All posts by sentineladmin

Trails for All Maintenance Schedule

Press Release
With the ups and downs in recent weather it may not be easy to turn our thoughts to trail maintenance, BUT “actual” summer is just around the corner! Trails for All (TfA) has developed a schedule for this summer’s trail maintenance which begins on Saturday, June 1st. Shelly Larson is excited to lead our first group of volunteers up (and down!) Lion’s Canyon Trail. Maybe you could join this crew (or one later in the summer). The Lion’s Canyon Trail workday is a particularly good one to start the season—it’s lower elevation (in the Wets), mostly limited to daylighting, and a reasonably short hike (less than five miles). Trail maintenance with like-minded Trails for All volunteers is rewarding, useful, and fun. We really hope you’ll consider joining a crew this summer.

  • June 1, Saturday, Lion’s Canyon Trail, Shelly Larson, crew leader
  • June 15, Saturday, Comanche/Venable (one or both trails),
  • Andrew Todd, crew leader and a co-leader if we do both trails
  • June 29, Saturday, Comanche/Venable (whichever trail needs more attention), Rob Bidner, crew leader
  • July 11, Thursday, Cottonwood Trail, Shelly Larson, crew leader
  • July 23, Tuesday, North Taylor Creek Trail, Chuck Ziehr, crew leader
  • August 3, Saturday, Goodwin Lakes Trail, Karen Foley, crew leader
  • August 17, Saturday, Dry Creek Trail, Rob Bidner, crew leader

If you can volunteer for one or more of these trail maintenance workdays, please email Chuck Ziehr (TfA trail maintenance
coordinator) at

Trails for All (under the leadership of Andew Todd)
has received a grant of $6,300 from Athletic Brewing to replace signs on the Rainbow Trail. The signs have been approved by the USFS and are being professionally made and will be ready soon. We’ll need a few volunteers (probably in late May and early June) to help with sign installation. Watch our Facebook page for a schedule of workdays for the signage project.
Thank you very much.
For more information contact Chuck Ziehr, TfA trail maintenance coordinator


Thank You for Recent Moonlight Excursion!


Dear George,
The Republican Caucus in Custer County really showed that it is gathering in spirit and creativity when it produced a very original social gathering last Saturday night at All Aboard Westcliffe!
The venue was super appropriate because the party was to commemorate one of the most exciting parties that ever took place in a county that has a reputation for pretty good parties.
In 1908, our ancestors gathered at our very own train station for a moonlight ride from Westcliffe to Hillside by train. The participants partied on as the train whisked through the beautiful countryside. The event was legendary!
With the grandeur that our forebears managed to manifest during those difficult times of silver mining and ranching in mind, the Republicans decided to relive those thrilling events of yesteryear as a fundraiser for the party.
Brad Baltzly and Nikita Phillips served up delicious dinner. So many of the ladies went to the trouble to find beautiful period clothing. Their colorful and elegant finery transformed our train station venue from the ordinary to the sublime. It really was beautiful, everyone!
There are so many people to thank, I am sure I will make a mistake and leave out someone who went the extra mile. I do not know who made the wonderful pies that were auctioned off, except for those from Lisa Avery, who is, as we all know, one of the top gardeners and cooks in the county. Please let me know who else baked pies and I will amend my thank you!
The committee to bring period frivolity to our town was headed by
Brian Thomas. Committee members included all the usual suspects who drive all the successes we have with their hard work and generosity: Ann Barthrop, Lisa Kidwell (booted for torn meniscus in her knee, she still soldiered on), Paul Vogelsong, Nikita Phillips, Brad Baltzly, Joan Wilcox, Stephen Wilcox, Cathy Thomas, Kathy Lutz, Dawn Ramsdell , Jason White and Nancy Drummond.
Waiters who served up
elegant appetizers and served the partiers were high school students. The D. J. was Sean Thomas.
Once all the bills are paid and all the dancing slippers from under the beautiful ball gowns are returned to their satin boxes for the next exciting Republican event, the committee believes the proceeds will top $1,500 for the upcoming election coffers.
We who attended were enchanted by it all and wish to express our great thanksgiving for a creative, purely fun evening. When these things are done in the spirit of love and generosity like this, wonderful times ensue!
Thank you to all you wonderful people!
Bill and Joanne Canda
Rural Custer County

2nd Annual Gathering of the Westcliffe Band of Brothers Planned

2nd Annual Gathering of the Westcliffe Band of Brothers Planned

Press Release
We are excited to announce our Second Annual Gathering of the Westcliffe Band of Brothers. JUNE 1st, starting at 10 a.m. or come earlier to help set up for the day. Where: Michael Tschanz’s The Nest will be hosting us again. Located at 1430 Williams Creek Road, Gardner, CO 81040.
We have three main events. In addition, there will be opportunities to play horseshoes, hike, ride ATVs, play volleyball, etc.
(1) Starting at 10 a.m.: short and long-range target practice.
(2) Lunch from 12-2 p.m. Smoked and pulled pork, turkey fried in peanut oil, and pork and beef-filled chili.
(3) From 2 – 4 p.m.: (a) Hand-to-hand self defense tactics and
practice. (b) Indian knife and tomahawk throwing.
(4) Michael leads Bible Study and prayer time from 4-5 p.m.
(5) Overnight Campout with awesome dinner, special time together, breakfast, and sunrise service led by Pastor Richard Desmond!
Brett: (719) 371 – 0021;
Michael:(303) 999 – 5115
This is an extremely relevant gathering on June 1st, as we consider and practice methods to control the growing unrestrained violence in our daily lives. The first thing that must be considered is a historical perspective. I minored in history in college and have enjoyed studying history ever since. The reason history repeats itself is simple. Mankind is born with a pride-filled nature, and destiny apart from God is inevitable unless one’s life is changed.
If we look at the Bible, the Logos—God’s Word to us—it provides direction for life and answers the very problem we are discussing. This underlying historical problem was so critically important that the Logos took on human flesh over 2,000 years ago. Born in Bethlehem, a Nazarene, Jesus, The Messiah, was God in human flesh. He came to live among us as the world beheld the glory of God in human flesh.

Why was Jesus’ life so critically important?
John 3:1-7 (NLT) gives us the story of an old man asking Jesus a life-changing question. “There was a man named Nicodemus, a Jewish religious leader who was a Pharisee. After dark one evening, he came to speak with Jesus. “Rabbi,” he said, “we all know that God has sent you to teach us. Your miraculous signs are evidence that God is with you.” Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.” “What do you mean?” exclaimed Nicodemus. “How can an old man go back into his mother’s womb and be born again?” Jesus replied, “I assure you, no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit. Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life. So don’t be surprised when I say, ‘You must be born again.’”
From the above, we see that Nicodemus was concerned about death. As I think most of us are. As an old man, he asked Jesus how a man could be “born again” and avoid eternity separated from God. Jesus’ answer was simple but profound.
Jesus’ second equally critical command is to love our neighbor as ourselves. And who is our neighbor? Look around—just about everybody you see and come into contact with in some way or another throughout your day.
Matthew 22:36-40 (NLT)
36 “Teacher, which is the most important commandment in the law of Moses?” 37 Jesus replied, “‘You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.”
Protecting life for eternity is a very big and important question. The answer is simple, and it is wrapped in humility, trust, and faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Messiah, who gave His life in substitution for ours! Jesus’ sin-free life is credited to our
account! All we need to do is simply follow Nicodemus’ example and be born of water and the Holy Spirit of God.
What about protecting life here on earth? How do we try to get a handle on when and how much violence is appropriate?
To me, the foundation for this system must be built on God’s love, agape. Love prevails over all because God is love. Therefore, there is a clear direction to this second situation.
Murder is always sinful in Scripture while killing is condoned. For example, you wake up at night when someone breaks into your house. You don’t know what they are packing or what they came to do, so in self-defense, you shoot them. This is a justifiable killing.
However, if someone breaks into your house in the daytime and is unarmed and either puts his hands up or runs away, but you shoot and kill that person, that is murder. Just because you can kill someone doesn’t mean you should. There are times when soldiers in war and police officers must take someone’s life. There are times when they kill wrongly as well. Always remember that we must be wise in all situations. There is a time for everything and sometimes there is a time to kill.
God takes it even deeper, 1 John 3:15 Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.
So, as we come together to celebrate God’s gift of eternal life and brotherly love on June 1st, our appreciation of God’s guidance in these areas is very important. We will be shooting rifles and pistols at targets to sharpen our hunting skills and self-defense techniques. We will also learn practical methods of hand-to-hand self-defense and how to be more aware of our surroundings.
This year, we will also learn how to throw knives and hatchets like our forefathers!
Over the years, I have developed strong opinions about self-defense that combine God’s leadership with techniques that complement His leadership.
Shooting is my last choice for self-defense for a number of reasons. It is proven that in a potentially deadly situation, if the attacker is 20 feet or closer, a gun is not as effective as an empty hand or a knife/stick hand response. Secondly, shooting a pistol or rifle is quite difficult to minimize the damage effectively. Thirdly, If you find yourself in a situation where someone is shooting back at you, you have no idea how you will respond to such a threat. So, I would use a rifle or pistol to intimidate someone and, last of all, if absolutely necessary to take a life.

May 8 BOCC: Day, Epp Attack Canda Over the Election Integrity Meeting

BOCC: Planning & Zoning:
Things Are Slowing Down,
Day, Epp Attack Canda Over
the Election Integrity Meeting

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary

In the May 8, 2024 Custer County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) meeting the libs attempted a rather pathetic counterattack against Commissioner Bill Canda just for having had the BOCC Election Integrity meeting last week. It was almost comedic but Commissioners Lucas Epp (Republican) and Kevin Day (now an “Unaffiliated” after he was elected as a Republican) went along with the attack to appease these cancel culture devotees. We will unravel this episode of Light vs. Darkness, but let’s first get through the regular meeting stuff. Continue reading May 8 BOCC: Day, Epp Attack Canda Over the Election Integrity Meeting

May 1 BOCC – Hedberg Threatens to Sue, Libs Feign Fear of Violence, Commish Calls CBI

BOCC Shocker: Hedberg Threatens to Sue
the BOCC Over Holding an Election
Integrity Meeting,
Libs Feign Fear of Violence If They Attend,
Commissioner Secretly Calls the CBI Over the Meeting!

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary

This Custer County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC)  meeting on May 1st started out “normal” (whatever that is here in Happy Valley) but when the subject of an upcoming BOCC Election Integrity Forum  came up at the end,  some of our left leaning locals went full victim outrage Stage 10 Soy Boy trying to suppress free speech as they didn’t agree with the meeting’s subject.  (Just like the libs do on our college campuses around the country.)

Before we get into the high drama, let’s get through the mundane stuff first: The meeting started at 9 a.m. with all three Com-missioners present: Chair Kevin Day and members Bill Canda and Lucas Epp.

In Commissioner Items, Epp said he will be asking for bids to fix the courthouse roof. Canda said our local TV mountain top transmitter service is working for one station (KKKTV, Channel 13) but the contractor needs a new antenna for the other station.

In New Business, Redlands Accounting gave an update on their work clearing up the audit issues and getting ready for this year’s audit. It appears progress is being made.

Next item up was the Finance Director’s Job Description and Posting. Canda presented Human Resources Director Bob Smith’s proposed job description. Canda said there were a few requirement changes including: the candidate must be able to do journal entries, be able to present value and amortization calculations and also be able to use Excel. The proposed salary range was $80k to $110. After some discussion, the maximum salary was raised to $120k.

The Commissioners then accepted a Proclamation for the National Day of Prayer resolution.

Then Canda’s big drama baby came up: That evening’s BOCC meeting on Election Integrity Fact Finding to be held at the Lutheran Church’s Lange Hall. (This meeting came up pretty quick. I believe due to speaker availability. Canda had phoned  Day and Epp requesting the meeting that would have several election integrity “experts” in person and via Zoom. Continue reading May 1 BOCC – Hedberg Threatens to Sue, Libs Feign Fear of Violence, Commish Calls CBI

LTE: Large Not so ‘Rural’ School Misclassified? Makes for Rough Competition

Letter to the Editor;

Good morning,
I coach Track and Field and have been investigating a team that I believe has been classified incorrectly by CHSAA (Colorado High School
Activities Association) which has led to a large disparity in the Track and Field Leaderboards. I have talked to several small schools and they are equally as concerned. I was wondering if you could help get the word out regarding this issue.
I am asking for your help in addressing an injustice. Earlier this year, our small school of 105 students was denied admittance into 6-man football due to having “too many kids.” No consideration was given to our roster size or record (4-28 over the last four years). Yet, Timnath High School is allowed to compete in 2A Track and Field with over 800 students! They were admitted into the 2A classification last year with 500 students– which is an astronomical number considering the cut off was supposed to be 293 students. Their current enrollment has 808 students which puts them in 4A for the next two year cycle. How is it justifiable to allow their athletes to compete in 2A for the remainder of this year? Not only is Timnath competing in 2A, they are dominating the leaderboards. They hold the number one seed in 9 out of 19 events in girls 2A with some events having 3 or more in the top 18. This is unheard of and unacceptable, since by CHSAA’s own standards, Timnath is NOT a 2A school. Don’t believe me?– Check out the stat leaders on Maxpreps (just select Colorado and 2A under “division”)
This is not equality and allows only certain schools to have a competitive advantage.
Please reach out to the CHSAA Commissioners on the behalf of small schools everywhere!
Track and Field Associate Commissioners:;;
CHSAA Commissioner: Mike Krueger (303) 344-5050 Ext. 8
They do not just represent the “big city” schools. Our voices need to be heard!
Thank you for your help and attention in this matter!

Joy Parrish,
Custer County

Tribune Jihad Against SO: More Biased, Anti-LEO Gibberish

Tribune Jihad Against SO:
More Biased, Anti-LEO Gibberish

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary
Last week, Jordy “Red Bug ”Hedberg, the Editor of the Wet Mountain Tribune, doubled down on his jihad against Sheriff Rich Smith with a full, front-page article on Smith hiring the retired Chief of Police of Florence (Mike DeLaurentis) for a part-time, three day a week (no benefits) admin job in the SO (“Chief of Staff”). All admin, paperwork. Mike had a great career with 42 years of law enforcement and had retired from the Florence PD in 2021. Smith had worked with him off and on for years as Smith’s State Patrol Unit was based in the same building as the Florence PD. In addition to the front-page piece, Hedberg ran a second, shorter article, inside, repeating the same allegations against Smith and DeLaurentis that he had made the week before. Continue reading Tribune Jihad Against SO: More Biased, Anti-LEO Gibberish

BOCC: Affordable Housing Update, Employee Health Deductions Issue

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary

The April 17, 2024 Custer County Board of County Commissioners regular meeting started at 9 a.m. in their lavishly appointed meeting room in the building across from the courthouse. Commissioners Kevin Day and Bill Canda were present. Commissioner Lucas Epp was absent with no explanation given.
The first major item of business was the Upper Arkansas Council of Governments (UACOG) presentation about building “affordable housing” on the seven lots in Silver Cliff that the BOCC wants to give them (for nothing). The deal is that UACOG coughs up money for most of it but the new owners help with the construction. Bottom line is that the new owners get a new house under market cost.
(It wasn’t revealed how UACOG picks the lucky people.)
After the presentation, Canda asked an obvious question that wasn’t addressed: Is there anything preventing the new owners from selling the property (“flipping”) once they owned it (and make a ton of money)? The UACOG guy said no. Canda said he wanted restrictions placed on the deed to prevent this. Day did not want to proceed further with the process of giving UACOG the lots or the deed restriction issue without Epp being there, so he tabled it for a future date.
Next up was buying a vehicle for Planning & Zoning and the Assessor’s Office for field visits. (Both offices have vehicles, but they are basically non-functioning.) The Commissioners allocated up to $50k for a vehicle suggesting something like a Toyota 4 Runner.
Bob Smith from Human Resources then presented the issues with employee health insurance deductions from employee paychecks being incorrect for a couple of months. There was a screwup with the county’s accounting system (CTSI) with a bunch of employees not having enough deducted. The total for all employees was $14k. After a lot of discussion, and some employee input, the Commissioners decided to pay the $14k for the employees. In Public Commenting on this issue, local democrat big wig James “Dr. Doom” Gilbert bizarrely claimed that the screwup happened because of all the complaints from the citizens about the Finance Department not fixing the audit issues! The complaints “distracted” the Finance Department from simply entering the data correctly. (Doomy lives on another planet, folks. God Bless him.)
And those were the major issues.

Town of Westcliffe Swearing in Trustees

Town of Westcliffe
Swearing in Trustees,
Tiny Home Provisions,
Rework of STR and Lodging Codes in the Works

by Laura Vass,
Town of Westcliffe BOT Report
The regular monthly Town of Westcliffe Board of Trustees meeting on April 16, 2024, was called to order at 5:30 p.m. After the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call with a quorum, the meeting began.
Before the agenda, Mayor Wenke spoke. He said at the last planning commission meeting, he blew up. “I lost my temper, needless to say it was unprofessional. I lost my temper, I swore.”
“I don’t know what came over me. I’ve never done this before in my life. But I was very angry.” He said he wanted the board to have it on record that “I’m very sorry I did that, and I apologized to Christie and Bob. I just want to bring that up.”
Under New Business: Three winners of the April 2 election were sworn in as new Trustees; Bob Fulton, Mark Dembosky and Loree Lund.
Town Officials were appointed as follows; Mayor pro tem; George Mallory, Town Manager; Caleb Patterson, Town Clerk and Admin and Treasurer; Kathy Reis, Deputy Clerk Erin Christy; Town Attorney; Clay Buchner Municipal Judge; James Heavey, and Auditor; David and CO LLC.
Next on the agenda was “Discuss the occurrences during April 3rd Planning Commission meeting.” With Christy Patterson, the Planning Commission Chair. She pointed out that there were a lot of ethical violations at the meeting, one of them being cursing at citizens. During that meeting she asked Mayor Wenke to step down when he was arguing on an issue regarding Ace Hardware. He also made a phone call mid-meeting and was asked to step out again. And he refused. She said he broke with a Town
Ordinance and the Ethical Oath of the Town officials and also the Colorado Constitution Section 29 with his outburst during the Planning Commission meeting.
She played a recording of the section of the planning commission meeting where Mr. Wenke cursed and argued concerning the past deadline for Valley Ace to fix their lighting which does not currently comply and apparently has been on.
The Mayor moved on to the next item on the agenda.
High Altitude Garden Club-Sally Strom thanked the board for their financial donation.
Next, Joanie Liebman of High Country Recycling, requested the board appoint a representative to attend the Recycling meetings held once a month. Someone volunteered.
Tim Hilgert of US Solar, gave a presentation regarding a partnership program. US Solar builds Solar fields that can be used by Black Hills Energy (or other energy companies.) Community Solar, he said, is a state mandate. US Solar asked the board to utilize its website etc. to make the Town citizens aware of the program. He called the Solar panel fields a “Solar Garden”. There is apparently some built-in savings for participation, starting with $100 for promoting, and $100 for sign up.
The current solar field is 20 miles east of Pueblo and contracted for 20 years on that land.The company is asking the board to “create a partnership” to add to their visibility and credibility. (Endorsement and publicity.) Hilgert said the State passed legislation in 2010 and has made requirements since then to go to 80% renewable energy by 2030 and 100% by 2050. Questions were raised about whether this would count as energy credits in the future. It seemed that US Solar doesn’t know what the State will require but said the company is capable of giving out stats, certification of participation, and anything else required.
The board decided to table making any kind of decision to work with them and put it on the agenda for next month. The new Trustee Loree Lund thought the $600 lifetime savings seemed pretty puny. (It is a 20-year cancelable contract for individuals who sign up). (US Solar is a developer and owns/runs the “Solar gardens” and make the land leases and land reclamation when it is over. US Solar makes their money via the customers who sign up as a participant.)
The Board approved Resolution NO.2-2024 approving a mural at 57600 State Highway 69 South. Tim Broll’s Business LP tank. The artist will be Lorna Perkins. (She did the locally familiar gate walls at the Stuart Ranch).
Next was Consideration of a request to add a new chapter to Title 10: Chapter 17 Lodging by recommendation from the Planning Commission and direct the attorney to draft the ordinance.
The attorney has been working on a draft. He said this began with a citizen who wanted to rework the STR ordinances to include other Lodging, ie hotels, motels, noting, “I have to pay and get inspections. How come the lodging establishments don’t have to?”
The attorney has been working on possible changes and what would go into it. “Currently Lodging businesses aren’t regulated in
a way that includes proper inspections and fire code,” Clay explained.
Some of the discussion centered around how often inspections would need to be done—would Lodging need an annual requirement and whether they would need to work with WMFPD on this.
Not written yet, are regulations on extended stay lodging. The
lawyer wanted to know, “How heavily do you (planning commission/TOW board) want to regulate these? or should he “take out all the extended stay reference?”
Citizen Bianca, whose business is in Lodging and extended stays, was asked for input. She explained that most lodging in Westcliffe does have kitchens at this point. And that the Town probably doesn’t have to worry about the community getting “the wrong kind of people… wrong kind of situations, where they are renting long term and turning it into a slum inn situation.” Her reasoning is that most lodging owners can’t afford to rent the properties for a low amount. She said her extended stays are often people moving to Town and waiting on a house to be built and people visiting family, etc.
The lawyer noted that the State did submit rules for health and safety years ago but doesn’t regulate it anymore and there’s no State licensing for that anymore. So he recommends putting something in place for the Town.
Although the topic of not allowing extended stays was broached, it seems that the update will be worked on and would most likely involve inspections for health/safety/fire each year and an additional fee for this licensing. Just in the planning stages, they are working on this for the year 2025. There was no plan yet for a workshop since the document is not complete. The idea of controlling extended stays seemed to peak the mayor’s interest. Other Trustees did not comment further.
The Board approved an update to signatories on all bank accounts.
The Board then went into Executive Session (ES) for the purpose of receiving legal advice under C.R.S. Section 24-6-402(4) (b) regarding the adoption of the Tiny Home Supplement to the current building code. The ES ended at 7:35 p.m.
Resuming board meeting, A Tiny Home Supplement was discussed, specifically, to increase the square footage allowed in the Town (within a yet to be determined zone) from the State’s definition of 400 square ft or less to 500 square ft or less for the Town. The motion that followed approved directing the lawyer to draw up building code language for this increase, and to then go to the planning committee with it.
Under Additions to the Agenda:
A Trustee suggested that Paul Wenke not represent Ace Hardware in any Town meetings. The Town Lawyer addressed the Mayor, saying that the outburst was not related to an agenda item, that Wenke has done the appropriate thing in apologizing, and that he does not see it as an ongoing issue. Paul did not back down on whether or not he should/would represent Ace Hardware in matters of the Town. Instead he twice stated that “the lights are shut off now and will stay off.”
Staff & Committee Reports:
Town Manager Caleb Patterson reported that pave patching will be done by Rocky Mtn. Chipseal and chip sealing the parking lot behind the alley at Jess Park is something he’s getting bids on and he’ll run in the budget. He is waiting to find out if the Town got grant money from Safe Streets and Routes for All for the crossing.
He said for the agenda next month, The Feed Store is going to replace the wooden boardwalk. It’s technically an improvement. (He’d like the Town and owner to split the cost of the Town’s on-call engineer and the new sidewalk.)
Line stripping is being done. Patterson said getting numbers for a new bathroom on Hermit (park) which is going to come in at a lot less that he anticipated. The Trail is being repaired. He’ll have numbers for the next meeting, also. He is also putting some numbers together for the replace-ment of some lights on the Main Street.(Concerning the light color differences.) The Town recently wrote a ticket for an excavation violation. That is now a court item, and he reminded the trustees not to discuss it with the individual at this point.
“Animal clean up” signs are needed. Mayor Wenke said they might need to create a fine for violations, and maybe put some cameras in. Wenke mentioned that the First Baptist Church picked up a 55-gallon drum of feces on The Bluffs prior the Easter egg hunt.

With no public comment, the meeting adjourned.

Duty, Honor for God and Country: A Journey with Jesus – Pastor Andrew Zeller

Pastor Andrew Zeller

by Fred Hernandez
The iconic Sangre de Cristo Seminary at 6160 County Road 130 (Horn Road) had a stimulating new development at the start of the year. On the first of January, Dr. Andrew Zeller, who had been President of the venerable institution for almost a quarter century (23 years to be exact) stepped down to focus his talents and vast experience on the growing needs of the Sangre de Cristo Seminary Church which is a branch resulting from the success of the Seminary itself. Continue reading Duty, Honor for God and Country: A Journey with Jesus – Pastor Andrew Zeller