Category Archives: 2024

Bill Canda Statements

The Sentinel received an LTE rebuttal letter sent to KRDO from Bill Canda and a Statement from Commissioner Bill Canda. Both are below
Letter to the Editor

—December 26, 2023

RE: Article by KRDO Channel 13 printed on December 13, 2023

On December 19, 2023, KRDO Channel 13 ran a story prompted by a spurious criminal complaint filed by the Editor of the Wet Mountain Tribune accusing me of forgery. This article is not true and publication by KRDO is irresponsible.
On August 23, 2023, the Custer County Finance Director issued Braden Wilson a check for $30,451.18. The gross amount of the check net of taxes was approximately $55,000. Wilson was on the job for less than a week when his position was eliminated by the newly seated Board of County Commissioners (BOCC). On August 25, 2023, I tried to stop payment of the check to give the BOCC time to resolve the improprieties surrounding its issuance.
It is important to note that by law, only the BOCC has the fiduciary responsibility to spend the citizens (taxpayers) money. They must personally verify every check issued for all expenditures. Also, it is important to note the two issues with the Wilson payment: 1) unresolved problems concerning the legitimacy of his employment contract, and 2) the legitimacy of the issuance of the check itself.
It was critical that the newly seated BOCC determine whether the check was a legitimate expense, and as importantly if valid, the expense was reviewed and approved by the BOCC as required by Colorado Law. There are several reasons why this check should not have been issued:
1. The pay calculation was never verified or checked by a person other than the person who calculated and issued the check. There were errors.
2. The check was issued by the Director of Finance without approval by the BOCC. The check contains a pre-printed signature of the County Clerk attesting that the Commissioner’s signature on the check is valid. It was stamped in error with the Chairman’s signature and directly issued without the knowledge of either the Clerk, the Commissioner or the BOCC.
3. I tried to stop payment on the check when I discovered it had been released without Board approval. My intent was to ensure that the payment was valid, and the calculations were correct. Additionally, standard practice would be to issue two different checks; one for time worked and one for severance pay.
Commissioners have signature authority for all county checks. The BOCC never approved the Wilson check. Therefore, I have authority to stop the payment of the check. The County Treasurer overrode my stop payment order and directed the bank to pay the check anyway. The law does not permit this. The Treasurer’s action precluded the County Commission from being able to perform its fiduciary duty to the county.
I believe the criminal complaint Hedberg filed is completely unlawful and frivolous because the reason I tried to stop payment of the Wilson check was to ensure the matter could be resolved according to law. Hedberg’s actions were irresponsible, and his complaint is unfounded.

William R. (Bill) Canda
Custer County Commissioner


A Statement from Commissioner Canda Regarding the
Criminal Compliant Filed by Hedberg Against Canda:

1. I believe it is completely unlawful and a frivolous, expensive and misguided misuse of our justice system that a criminal complaint be filed for the legitimate actions taken by me while exercising my responsibility as a county commissioner to fiducially protect our county. What Jordan Hedberg did, by inserting himself into the story by filing the complaint, then involving KRDO Channel 13 to spread his errant opinions, was irresponsible and probably criminal. Allegations this serious warranted a thorough, unbiased investigation.

2. Jordan Hedberg has inserted himself into a story he created to damage my reputation and to cost our government time and money for no other reason than his own irrational hatred. By filing this complaint against my actions, which were not only lawful, but necessary, he has been irresponsible and expensive at best, probably criminal. By involving KRDO to spread false information, his misdeeds have been multiplied and unlawful.

3. It is an affront to the profession of journalism to leap to conclusions just because, at first glance, the reporter’s biases are confirmed. This shoddy practice is why thinking people no longer trust the media, and why confusion and division reign. Jordan Hedberg and KRDO should know better.

Note: Regarding the Validity of the Wilson Contract:

It is not for me nor the BOCC to determine the validity of the Wilson Contract. It is a question that only a court of law, a judge, can determine. If the payment of the check had been stopped, Braden Wilson would have had to prove it was a legal contract. Trujillo shifted the burden to the county to prove it wasn’t—at significant cost to the citizens of the county.



Free Public Forum on Education January 18

Press Release
The Education Legacy Fund and The West Custer County Library
Free Moderated Panel to Explore Education Opportunities

The Education Legacy Fund and the West Custer County Library are co-sponsoring a Public Forum on Education in the Valley on Thursday, January 18, 2024. The Forum will start at 5 p.m. at All Aboard Westcliffe Heritage Center (located at 110 Rosita Avenue in Westcliffe.)
The Public Forum will have a moderated panel to explore education options, opportunities, obstacles and solutions. The panel will consist of educators and community members acting as moderators, with questions and participation invited from the audience.
The Public Forum is free and everyone is welcome to attend – teachers, students, parents, educators, homeschoolers, church schoolers, and anyone interested in lifelong learning. Refreshments will be served.

Roger Camper Retires After Many Years of Service

by Fred Hernandez
All good things come to an end and for Silver Cliff town, one definitely “good thing”, officially came to an end at the end of November with the retirement of one who served not only Silver Cliff with distinction, but the entire community of Custer County. Yes, it was the retirement of Roger Camper who joined the town of Silver Cliff in June of 2010. For more than a decade Roger unselfishly served the people of the town as the Building and Zoning Officer and often helped in other tasks as needed.
On November 30th, the town celebrated his retirement with Roger, and his wife Pam, at the local Mexican restaurant Imperio Azteca. Town Clerk Ileen Squire had prepared several gifts for him which he unwrapped to the delight of everyone present. With about thirty guests in attendance, Roger enjoyed the warm friendship and gratitude they offered as well as appreciation for his service from town trustees Jake Shy, Troy Bomgardner and this writer. Silver Cliff town Mayor Harry “Buck” Wenzel expressed his sincerest appreciation, not only of the years of serving the town, but the cordial friendship he shares with Roger. The mayor’s statement embodies what everyone felt when he said and we quote:
“The Town of Silver Cliff will never forget the amazing dedication, care and countless contributions that Mr. Camper gave to our town, its residents and builders during his career with us. His skills, abilities and historical knowledge were second to none. We wish him the best in his retirement and will miss his energetic, positive and “can-do” attitude!”
We recall, for the record, one truly remarkable achievement of Roger as Building and Zoning officer of the town was the extensive and complex work done on the town’s museum. The original building was erected in 1879 and was in dire need of refurbishment. Through Rogers continuous efforts at research and his broad knowledge of construction and building materials he painstakingly found the modern day equivalents of the materials needed, and necessarily approved by the Historical Society, to bring the ancient building back to its new life span of another century. In addition, the museum now has a nice pavilion and an area where visitors can rest and recreate.
Indeed Roger’s contri-bution not only to Silver Cliff but to the county as a whole goes back to his days of pioneering the establishment of what is now the Wet Mountain Fire District. His tireless efforts as a one man fundraising committee, countless hours
of hard work and single minded determination to create what is now one of the best fire fighting organizations in southwest Colorado. Roger will conceivably always be remembered as the “father” of the Custer County Fire Department.
We wish Roger all the very best in his retirement; that he may have all the time he needs to enjoy his family and we pray for his good health and happiness always.
And so, until we meet again, the town of Silver Cliff wishes Roger a fond ‘adieu” and may God be with you in all your future endeavors.