All posts by sentineladmin

Flower Recall Election Is a Go

Flower Recall Election Is a GO!
Judge Rules Recall Petition Valid
Slams Hedberg’s Attempt to Stop the Recall

June 7, 2023

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary
Looks like ol’ Jordy “Red Bug” Hedberg caused Custer County a LOT of money and trouble again as he tried to derail the recall campaign against Custer County Commissioner Tom Flower with a bogus complaint that caused a huge ruckus. But, in the end, thankfully, justice prevailed and a recall election against Flower will be held soon and hopefully the Flower train wreck will derail and we will have a new Commissioner. Continue reading Flower Recall Election Is a Go

May Westcliffe Town Meeting

by Becky Olson
The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees for the Town of Westcliffe was held on May 16th, 2023, and convened as scheduled at 5:30 p.m. in Patterson Hall. All Trustees were present and proceedings commenced after recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance and unanimous adoption of the consent agenda.
The first item of old business was consideration of a request by Town Manager, Caleb Patterson, to modify the type of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations the town will be installing with the help of a grant from two “fast” (level 1) and two “slow” (level 2) chargers to one fast and three slow ones. The request came as a result of the increased cost of the EV chargers since the grant was originally awarded. After a fair amount of discussion, the motion passed with Mayor Wenke and Trustee Art Nordyke dissenting and voting no. Continue reading May Westcliffe Town Meeting

Class of ‘23 Scholarships

Custer County High School graduating Senior class
members accepted scholarships on Thursday evening, May 25th.The list of scholarships and recipients is below:






All photos courtesy of Mike and Donna Holt

American Legion
Marlee Foster
Ben and Weldon Rusher Memorial
Emma Rusk
Ben Kettle Memorial
Emma Rusk
Custer County Alumni
Brooke Bomgardner, Emma Rusk
Custer County Board of Commissioners
Haley Nameth
Custer County Cattlewomens
Emma Rusk
Custer County Sheriffs Office
Paige Lorenzen
Dan Riggs Memorial
Kylee Morrell, Cameron Penkoff, Emma Rusk
CCSC-1 Faculty-Staff
Brooke Bomgardner, Jonah Carichner, Weston Jones, Kylee Morrell, Haley Nameth, Emma Rusk
Fremont County Cattlemen’s Association
Emma Rusk
Jack and Ruby Geroux Memorial
Emma Rusk
Jack Slater Memorial
Joey Arnone
John and Mary Dilley Memorial
Brooke Bomgardner
Kirkpatrick Bank
Brooke Bomgardner, Jonah Carichner, Kylee Morrell,
Emma Rusk
Lighthouse Pregnancy Resources
Brooke Bomgardner, Marlee Foster, Emma Rusk
Mission Wolf
Brooke Bomgardner
Mt. Moriah Lodge
Brooke Bomgardner
Portia Arrigo
Brooke Bomgardner, Jonah Carichner, Marlee Foster,
Kylee Morrell, Emma Rusk
Rebecca’s Fund
Haley Nameth, Cameron Penkoff
Richard and Iris Wilson Memorial
Haley Nameth
Royal Gorge Realtors Association
Haley Nameth
Sangres Art Guild
Haley Nameth
Sangre de Cristo Electric
Cameron Penkoff
United Business Bank
Brooke Bomgardner, Jonah Carichner
Wet Mountain Fire Auxiliary
Ty Bomgardner, Marlee Foster
Wet Mountain Valley Rotary
Brooke Bomgardner, Marlee Foster, Paige Lorenzen

Thank you to the Local Agencies for over$60,000 in Local Scholarships!
Congratulations Class of 2023!

Venerable Silver Cliff Museum Opens

Venerable Silver Cliff Museum Opens
Built Originally In 1879 –
Now 144 Years Old


by Fred Hernandez
The versatile museum building on Main Street in Silver Cliff housed the first fire department of Custer County on the ground floor while on the second floor was the town hall. In the 1950’s the town hall moved to the yellow house on Main Street in front of the car wash until the current town hall was constructed in the mid-seventies and where the town hall is located today. Continue reading Venerable Silver Cliff Museum Opens

CDPHE Giving Round Mountain Water a Hard Time

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary
We heard some rumors lately that the Round Mountain Water and Sanitation District (RMWSD) was extending the new water tap halt till 2024. That would be bad news for the two towns but would have affected the Town of Silver Cliff a lot more. So, we contacted RMWSD to see what the skinny was. Dave Schneider, the District Manager, was kind enough to spend some time with us to get the facts and there could be a problem. Continue reading CDPHE Giving Round Mountain Water a Hard Time

May 2 & 3 BOCC- New County Attorney, SO Repair, Carsten’s Jeep

We Are So Blessed!
Two BOCC Reports in One Article

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary
Our mighty three musketeers, that is our three Custer County Commissioners held two Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) meetings last week. One on May 2nd and the other on May3rd. All three muskies were present at both meetings: Chair Kevin Day and members Bill Canda and Tom Flower. Both meetings started at
9 a.m.
The May 2, 2023
BOCC Meeting:
Staff Reports:
Sheriff Rich Smith was the first victim. Smith reported that the Sheriff’s Office (SO) had a grand total of eight transports to/from the hoosegow in Cañon City. He reported that our Fremont 911 Authority costs will go up around 5% this year. Continue reading May 2 & 3 BOCC- New County Attorney, SO Repair, Carsten’s Jeep

Memorial Service For Clara Reida

Clara Mary Reida died Sunday, March 19, 2023, at her home following a lingering illness. She was 85.
Miss Reida was born May 4, 1937, in Harper, Kansas, to Arnold and Maudie May (Hundley) Reida of Rago, KS. where she was raised. She attended Kingman County rural schools and graduated from Adams Rural High School in 1954. She was valedictorian and lettered in tennis, basketball and softball. Continue reading Memorial Service For Clara Reida

Westcliffe Town Meeting – April 2023

Farmer’s Market to be Relocated This Year,
New Crosswalk to Remain  In Current Location,
Sheriff’s Office & Water District Reports

Town of Westcliffe Board
of Trustees Monthly Meeting
—April 18, 2023

By Becky Olson
The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees for the Town of Westcliffe was held on April 18th, 2023 and convened as scheduled at 5:30 p.m. in the Town Hall conference room. A quorum of Trustees was present and proceedings commenced after recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance and unanimous adoption of the consent agenda. Continue reading Westcliffe Town Meeting – April 2023

Christian Athletes Event- Speaker frmr MMA Fighter

CCHS FCA Invites Community for Special Speaker

The Custer County High School FCA is inviting the community to join them for their final meeting of the year.  On May 3rd at 6:30 pm, there will be pizza and speaker Kevin Woltkamp.  Kevin is a former football state champion and college football player as well as former MMA fighter.

Kevin’s story is one of addiction, heartache, and redemption.  The community should enter the EAST GYM door and the meeting will be in the commons. All are welcome to join the FCA group for its last meeting and special speaker.  See you Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the HS Commons (enter the East Gym door).