consent agenda.
The first item of old business was a unanimous vote to approve a zoning variance specifically for a large propane tank being installed above ground by Tim Broll on his property at 57600 Highway 69 just south of town. Next, Town Manager, Caleb Patterson presented his proposed changes to the town’s municipal code to address the process and requirements for restaurants that wish to use up to two parking spaces in front of their businesses for outdoor seating. The Trustees were leaning toward a fixed fee that restaurants would pay annually, but no final decision was made and a workshop was scheduled to allow the Trustees to determine the desired cost of the annual permit. This item will be taken up for a vote in July’s meeting.
The next item of old business was discussion and consideration of two design plans for Jess Price Park submitted by DHM Design. The Trustees voted unanimously to proceed with design A with minor requested modifications, and also to proceed with the development of construction plans so the project can be put out for bids. Next a draft of the town’s proposed new purchasing policy was determined to be too draconian for the Town of Westcliffe, and town attorney, Clay Buchner was asked to present a modified second draft at a future meeting. Up next was Josh Martin with Martin and Tope Real Estate on Main Street with a request for the town to cover the cost of repairs needed to the sidewalk in front of his business. The town doesn’t have a formal policy governing financial arrangements for such repairs, but the standard practice for the past few decades has been for the cost to be split fifty-fifty by the town and business owners. Discussion ensued
though when Mr. Martin pointed out that he doesn’t own the sidewalk, and Trustee Cathy Snow reminded her fellow Trustees that if anyone is injured on the sidewalk it’s the town’s liability, not Martin and Tope’s. No vote was taken and a workshop was scheduled to determine who will be responsible for the cost.
Keith Hood, in his capacity as the county’s representative on the Arkansas Valley Water roundtable, was up
next with a recommendation to the Trustees that they appoint Round Mountain Water and Sanitation District’s (RMWSD) director, Dave Schneider, as the town’s representative on the roundtable. The roundtable is mostly a recommendation body that works to provide guidance, planning, and knowledge sharing related to water projects. Mr. Schneider was not present, but had previously met with Mr. Hood and agreed to accept such a nomination to serve as the town’s representative on the roundtable. Trustee Randy Wilhelm abstained from an otherwise unanimous vote to appoint Mr. Schneider, citing his role as a member of the RMWSD’s board, and also because he had not personally spoken with Mr. Schneider about this appointment at the time the vote was being taken.
The new county Office of Emergency Management director, Robin Knappe, was up next with a request for the town to ratify the 2021 emergency operations plan drafted by the previous OEM director. The Trustees tabled this item until July’s meeting to allow them time to review the plan and take a vote.
In new business, the Trustees unanimously approved the transfer of Chappy’s restaurant liquor license to the new owner; the contract between the town and a new public relations slash communications manager consultant, Tabitha Erb, was unanimously approved; and the Trustees heard a request from attorney Mark Andrews with the Andrews Law Firm to sell a parcel of town property for the purpose of erecting a billboard advertising his law firm’s services. No decision was made on that latter request and the Trustees tabled this item to July’s meeting so they can determine whether they are interested in selling the proposed two parcels.
In staff reports, Town Clerk, Kathy Reis reported that the town had received $544,000 in funding from CDOT with a required twenty percent match from the town for some road and sidewalk projects. In public comment, a representative from the Dark Skies organization brought to the Trustees’ attention that his organization does not approve of the new proposed lighting plan at the rodeo grounds and they will not be recommending approval of said plan to the Trustees. Town Manager, Mr. Patterson agreed to work with the Dark Skies group to determine if any modifications could be suggested that would bring the rodeo’s proposed lighting plan into alignment with the town’s adopted Dark Skies ordinances. With no further items or public comment, the meeting was adjourned.