by Mark Bunch,
Royal Gorge Gun Club, Lincoln Park Pawn
Part 2
Choosing your Combat
I confess to loving all things gun related, but there are great, good, ok, and bad choices that can be made in choosing a tool to defend your life with. While I have quite the collection of revolvers in all sorts of calibers, using a revolver for a combat handgun is going to put you at an almost certain disadvantage. If you choose to use your concealed carry pistol as your combat handgun, choose wisely, grasshopper. Continue reading Combat Handgun Training Pt 2
All posts by sentineladmin
Class of 2019 Custer County High School Graduates
Press Release
Custer County Schools
The Class of 2019 wrapped up graduation weekend by receiving their diplomas on Sunday at the Custer County East Gym. The Class of 2019 includes students headed for the military, workforce, and on to two and four year colleges.
Continue reading Class of 2019 Custer County High School Graduates
BOCC: Water War Gets Hot, Short Term Rentals, Emergency Manager Resigns
Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
—May 22, 2019
by Jackie (Muddy) Bubis
The meeting started at 9 a.m.with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Introductions of the public followed.
Commissioner Reports:
All three commissioners listed meetings they had attended.
The Board accepted the revisions to the Justice Center contract pending review and authorized Commissioner Canda to sign it.
Commissioner Flower gave an update on the Upper Arkansas Water Conservancy District. He reported that Mike Shields has interviewed with Judge Murphy to replace Bob Senderhauf on that board. Mr. Senderhauf’s term is up for renewal. He would like to be approved for another term. Continue reading BOCC: Water War Gets Hot, Short Term Rentals, Emergency Manager Resigns
Combat Handgun Training Pt 3
by Mark Bunch,
Royal Gorge Gun Club, Lincoln Park Pawn
Part 3
Combat Handgun
Training Techniques
Now that you have your chosen gun, ammo and the basics of handgun marksmanship all set, you are ready to concentrate on advanced combat handgun tactics. The best way to start is shooting at paper silhouette targets so you can see where you are hitting vs where you are aiming. You can of course get your pistol sighted in off of a bench rest and sandbag, but once you have a zeroed handgun, if all you do is shoot it off of the bench you will actually hurt your ability to defend yourself with your combat handgun. You need to learn to be proficient in all sorts of different situations, and I have yet to see a bench rest anywhere in the Walmart parking lot, or your doctor’s office, at the movie theater or your job, or the post office, or driving down a deserted road late at night. You will need to practice all of these techniques frequently to develop muscle memory and to also develop your combat mental state of mind. Continue reading Combat Handgun Training Pt 3
The Problem with HB 19-1263
by Sheriff Shannon K. Byerly
HB19-1263 (Offense Level For Controlled Substance Possession) is irresponsible legislation being pushed by the Colorado Assembly as an attempt to reduce inmate populations in the Colorado Department of Corrections (DOC) by reducing the seriousness of illegal drug possession. The assembly believes they can shift fiscal responsibility to local jurisdictions, AKA county jails, by making illegal possession of scheduled drugs a misdemeanor crime instead of a felony. It is extremely concerning when we begin to dissect what this really means for society and local communities. Continue reading The Problem with HB 19-1263
Combat Handgun Training Part 1
Part 1 of 3
by Mark Bunch,
Royal Gorge Gun Club, Lincoln Park Pawn
Hopefully most of you reading this have a basic familiarity with handguns, also known as side arms. In my basic Handgun Training article, a couple of months ago I covered some absolutely critical information for learning to shoot your handgun and for those of you who missed it, I will give a brief recap of the more important things you need to know.
Right or Left Eye
If you don’t know this for certain, this is going to be, and likely always has been a huge problem for you when it came to shooting a handgun. With both of your eyes open, extend your right index finger in front of you at arm’s length where the end of your finger covers something up like this light bulb on my ceiling fan. Continue reading Combat Handgun Training Part 1
San Isabel Land Protection Trust Opposes Augmentation Plans
To the Editor:
For the third time, the Upper Arkansas Water Conservancy District, based in Salida, has filed an augmentation plan that uses Wet Mountain Valley water. San Isabel Land Protection Trust opposes this action in order to protect water resources on our conservation easements. Continue reading San Isabel Land Protection Trust Opposes Augmentation Plans
Memorial Day Parade Application
The Sangre de Cristo Sentinel has Parade entry forms at the office (601 Main Street, Westcliffe, Co) and at Silver Cliff and Westcliffe Town Halls.
You may also down load them here.
Rave Reviews for “Little Women the Musical”
by Lisa Frank
The Custer County High School Drama Department presented an entertaining musical that ran Thursday, Friday and Saturday. If you didn’t get the opportunity to see this energetic group of students perform, you missed a wonderful display of talent and teamwork. The musical is an adaptation of the novel, “Little Women” by American author Louisa May Alcott (1832–1888).
Holly Wenger played the lead role of Jo (Louisa May) and was flawless in her characterization of the talented, often frustrated young writer. Holly’s voice was clear, emotive and beautifully on key which was herculean considering the length of her role with its intense physicality and complicated vocalizations. She succeeded in acting and dancing her way through two acts and 11 scene changes! Continue reading Rave Reviews for “Little Women the Musical”
Life Chain Custer County Pro-Lifers Stand Together, Pray Together
Life Chain
Custer County Pro-Lifers
Stand Together, Pray Together
Life Chain, part of a worldwide movement, a Pro-Life social organization started in 1987, and one of the largest in America, held its public awareness walk last Sunday. This is a regular annual event in Custer County and held on both sides of Main Street in Westcliffe at the west end parking area of the school. From two in the afternoon till three thirty, Pro-Life Christians from different denominations gathered to bring awareness to the rest of the county about the intrinsic evils of abortion. There is always a right and a wrong in every issue and abortion is always wrong because it destroys a human life. Continue reading Life Chain Custer County Pro-Lifers Stand Together, Pray Together