Category Archives: BOCC

August 29 BOCC: Channel 13, UAACOG Grant, Assessor Software, ES on Hacking Scandal

BOCC: Channel 13 on Air! UAACOG Grant Madness, New Assessor Software, Executive Session on the Hacking Scandal

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary
The August 29, 2024 Custer County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) meeting was held at their royal digs across from the county court-house. It started at 9 a.m. All three Commissioners were in attendance: Bill Canda, Lucas Epp and Kevin  Day. Continue reading August 29 BOCC: Channel 13, UAACOG Grant, Assessor Software, ES on Hacking Scandal

BOCC: From Cameras to Raw Sewage

BOCC: From Cameras
to Raw Sewage

Laser Speed Camera, R&B Costs, Building Permits Down, Raw Sewage Dumping on Private Land Proposed

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary
The August 14, 2024 Custer County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) regular meeting was held in their bunker across from the county courthouse. at 9 a.m. All three Commissioners were present: Bill Canda, Lucas Epp and Kevin “Turncoat” Day. (“Turncoat”? Yup. Day abandoned the Republican Party and the people who elected him this year and registered as Unaffiliated. Why? Because he wants to be Commissioner for another four years. He knew he couldn’t win the Republican primary because of his totally disastrous three-year reign where he almost single-handedly destroyed our county government. Day wants four more years as the big important commissioner, attending all the important government meetings around the state, but not managing the departments he is in charge of. What say you, Happy Valley tax-paying voter?)
In Commissioner Items, Canda said the crew pushing to get three fire suppression ponds certified are dropping the Christie Coleman pond. They are still pursuing the other two. Continue reading BOCC: From Cameras to Raw Sewage

July 17 BOCC Report: Fire Suppression Ponds, Day gets Grant, CC Claybusters Shot down

July 17 BOCC:
Fire Suppression Ponds,
Day Gets His Big Grant,
One Finance Director Applicant,
CC Claybusters Shot Down

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary
The Custer County Board of County Commissioners regular weekly meeting on July 17, 2024 started at 9 a.m. in their throne room across from the county courthouse. All three commissioners
were present: Bill Canda, Lucas Epp and Kevin Day.
In New Business, Day announced that his primary project during his entire 3.5 year stint as commissioner was coming to fruition as he has obtained tax money in the form of a grant from the grant machine, the Upper Arkansas Area Council of Governments to buy playground equipment “for the children” in Wetmore. However, this grift money needs county matching funds so we are all on the hook for half of this.
Budget Resolution 24-17 was next. Our Veterans Service Office honcho,  Dominic Edginton requested a loan of $5k to “kickstart” a $50k grant he is getting for our Veterans. This will be repaid as soon as the grant money is received. This passed.
A big presentation by various people including state and local offices was next concerning establishing three “fire suppression ponds” on the valley floor. The locations are at/near the Beckwith Ranch, the Rusk Ranch and the “Coleman Pond”. As with anything concerning water and the State of Colorado, it was a long and compli-cated presentation with a ton of red tape and bureaucrat nonsense needed to get it done. It was decided that the players involved would proceed with the attempt.
Epp was next with a proposal to combine two county positions, Maintenance and Custodial, into one job. He noted that the Maintenance contract with an outside contractor is expiring soon and we have an opportunity to streamline things a bit. Epp estimated that the two jobs would take around 50 hours per week and that a full-time person and a part-time person could handle the job. The rate would be $22.50 per hour.
In Additional Items of Business, Epp said we have only received one application for the Finance Director’s job and that was sent to the screening committee for review.
(This is after months of advertising all over the state and country. The problem is the salary is way too low and the commissioners don’t have the cajoles to raise it because it would be way higher than any other county official.)
Epp then said the six-month budget review will be next Wednesday (July 24) at the SAR building.
In Public Comments, Jerry Tracewell from the Custer County Claybusters Club (a local club that teaches clay and trapshooting to our kids and they also go to competitions) made a statement that all the equipment that they have at the Sheriff’s Office shooting range came from donations, mostly from the Friends of the NRA. He said rumors that the school paid for anything are false.
Then the real subject came up when Day told Tracewell that the club can only use the range during the school year as the school has insurance for the training. Once the school year ends, Day said “you are not welcome” as the club, apparently, has no other insurance. Day said it was a county owned range, on county property and the club has no Memorandum of Understanding with the county and they “have no insurance in place”. This set Tracewell off as he and a bunch of volunteers have spent a huge amount of time and effort in getting the club going and this would end the effort for the kids to learn and compete. Tracewell said,
“I have put hundreds of hours into this. You have wiped it out.” And that is how it ended.
And that was that. Another day in Happy Valley.

Breaking News! Custer County BOCC OK’s Firearms in County Buildings

by George Gramlich
At the June 19, 2024 Custer County Board of County Commissioners meeting, the Commissioners passed Resolution 24-08, Lawful Possession of Firearms in Sensitive Buildings.
Background: The Colorado legislature recently passed a bill, SB 24-131 prohibiting the carry of weapons in county buildings. However, it provided that counties can opt out of the restriction.
Many counties to date have done so including Fremont County. The Sentinel has been encouraging the Commissioners to also do this.
Commissioner Epp put the Resolution on the Agenda and had County Attorney Slater modify Fremont County’s Resolution for Custer County.
Resolution 24-08 allows for the open and concealed carry of firearms in all county buildings except for the courtroom and adjacent court clerk’s area. Note that there is a prior county resolution that prohibits the open carrying of firearms in certain designated areas (such as Human Services). Resolution 24-08 keeps those restrictions in place.
All three Commissioners voted to pass the Resolution.
Bottom Line: You can continue to open or concealed carry in Custer County public buildings except for the courtroom area and certain
delineated specific areas.

BOCC: Day Announces He Is Running for Re-Election, Plus Bombshell

BOCC: Day Announces He Is Running
for Re-Election,
Bombshell: Public Health Director Brown Put on Administrative Leave!

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary

This week’s BOCC had two bombshell announcements. One we knew was coming (Kevin Day) and one that was a total surprise. (Yes, it was just another wonderful day in Happy Valley.)
So, what happened at the Custer County Board of County Commissioners May 28, 2024 meeting regarding Commissioner Kevin Day and his political future? We’ll get to that in a minute.
First, the meeting was in the BOCC’s throne room, and all three Commissioners were present: Day, and members Bill Canda and Lucas Epp. The meeting started at 9 a.m. Continue reading BOCC: Day Announces He Is Running for Re-Election, Plus Bombshell

May 8 BOCC: Day, Epp Attack Canda Over the Election Integrity Meeting

BOCC: Planning & Zoning:
Things Are Slowing Down,
Day, Epp Attack Canda Over
the Election Integrity Meeting

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary

In the May 8, 2024 Custer County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) meeting the libs attempted a rather pathetic counterattack against Commissioner Bill Canda just for having had the BOCC Election Integrity meeting last week. It was almost comedic but Commissioners Lucas Epp (Republican) and Kevin Day (now an “Unaffiliated” after he was elected as a Republican) went along with the attack to appease these cancel culture devotees. We will unravel this episode of Light vs. Darkness, but let’s first get through the regular meeting stuff. Continue reading May 8 BOCC: Day, Epp Attack Canda Over the Election Integrity Meeting

May 1 BOCC – Hedberg Threatens to Sue, Libs Feign Fear of Violence, Commish Calls CBI

BOCC Shocker: Hedberg Threatens to Sue
the BOCC Over Holding an Election
Integrity Meeting,
Libs Feign Fear of Violence If They Attend,
Commissioner Secretly Calls the CBI Over the Meeting!

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary

This Custer County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC)  meeting on May 1st started out “normal” (whatever that is here in Happy Valley) but when the subject of an upcoming BOCC Election Integrity Forum  came up at the end,  some of our left leaning locals went full victim outrage Stage 10 Soy Boy trying to suppress free speech as they didn’t agree with the meeting’s subject.  (Just like the libs do on our college campuses around the country.)

Before we get into the high drama, let’s get through the mundane stuff first: The meeting started at 9 a.m. with all three Com-missioners present: Chair Kevin Day and members Bill Canda and Lucas Epp.

In Commissioner Items, Epp said he will be asking for bids to fix the courthouse roof. Canda said our local TV mountain top transmitter service is working for one station (KKKTV, Channel 13) but the contractor needs a new antenna for the other station.

In New Business, Redlands Accounting gave an update on their work clearing up the audit issues and getting ready for this year’s audit. It appears progress is being made.

Next item up was the Finance Director’s Job Description and Posting. Canda presented Human Resources Director Bob Smith’s proposed job description. Canda said there were a few requirement changes including: the candidate must be able to do journal entries, be able to present value and amortization calculations and also be able to use Excel. The proposed salary range was $80k to $110. After some discussion, the maximum salary was raised to $120k.

The Commissioners then accepted a Proclamation for the National Day of Prayer resolution.

Then Canda’s big drama baby came up: That evening’s BOCC meeting on Election Integrity Fact Finding to be held at the Lutheran Church’s Lange Hall. (This meeting came up pretty quick. I believe due to speaker availability. Canda had phoned  Day and Epp requesting the meeting that would have several election integrity “experts” in person and via Zoom. Continue reading May 1 BOCC – Hedberg Threatens to Sue, Libs Feign Fear of Violence, Commish Calls CBI

The Trib Hit Piece on Sheriff Smith: Situation Normal

The Trib Hit Piece on Sheriff Smith:
Situation Normal

by George Gramlich, Commentary
Well, we really want to pass on commenting on this piece of yellow journalism, but it is low hanging fruit, and you know what that means: time for some plucking. The Editor of the Wet Mountain Tribune, Jordy “Red Bug” Hedberg wrote a very long article last week in his paper attacking our Sheriff, Rich Smith, over hiring a highly experienced and qualified Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) to be his part-time “Chief of Staff”. It was indeed low hanging fruit. So, the article needs some light thrown on it.
It is full of speculative allegations, which when reviewed in context, show an extreme prejudice against the Sheriff, and LEO in general.
Smith just hired Mike DeLaurentis as his part- time Chief of Staff (three days a week at $35 per hour and no benefits). An admin job. Smith has known DeLaurentis for a long time as both were stationed in the same building in Florence, with DeLaurentis being the Florence Police Chief and Smith being Captain of our local Colorado State Patrol section.
Hedberg’s hit piece reviews some of the well-known drama about Florence’s Ex-City Manager, Mike Patterson, who was accused of sexual harassment by multiple Florence employees. (Florence hired him even though he was a convicted felon!) Patterson was also involved in a host of other shenanigans as City Manager and was eventually arrested and convicted again.
A lot of the alleged dirt centered around one female employee who claimed that a whole bunch of city employees, including DeLaurentis, had sexually harassed her. This was very early in her employment at the City of Florence. Eventually the city settled and paid her a bunch of money.
(A red flag here folks is the number of people the lady accused. In a very short time.)
Hedberg also mentions some lawsuits filed against the Florence PD which were settled for money and unfairly implies somehow that all of those issues were DeLaurentis’s fault. (Folks, in today’s victim society, you can’t run a police department or a Sheriff’s Office without a constant barrage of lawsuits. Sad stuff, but true.)
Hedberg also knocks DeLaurentis for taking out a loan from the city and paying it back. This was a common practice among city employees with the blessing from the City Manager but this practice was later alleged to be “against city policy”. So somehow this is a black mark against DeLaurentis for having fully paid back a loan?
Hedberg then somehow implies that something fishy is going because no agency, even when asked, wanted to investigate DeLaurentis’s alleged wrong doings. (Wonder why?)
DeLaurents retired in 2019. Hedberg then lists a bunch of issues that occurred in Florence years later (eg, 2022), after DeLaurentis was long gone, and again tries to implicitly link those issues to DeLaurentis.
You got the drift. Somehow DeLaurentis is bad. And Smith is bad for hiring him. Note that DeLaurentis was never charged with a crime and never convicted. But that doesn’t count.
With regards to hiring DeLaurentis, take a look at Smith’s extensive management background with the Colorado State Patrol and his policies on responsibility and transparency. Smith has been totally above board with the public. Smith would never hire anyone who had any ethical issues and Smith would never hire anyone whose actions would reflect badly on the SO or himself.
Smith knew DeLaurentis for a long time. He worked closely with him. DeLaurentis has 42 years of LEO experience at various levels. Smith was stationed in Florence when all this Florence City Manager drama went down. He knows the truth. There is nothing wrong with Smith hiring a guy he knows, who he worked with and trusts, and who has an incredible work background. (Some additional background: DeLaurentis is the president of the Christian Motorcycle Association in Cañon City and is the head of the executive council at his church. In addition, DeLaurentis is a volunteer at the Cañon City Literary Center helping children to read.)
So why did Hedberg write the biased hit piece? Maybe because Hedberg has had multiple run ins with our legal system over the last few years and is not a big fan of LEO?
Or look at this: The three main county employees/officials that Hedberg has repeatedly attacked in the Tribune since he bought the paper, all have three things in common: Dr. Clifford Brown, our Public Health Director, Commissioner Bill Canda, and now Sheriff Rich Smith are all bedrock Christian conservatives. Is that a reason? Who knows?
At the end of the article. Hedberg states he will be attacking another recent SO hire, Undersheriff Susan Barnes, in his next edition. Barnes has an incredible resume and is highly qualified for the job. Hedberg said several SO employees have filed complaints against Barnes and that, apparently, warrants another hit piece.
With regards to Barnes and the complaints against her know this: Rich Smith, in his first two years, has dramatically remade the Custer County Sheriff’s Office. He has a new management structure and has brought in a bunch of highly experienced LEO’s with special training and knowledge that the office didn’t have before. This, of course, will ruffle some feathers of employees who were there when he was hired, but that is normal. A lot of people resist change, and some can’t accept it. So, complaints are to be expected. Note that when reading Hedberg’s attack piece on Undersheriff Barnes.

( Bottom Line: Another biased hit piece on a good man trying to build a better government agency. All of Hedberg’s attacks on Brown and Canda failed miserably. And this will too.
And you have to ask, what is going on in Hedberg’s head that makes him attack good people? Hopefully someday he will wake up and see the goodness and light in humanity.
This type of gutter journalism serves only to divide an otherwise peaceful community.
After reading the Trib’s hit piece, one of the Sentinel’s proofing ladies said, “That was just mean.” That folks, is the bottom line.)

April 3 BOCC: in County Facilities, High Drama, Lib Meltdowns

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary
The April 3, 2024 Custer County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) regular meeting started at 9 a.m. at their royally appointed abode across from the County Courthouse. All three Commissioners were present: Chair Kevin Day and members Bill Canda and
Lucas Epp.
In Commissioner Items, Canda noted that the two local TV stations (11 and 13) operating off the mountain should be operational by next week.
In New Business, the Short Term Rental Application (STR) for the Urbiztondo STR was up. This is the third go at this STR. The Planning Commission had previously voted to recommend that the BOCC deny the application due to the vehement disapproval by its neighbors. Continue reading April 3 BOCC: in County Facilities, High Drama, Lib Meltdowns

March 27 BOCC: Non-Sanctuary Proclamation

BOCC: We Are Now a Non-Sanctuary County!
(Local Lib Doesn’t Like That.)
Plus: Anti Porn Internet Resolution Passed

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary

The March 27, 2024 Custer County Board of County Commissioners’ (BOCC) regular meeting got into some hot topic political issues, and we are happy to report, that the “good guys” won to the weeping angst of the County’s political left. The meeting was at the Commissioners lavishly appointed throne room across from the courthouse. All three Commissioners were in attendance: Chair Kevin Day and members Bill Canda and Lucas Epp.
In Commissioner Items, Canda reported that the equipment for the TV towers has arrived and the contractor is testing it. Epp noted that the County’s accounting system provider, CIC, will be training our troops on various dates in April. Continue reading March 27 BOCC: Non-Sanctuary Proclamation