All posts by sentineladmin

BOCC and Custer County Planning Commission Meetings

BOCC: County Planning and Zoning Recap,
Airport Improvments, Tourism Board Changes

Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
—April 17, 2019
Silverwest Airport,
by Jackie (Muddy) Bubis
The meeting started at 9 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Introductions of the public followed.
The Board approved the minutes from the March 29th, April 2nd, and April 3rd meetings.
Commissioner items
Commissioner Canda reported that Christy Doon from DOLA will be touring the airport and that Phase 2 of airport work will begin soon. This will include ramp expansion, a new taxiway, and a new fuel farm. Mr. Canda also mentioned a discussion at the Custer Emergency Services meeting regarding the use of drones in law enforcement and search and rescue operations. He commented that the USGS water balance study presentation on the underground aquifer at the last Upper Arkansas Water Conservancy District (UAWCD) meeting was very interesting. And on May 7th, Sally Clark (former El Paso County Commissioner), who is now working with rural broadband, will be meeting with Silver Cliff. Continue reading BOCC and Custer County Planning Commission Meetings

April 3rd BOCC: Tower Madness

April 3rd BOCC: Tower Madness
CCEDC Would Get a Substantial
“Management” Fee for Towers Project

Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
—April 3, 2019
by Jackie (Muddy) Bubis

Afternoon Session 1 p.m.: BOCC and non county entity (non -profit corporation) the Custer County Economic Development Corp. (CCEDC) or (EDC)
The meeting began with Charles Bogle handing out an organizational chart showing the relationship that the EDC proposes with the BOCC as the tower project proceeds. It shows the EDC directly under the BOCC, the same level as Finance, IT, Road & Bridge, and Legal. The general contractor for the project would answer to the CCEDC in this scenario. For operating as what they called the project manager, the CCEDC would get $50K per year, with an expected two-year timeline. This money would be taken from the $2M grant money. Continue reading April 3rd BOCC: Tower Madness

Colorado Dems Pass Red Flag/Gun Confiscation Law

by George Gramlich,
The democrat controlled Colorado House gave final okay to the unconstitutional Red Flag Emergency Risk Protection Order (ERPO)/Gun Confiscation bill, HB19-1177, that the democrat controlled Senate passed recently. As of today (4/3/19) it awaits democrat Governor Polis’s signature. He has indicated he will sign it. It will take effect January 1, 2020. Continue reading Colorado Dems Pass Red Flag/Gun Confiscation Law

Colorado National Popular Vote Referendum Petition Sign to Protect Our Votes


“Organizers say they’ve validated more than 150,000 signatures — far above nearly 125,000 needed to make the 2020 ballot. And they’re still gathering more supporters, hoping to get 200,000 signers by the August 1st deadline,” notes Colorado
If you are carrying a petition, PLEASE turn them in ASAP , notarized, at Sentinel at 601 Main Street, Westcliffe.

by George Gramlich, Editor
A new patriot organization, ColoradansVote.Org, has begun gathering petition signatures to place the Colorado National Popular Vote (NPV) law passed recently by the democrat-controlled Colorado House and Senate and signed by the extreme left-wing Governor Polis, on the ballot this fall SO IT CAN BE REPEALED.
This rabidly unconstitutional law forces our Colorado Presidential electoral votes to go to the candidate who wins the most votes nationwide and not necessarily WHO WE VOTED FOR. It basically forces us to side with the heavily populated east and west coast ultra-liberal states. Continue reading Colorado National Popular Vote Referendum Petition Sign to Protect Our Votes

The Town of Silver Cliff Stands Up For Liberty Now a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary!

Silver Cliff Town Board Meeting
—April 1, 2019
by Lisa Frank
There was a meeting prior to the Silver Cliff Town Board regular meeting with agents from the Custer County Economic Development Corp, Charles Bogle and Dale Mullen, and representatives from the Pinnacle Consulting Group, Mark Carmel and Tom Ramirez. The meeting began at 4 p.m. and ended just prior to the regular meeting.
The meeting began at 5:35 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call, attendee introductions. The Consent Agenda that was approved unanimously.

Mayor Pro-Temp Buck Wenzel spearheaded this resolution and brought it to the Town Board. His reason is to protect Silver Cliff’s citizens from any illegal seizure of their weapons that might occur when Colorado’s new Extreme Risk Protection Order Red Flag/Gun Confiscation Bill is signed by the governor. A motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously.

Continue reading The Town of Silver Cliff Stands Up For Liberty Now a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary!

Stalking the Night part 3


Part 3 of 3
by Mark Bunch,
Lincoln Park Pawn,
Royal Gorge Gun Club
Dedicated NVD or Clip On NVD Weapon Sight
Now that we have a good working knowledge of how NVDs work and what each generation of NVD offers the end user, there is another choice for you to consider. Dedicated NVD weapon sights can be Gen 1, 2, 2+, 3, 3 auto-gated tubes. Clip on NVDs are positioned in front of your regular day scope and can be purchased in Gen 2, 2+, 3, and 3 auto-gated tubes. Continue reading Stalking the Night part 3

Water Wars: BOCC Attends Upper Ark Board Meeting

Water Wars: Nobody on the BOCC
Knew of Custer Aug Plan?
CC Has Two Residents on Upper Ark Board and a Commish Rep

by Jackie Bubis
On March 14, 2019, all three Custer County Commissioners attended the Upper Arkansas Water Conservation District (UAWCD) Board meeting.
Commissioner Tom Flower read a letter asking the Upper Arkansas Water Conservation District Board to remove Custer County from the proposed water augmentation plan. His reason was that Custer County was blindsided by the application and that, during public meetings both board member Tim Canterbury and Chairman Senderhauf expressed that, if Custer County wanted out of the plan, they would do that. Continue reading Water Wars: BOCC Attends Upper Ark Board Meeting

John Carroll: New Chief at local Veterans Office

by Fred Hernandez, Reporter

He hails from Bellingham, Washington, where he was born forty seven years ago. Right after high school John Carroll joined the Marine Corp. (Infantry) and served from 1994 to 1998 in his first go around. Following a short stint in private life he decided to re-enlist in the Army as a result of September 11, the modern version of “a day of infamy” to quote the late President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. On this second round he served from 2001 to 2016 retiring as an E-7 Sergeant First Class after two tours in Iraq and one tour in Afghanistan. Once out of the service he and his wife of seventeen years, Rae, decided they would do some travelling. They sold everything, bought a trailer and happily took to the open highway. After some time on the road, they decided they needed to have a “home base”. Continue reading John Carroll: New Chief at local Veterans Office

Sanctuary Counties Protecting Constitutional Rights

There is some consternation about the county becoming a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary County. The way I understand it, this came about at the request of the sheriff. And it’s happening all over the state. Why would the sheriff (and the sheriff’s association) push this? What is the role of sheriff? Where does a sheriff get his authority? What constraints are placed on a sheriff?
First, the term sheriff comes from old English; it is a combination of the words shire (county here) and the word reeve which means chief or keeper. A sheriff is the highest law officer in the land and is charged with protecting the citizens of his county. The sheriff is the original peace officer. As an elected official, the sheriff is not subordinate to county commissioners or any other agency like federal officers or state officers. To operate in his jurisdiction, other agencies require his permission. Also, as an elected official, the sheriff is accountable to the electorate and may not be re-elected or worse, recalled when the citizens feel he is not performing his duty.
At a recent workshop, Commissioner Printz said that what government does is infringe on people’s rights. Apparently he doesn’t know the purpose of government. The Declaration of Independence tells us why governments are formed: “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men”. This is germane because the sheriff takes an oath (like all elected officials) to uphold the Constitution of the United States and Colorado. The Constitution takes precedence over all else and the sheriff of every county is bound to not enforce unconstitutional laws. And determining the constitutionality in the case of Red Flag Laws is really easy.
Many people concentrate on the fact that Red Flag laws infringe on a person’s right to keep and bear arms. That is far from the only right they infringe on. I can easily make a case for 1st Amendment infringements but won’t here. The violation to the 4th Amendment should be obvious. First problem is probable cause. That cannot be hearsay or retribution. Second is the illegal search and seizure part and third is that the person making accusations must swear an oath. Red Flag laws contain no provisions for false accusations.
Red Flag laws also violate the 5th Amendment. The due process should be so obvious that even a Democrat has to agree that due process is violated. “. . . nor shall any person . . . be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due
process of law.”
So far, Red Flag laws violate a person’s 2nd, 4th and 5th Amendment rights. How about the 6th? No speedy or public trial by jury in Red Flag laws and certainly no opportunity to confront the accuser.
Well at least Red Flag laws don’t violate a person’s 7th Amendment rights. Except the trial by jury part and the once adjudicated can’t be re-examined part. And of course there’s the 8th Amendment which stipulates that no excessive fines may be imposed. I know people whose collections could easily run in the thousands of dollars in value. And add collectibles and the way they will be immediately devalued by law enforcement just makes the fine based on hearsay evidence more excessive.
Whew, at least that should be it right? No, Red Flag laws also violate the 14th Amendment. As some people point out, Red Flag laws violate the due process clause of the 14th Amendment. But there’s more; “No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States” clearly says that the state is wrong to enact a law like this and doubly-wrong to enforce one. The sheriff is bound to not enforce laws that don’t follow due process.
So, Red Flag laws violate the 2nd Amendment, true. But more importantly, they also violate the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 14th.
The sheriff’s job is to uphold lawful laws and the authority to do so comes from the citizens who elected that sheriff. His authority is not dependent on the state or federal government, nor is it dependent on some bureaucrat. And the sheriff is only allowed to enforce lawful, constitutional laws. Not something that is so clearly unconstitutional. Realistically, we shouldn’t say that Custer County is a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary county, rather it is a Constitution Sanctuary County or a Right Sanctuary County.
Dan Bubis,
Custer County