All posts by sentineladmin

3rd Street Gallery Announces People’s Choice Awards

3rd Street Gallery
People’s Choice Awards

Press Release,
Sangre Art Guild (SAG)
The latest art show at the 3rd Street Gallery is presented under the title of “June’s “Bustin’ Out”. The reception for this latest Gallery show was held Saturday June 1st. Those not able to attend the reception are invited to come and visit the Gallery during the month of June to enjoy almost 50 works of art created by Colorado artists for this show. Congratulations to the two People’s Choice winners selected during the reception:

First Place to Pattie Wall for her pastel entitled “Coyote Moon” and Second Place to Jill Westbrook for her watercolor entitled “Shadowfax”.

A July show, “July’s a Poppin’”, will feature all new artwork. Intake for the July show will be June 30th and July 1st and artists of all skill levels, styles and mediums are encouraged to submit their work. Judging the July’s a Poppin’ show will be well known Colorado artist and art instructor Joe Cawlfield. These shows and others during the summer season are sponsored by the Sangres Art Guild, a 501(c)(3) non-profit. The 3rd Street Gallery is located at 59000 N. Highway 69, Westcliffe (719-315-6045). For more show information please visit

BOCC: Day Brings the Deep State to Happy Valley, Public Health Director Resigns

BOCC: Day Brings the Deep State
to Happy Valley,
Public Health Director Resigns

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary
Man, when a local politician around here goes bad, they usually go real bad. And we have had a TON of experience with that here in Happy Valley over the last eight years or so. Sadly, Commissioner Kevin Day is following the same “bad” script as some of our ex Commissioners have done. It is sad, we had high hopes for Day. See below for the details.
The June 12, 2024 Custer County Board of County Commissioners regular Wednesday meeting started at 9 a.m. All three Commissioners were present: Bill Canda, Lucas Epp and Kevin Day. It was held in their throne room in the building across from the courthouse. Continue reading BOCC: Day Brings the Deep State to Happy Valley, Public Health Director Resigns

Breaking News! Custer County BOCC OK’s Firearms in County Buildings

by George Gramlich
At the June 19, 2024 Custer County Board of County Commissioners meeting, the Commissioners passed Resolution 24-08, Lawful Possession of Firearms in Sensitive Buildings.
Background: The Colorado legislature recently passed a bill, SB 24-131 prohibiting the carry of weapons in county buildings. However, it provided that counties can opt out of the restriction.
Many counties to date have done so including Fremont County. The Sentinel has been encouraging the Commissioners to also do this.
Commissioner Epp put the Resolution on the Agenda and had County Attorney Slater modify Fremont County’s Resolution for Custer County.
Resolution 24-08 allows for the open and concealed carry of firearms in all county buildings except for the courtroom and adjacent court clerk’s area. Note that there is a prior county resolution that prohibits the open carrying of firearms in certain designated areas (such as Human Services). Resolution 24-08 keeps those restrictions in place.
All three Commissioners voted to pass the Resolution.
Bottom Line: You can continue to open or concealed carry in Custer County public buildings except for the courtroom area and certain
delineated specific areas.

Town of Westcliffe May Meeting

Westcliffe Town Meeting: Another Trustee
Resignation, Facade Grant Recipients Approved, Round Mountain Water Update

The Westcliffe
Board of Trustees Meeting
Tuesday, May 21, 2024,
5:30 p.m.
by Laura Vass
After the Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call was taken. With Mayor Wenke absent and Loree Lund having resigned, there was still a quorum. The Pro Tem is currently Trustee George Mallory.
Under Old Business, the board approved Ordinance 2-2024 amending Title 10, Chapter 4, Section 3 Outdoor Lighting, adding paragraph H. The addition creates exemptions for 1) Holiday lighting, 2) Official government lighting maintained by the town for public health, safety, and welfare. 3) Special Events with outdoor lights with a special permit provision for such.
Next on the agenda was considering Westcliffe as a non-sanctuary town. The board decided that it’s not necessary since the county has made the declaration and the declaration carries no weight.
Mike with US Solar, who presented at the April meeting, was back. He noted that for those signing on to the life-time agreement, the estimated lifetime savings are $1,400. The Town of Westcliffe agreed to partner with US Solar which was interpreted to mean that they would promote information about signing up with US Solar. When asked, Mike explained that the relationship with Black Hills Energy (BHE) is that BHE partners in the plan to build Solar “Gardens” and work with customers who sign up to give them discounts on their electric plan. (US Solar has a Solar Garden about 40 miles east of Pueblo that folks in our area can sign up to participate in. See
Adding the new Chapter 6 Tiny Homes to the Town’s Land Use ordinances was approved unanimously with Ordinance 3 -2024. The new chapter addresses the building structure, increasing the allowed maximum size to 500 square feet and does not seem to deviate from the State definition and building code for tiny homes.
The Conservation Easement with the Town of Westcliffe and Colorado Open Lands to transfer property from Westcliffe to
United Business Bank was finalized. The land easement was approved followed by Resolution No. 4-2024 approving the transfer of property.
Under New Business, the trustees approved a Special Event
Liquor Permit for Veterans Ranch Rescue at 410 Main St.
A building variance for a new garage was approved for a homeowner.
Round Mountain Water and Sanitation (RMWSD) report was
next. Operations Manager Dave Schneider has quite a bit of good news considering the hurdles over the past three years. Dave reported that the new well is pumping 270 gallons a minute. CDPHE is requiring that they run an eight-month test to see if it affects the ground water that goes to the creek. That will be complete in October. The test was done in 2017 at the shallower well so it seems redundant. The new well is deeper and 80 feet farther east of Grape Creek.  Red tape…
They are required to build a reservoir as part of the agreement with a ranch RMWSD bought 20 years ago. Some of the plans were rejected which dropped the amount of water the reservoir can hold by 30%. They are working with the adjacent rancher to buy another 100 ft. strip so they can enlarge the reservoir. RMW was able to sell as dry land, the 230 acres, for 1.5 million dollars, so that helps some of the expense of the 4-million-dollar reservoir project. Round Mountain just finished a 2.1 million dollar project for the meter replacement and well. Between the meter replacements, the solar array, and the grant, they do not need to raise rates again to cover the project.
RMW has to utilize the Upper Ark augmentation rules in order to use the full 270 gpm they are pumping. CDEPHE is requiring Round Mountain to hire an engineering firm to help design the plan for the wastewater treatment plant. They are still punching for grants, but the good news is that DOLA is allowing them to apply for a 400K grant. The new proposed configuration is creating quite a bit of interest in the state and nationally as it would be an effective solution and would cost about a third of what traditional treatment systems cost.
RMWSD is going to de-sludge the current holding pond and will use it as part of their demonstration project. Dave is hoping for a build in the spring of 2025. Dave reexplained how they obtained access to the new technology they plan to use. The system they’ll use for the project trials was designed as a demonstration trailer for wastewater in the Canadian Tar Sands. Canada closed the door on the project during Covid and the creators had put 1.5 million into it. So they allowed Round Mountain to use the trailer for this project. It can’t be hooked up until the design gets approved, but it is still being stored here.
Dave also noted that augmentation of snow has taken them up to almost 100%.
Under New Business, the Façade Grant applications were accepted. Recipients this year are Mountain Music Instruments, JH Westcliffe LLC, Boutique on Main, Rocky Carr (Old Town Hall), Westcliffe Center for Performing Arts, Western Star Center, Native Woods, and Wet Mountain Rustics LLC.
Other items under consideration: A request to move forward with heating the Memorial Park rest-rooms. A planning workshop was scheduled for (WPAC) and scheduling Affordable Housing and Housing Easements. (That workshop was held Friday the 31st
at 1 p.m.)
Under Board Adjustments, based on a letter to the board from Mr. Zawacki, the board considered the request to keep the Ace Hardware lights on the agenda each month until it is resolved. This did not sit well with the town lawyer. The town lawyer suggested that the town not address the request for the agenda item or address either party. He suggested the board wait and address it when it comes up as a code enforcement issue.
Manager Jeremy Handy was there to represent Ace Hard-ware. Mr. Zawacki was not in attendance. Jeremy offered an update: The timers are shut off in one area. They are set for a few hours usage in another area. Caleb Patterson went up with Jeremy in a lift to look at the higher lights and discovered they have three angle options. They can be turned directly downward.
Staff & Committee Reports
The town will run a Notice / Ad to solicit interest in the board opening left by Lorie Lund’s resignation. If they don’t receive any letters, they’ll have to have a special election.
The town lawyer, Clay Buchner, said if they have to run an election, it would be a good idea to propose on the same ballot, the ability to have a 5-person board. (It is currently a 7-person board.)
The Town Manager, Caleb Patterson, gave an update on the lots behind Jess Price Park, which are finished in time for the Farmer’s Market to set up. He also mentioned that the crosswalks and flashing lights still need to be approved and completed. One will go across Hwy 69 near Hermit Ln. The other will go across Hermit Ln. to the park.
With no public comment, the meeting adjourned.

Services for Marilyn K. Eastwood

Obituary for Marilyn K. Eastwood

Marilyn K Eastwood, age 77, passed away on Friday June 7, 2024 at Memorial Central Hospital in Colorado Springs after a short illness. She was born in Kansas City, MO on December 10, 1946. Marilyn grew up in Amarillo, Texas, with her parents Fred and Kathrine Cox, brothers Fred and Larry. She graduated from Amarillo High School in 1964 and after some college entered the insurance field as a secretary, worked her way up to an executive assistant and finished her career as a licensed agent.

She met her husband Gary in Colorado Springs in 1981 and were married in August 1983. They then moved to the Denver area where they lived until retiring in 2000. They moved to Westcliffe in November, 2001 to the Bull Domingo Ranch where they had purchased property in 1987, built their retirement home in which they were currently living.

Marilyn is survived by her husband Gary, daughter Julie (Joshua) Hester, grandchildren Emily, Cade and Samantha Hester, step son Andrew (Trey) Eastwood, grandchildren Avery, Ethan and Owen Eastwood, brother Fred (Quenna) Cox,  sister in law Judith Abbott, Joyce (Bryce) Ruschhaupt, Patricia Sasser, numerous nieces and nephews,  many friends and parishioners in the Westcliffe area.

Funeral arrangements are being handled by Holt Family Funeral Home in Canon City, Services will be held at Our Lady of Assumption Catholic Church in Westcliffe at 9:30AM on June 18, 2024.

Burial will be at the Assumption cemetery and then lunch at the parish hall provided by the Altar Society. Marilyn had requested that in lieu of flowers, please make a donation for the new Tabernacle in the church. Contact Diane in the church office @ 719-783-3507.

BOCC: Day Announces He Is Running for Re-Election, Plus Bombshell

BOCC: Day Announces He Is Running
for Re-Election,
Bombshell: Public Health Director Brown Put on Administrative Leave!

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary

This week’s BOCC had two bombshell announcements. One we knew was coming (Kevin Day) and one that was a total surprise. (Yes, it was just another wonderful day in Happy Valley.)
So, what happened at the Custer County Board of County Commissioners May 28, 2024 meeting regarding Commissioner Kevin Day and his political future? We’ll get to that in a minute.
First, the meeting was in the BOCC’s throne room, and all three Commissioners were present: Day, and members Bill Canda and Lucas Epp. The meeting started at 9 a.m. Continue reading BOCC: Day Announces He Is Running for Re-Election, Plus Bombshell



Big Send Off for Exchange Student
Lucas ArnanzSacristan

Host family Vogelsongs with Lucas Courtesy of Vogelsongs

by Fred Hernandez
It all started with Mrs. Donna Vogelsong some-time last year. As an empty nester she started feeling the pangs of being alone at home and started toying with the idea of foster parenting. In conversation with her husband Paul, it was agreed that more information should be gathered before making a final decision. During her research, she came upon a posting on Facebook seeking volunteers as hosts for the International Student Exchange (ISE). At first, she let the thought slide. But a week or so later there it was again. With agreement from Paul she sent for an application, filled it out and mailed it back. Continue reading Custer’s CASTILIAN CONNECTION

Silver Cliff Tractor Pull June 8 and 9

Press Release
The 2024 Silver Cliff Tractor Pull will be held on Saturday June 8th and Sunday the 9th, at the Silver Cliff Park. The pull starts at 11a.m. on Saturday, 10 a.m. on Sunday, and is free to spectators.
For those wanting to participate, registration is
from 8 to 10 a.m. on Saturday and 8 to 9 a.m. on Sunday. Insurance is required to participate, and the fee is $20. If you’d like to join the Arkansas Valley Flywheelers, a yearly mem-
bership is $15 per house-hold.(Membership is not
required if this is the only pull you’d like to participate in.)
The Arkansas Valley Fly-wheelers join together to restore and preserve for posterity machinery that accompanied the machine age of the 19th and 20th centuries. Such machines may include animal powered, external, and internal combustion, farm equipment, military equipment, autos, trucks, tractors, toys, crafts, and other complementary equipment, materials and collections.
For the Silver Cliff Tractor Pull, there are six different weight classes ranging from 0 to 7501 and up. Tractors can be as new as 1990 with a maximum of 100 horsepower.
Please visit our website at for more information and the pull form which explains the years, classes, etc. Be sure to check out the great video from a past pull at the Chaffee County Fairgrounds.
We hope you’ll join us for this year’s Silver Cliff Pull!



Obituary Otto Lehrman

Otto Lehrman

Otto Lehrman, 96, was born in Kansas to Henry and Justina Lehrman. Otto was the second youngest child of six siblings. He attended school until the eighth grade at which time his strength and labor were needed on the family farm. Despite having never left the state of Kansas, at age 17, Otto requested his father sign the required documents to join the United States Navy to serve in WWII alongside his two brothers. He was sent by train over three days and three nights to San Diego, California, for ten weeks of bootcamp. In 1945, he was placed on the USS Blue DD, a destroyer, joining seven other ships in the Pacific Ocean primarily focused on seeking invader submarines in Guam, Saipan, Manila, The Mariana Islands, Taiwan, and Shanghai, China. He recalled a span of 39 days straight cruising where he never saw land. His job as Shipfitter (carpenters’ mate) included maintaining the ship, fixing anything broken, and even welding. Upon anchor he served as a guard at many supply depot ports. During general quarters (combat) he was a gunner. After 13-months he returned to San Francisco,
California’s Treasure Island, excited to see the United States of America; however, his time home was short-lived as he was immediately placed on the USS St. Paul CA 73, a cruiser. His stationing spanned three years until the end of WWII.
Soon after his return, his life was forever changed at Newton’s Candy Corner where he met the love of his life Phyllis. Otto
married Phyllis (Havens) Lehrman on May 29, 1949. Otto and Phyllis raised their four sons in Newton, Kansas, where Otto coached
little league baseball and was an active bowler.
He started his career at the Santa Fe Railroad where he began as a floor sweep and worked up to Superintendent of the Rail Mill at the time of his retirement. In addition to working for the railroad he also painted houses, drove taxi, and worked for a local
electrician. Otto was an active member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles where he served as President in the mid-60s.
Otto and Phyllis would often take their young family camping in Colorado. Later they fell in love with a place called Tanglewood Acres near Westcliffe. They were fortunate to purchase a small plot of land in Tanglewood and in 1984. He and Phyllis retired to
the cabin they built there. They lived on the mountain independently for the last 40 years, meeting eternal life in a home they perfectly and masterfully crafted.
After building his home, he continued to enjoy carpentry and crafted innumerable fine wood projects for his boys, and later his grandchildren. He served as a resource to many other Tanglewood Acres residents, fulfilling various projects and even constructing a covered bridge over a small creek entering the community, but one of his favorite projects was riding his tractor to plow the road in spring, summer, and winter or driving his Scout through high alpine dirt roads.
Otto and Phyllis enjoyed traveling and shared fond memories of those who visited them as camp hosts in Yellowstone, snowbirds along the California
coast and in their later years Laughlin, Nevada. Many of their children and grandchildren were fortunate enough to travel
with them creating numerous memories.
Most of all, Otto loved spending time in the mountains fishing, hiking, and hunting with his sons, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. He logged over 1,600 miles of hiking to the Colorado high-mountain lakes, making his last trip when he was 83. Many memories were made in the early morning hours of a quiet hike and the late afternoon rainstorms that often struck as he was hiking back down the mountain after a day of fishing. He even had a special affinity for catching chipmunks and outsmarting a squirrel on the birdfeeder, memories that all of the family shares.
Although he was at times formidable, his humor was infectious, and his stories were enthralling. Perhaps the two most important lessons he taught any of us was through hard work and dedication you can fix just about anything and more importantly, that loving and cherishing family comes first, an example that will carry forward for generations to come. He was a hard worker, loving husband and a devoted family man. He was the most intelligent person any of us have ever known.
Otto was greeted in eternity by his Lord and Savior on May 1, 2024. We are sure that holding his hand was his wife, Phyllis of 74 years; son, Dean; parents, Heinrich and Justina; brothers and sisters, Rubie, Carl, Ralph, Sara, Walter and Kathleen; and other close family and friends who preceded him. We are assured it was a joyous, heavenly reunion although, our earthly hearts ache. Otto is remembered by his daughter-in law, Vicki; sons, Robin (Susan), Gary (Marsha), Kevin (Irene); grandchildren, Jeremy Lehrman, Sara Lehrman, Jody Schmidt (Craig), Jamie Giles (Ryan), Julie Robinson, Justin Lehrman (Tara), Maggie Lehrman, Erin Rosfeld (Kerry), and Luke Lehrman (Jenna), 23 great-grandchildren, and one great-great grand-child. His presence will be missed by many other friends who he considered family.
A private service will be held in Colorado and Kansas at a future date.
In lieu of flowers, contributions can be sent in his memory to Tanglewood Acres at 4624 NW 161st Edmond, OK 73013.

Celebration of Life for Jerold (Jerry) Greenstreet

Jerold (Jerry) Greenstreet

Jerold (Jerry) Greenstreet, of Westcliffe, Colorado, passed away May 9, 2024, in his home surrounded by his loving family after a courageous battle with cancer. During these past months, it would take a village to care for Jerry during his cancer treatments. There wasn’t a day that went by that his children, grandkids, his son in law Alan, who was always referred to as a son, and the rest of the extended family, would not be found in the home caring for “Grandpa and Dad.”
For it was their love and devotion that kept him motivated to fight.
Jerry was born January 27, 1961, in Dekalb, Illinois. He was the oldest of two sons born to Gloria and Donald Greenstreet.
The family moved to Cañon City, Colorado, in 1971, where Jerry attended local schools and graduated from Cañon City High School in 1979. Not long after graduation, Jerry went to work in Leadville at Climax Mine.
On March 14, 1981, Jerry married Tracy Wheeler in Cañon City, Colorado. From this marriage three children, who were the center of the couples’ lives were born; Christopher, Amanda and Breanna.
While Jerry worked and studied to become a journeyman plumber the family moved to Denver, Colorado for a short time. The family returned to Cañon City and Jerry worked for a local plumbing company for many years until he achieved his Master Plumbing License.
In 1995, Jerry and Tracy moved the family to Westcliffe where they built their dream home and opened and ran a successful plumbing and heating business, “Rainbow Plumbing and Heating”.
Jerry loved to have family around and attended every family event whether near or far. In his free time, Jerry loved to bowl, camp, travel, coupon shop, listen to area bands, and just hang out with family and friends. His love of classic rock music would find him
traveling around to follow local area bands and messaging people to come join him. He had a love for finding good restaurants and tasty foods and could never pass up a good restaurant or a coupon
or grocery store sale. You could always count on there being an abundance of condiments and snacks at the Greenstreet home.
His home was always open to everyone, family, friends, friends of the children; the house had an open-door policy, and you could always find an extra body staying at the Greenstreet home. No one was ever turned away.
Jerry was preceded in death by his father Donald Greenstreet in
1996, his wife Tracy, in May of 2021, and his Mother, Gloria Greenstreet in September 2021.
Jerry is survived by his
children ,Christopher (Rachel) Greenstreet, Amanda (Alan) Paxton, and Breanna Greenstreet. Also surviving are five grandchildren:
Lauren and Lyla Greenstreet, Gaige Paxton, Peyton Schulze, and Riley Henry all of Westcliffe. Also surviving are his brother Rick (Tammie) Greenstreet of Cañon City, Nephew Tyler Greenstreet, many great nieces and nephews, and numerous aunts, uncles and cousins.
At Jerry’s request, a celebration of life featuring live music, food and beverages will be held on Saturday, June 8, 2024, from 3 to 7 p.m. at the Wet Mountain Valley Saddle Club in Westcliffe, CO.