Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
—December 18, 2019
by Jackie (Muddy) Bubis
The meeting started with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Introductions of the public followed.
The minutes for November 27th, December 5th and 6th were approved.
Commissioner Items:
Commissioner Canda reported that CenturyLink is looking at options for extending fiber down to McKenzie Junction to include grant application. The meeting with Sallie Clark from USDA Rural Development went well and Mr. Canda was pleasantly surprised at all the programs available for small rural communities. Continue reading BOCC: Airport Firetruck Fireworks
Category Archives: BOCC
BOCC: Commissioner Flower not happy with Trib’s Article, Trib CORAs Docs…
BOCC: Flower not happy with Trib’s Article, Trib CORAs Docs, Board to Talk about Vacation Rentals, More Money Tossed at Implementation of the Strategic plan?
Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
—December 5, 2019
by Jackie (Muddy) Bubis
The meeting started with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Introductions of the public followed.
Commissioner Items:
Commissioner Printz expressed that the CCI (Colorado Counties, Incorporated) conference that the three commissioners just returned from was profitable and suggested that the time to talk about short-term vacation rentals is sooner rather than later.
Commissioner Canda reported that Sally Clark from USDA will be here on Thursday the 12th at 10:30 a.m. to meet with the commissioners regarding fiber and broadband. He also appreciated the CCI conference and came home with more knowledge and information. Continue reading BOCC: Commissioner Flower not happy with Trib’s Article, Trib CORAs Docs…
November 27th BOCC: Fiber, EMS, Airport Fire Truck Issue, HOAs want Snow Plowed by County
BOCC: IGA Signed for Fiber Project,
Airport Fire Truck Issue, HOA Wants Snow Plowed,
Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
—November 27, 2019
by Jackie (Muddy) Bubis
The meeting started with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Introductions of the public followed.
The minutes from November 13th were approved.
Commissioner Items
Commissioner Canda reported that the Upper Arkansas Water Conservancy District will be meeting after the first of the year with those opposed to the water augmentation plan. He worked with Fire Chief Shy to clarify insurance issues with the damage done by the fire truck housed at the airport. He announced that the $30K grant for the Underfunded Courthouse project was awarded. Continue reading November 27th BOCC: Fiber, EMS, Airport Fire Truck Issue, HOAs want Snow Plowed by County
BOCC Nov 13th: BOCC: New Christian Radio Station Coming To County; Another EMS Vote, Fiber IGA Approved
Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
—November 13, 2019
by Jackie (Muddy) Bubis
The meeting started with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Introductions of the public followed.
The minutes from October 31st, November 6th and 7th were approved.
Commissioner Items:
Commissioner Canda held his comments until a later agenda item.
Both Chairman Flower and Commissioner Printz reported on meetings they attended. Commissioner Flower got a consensus from the other commissioners that the county should not buy the salvaged deputy’s vehicle from the recent crash. The vehicle was heavily damaged and Mr. Flower expressed that he didn’t think the county wanted to be in the salvage business. He also reported that the letter that the Board sent to DOLA requesting funds had a mistake in it. Christy Doon from DOLA will attend the end of month meeting to discuss this request in light of new management at DOLA. Continue reading BOCC Nov 13th: BOCC: New Christian Radio Station Coming To County; Another EMS Vote, Fiber IGA Approved
BOCC October 2
Board of County Commissioners (BOCC)
October 2, 2019
Westcliffe, CO
The meeting started with the pledge of allegiance and roll call. Introductions of the public followed.
Commissioner items:
Commissioner Printz is on the agenda for the fire district board meeting to see if they have any interest in furthering discussion about taking over EMS. Continue reading BOCC October 2
SHOCK: Hospital District REQUIRED to Provide EMS Service to Wetmore!
by George Gramlich,
News, Analysis and Commentary
Contrary to what we have been told repeatedly by the West Custer County Hospital District Board (the “District”) and District Management for around the last decade, the District is required, by contract with the Custer County Board of County Commissioners, to provide emergency ambulance services to ALL of Custer County, regardless of whether the area is in the District’s taxing area or not. This surprising fact somehow has not been disclosed to the public by the District and directly contradicts multiple District Management statements that the District has no responsibility for areas
outside of their taxing district. Continue reading SHOCK: Hospital District REQUIRED to Provide EMS Service to Wetmore!
BOCC Workshop with Hospital District on Ambulance Coverage
Monday’s Workshop Clarifies and Distills;
2nd Ambulance Problem Remains
by Jackie (Muddy) Bubis
After three-plus hours of talk and discussion amongst the Commissioners and the Hospital District Board, the people in the eastern portion of Custer County are still relegated to a big maybe on whether they will get an ambulance if they need one.
The meeting began with hospital district chairman Tobin reading several options for EMS for the Wetmore area residents – mostly relying on the county and the commissioners to foot the bill – up to $40K per month.
BOCC Chairman Tom Flower tried unsuccessfully to get the answer to the simple question: who’s responsibility it is to make sure EMS coverage is available for these residents. At one point, the commissioners had to remind Tobin that this issue is no laughing matter.
Two citizens’ input at the end of the meeting really summed the issues up well. One citizen of the hospital district asked if he has a car accident out of the bounds of the hospital district and there is no second crew, will he get the service he is paying taxes for. When the answer was no, he responded that, in that eventuality, the clinic would then be getting a call from his attorney.
The other citizen observation came when the comment was made that, even if you’re in the district, if the first crew is out, the likelihood is that there will not be a second crew to answer your call. The finding from this citizen was that this shows that the ambulance service is incapable of covering even their own district – a job they are being paid to do.
The OEM also commented that the first question that must be established is who is responsible for handling this issue – and Mr. Flower’s question came full circle. “Only one entity can make the decision,” she stated. In the end, three things are on the to-do list:
1) The BOCC will schedule another meeting with the people of Wetmore to find out what the people in the area want to do – because the entire hospital district board didn’t come to the last one.
2) Clinic administrator Lisa Drew is meeting with AMR tomorrow (Tuesday) and will let her board and the BOCC know what came of that meeting.
3) The clinic will come up with a call for service fee for the Wetmore area people, what board member Weisenbach called “Uber for medical.”
How soon any of that will happen is anyone’s guess. But if a call for chest pain comes in tonight in no-man’s land – even if it’s for a taxpayer in the district – and if a second crew is not available – that person is on his own.
Wetmore: Dial 911 for EMS NO ONE COMES
Custer County Board of Commissioners (BOCC)
Afternoon Workshop
—July 17, 2019
by Jackie Bubis
A s you have read in the Sentinel, the people in Wetmore are no longer covered by emergency medical care. For years the people below McKenzie Junction have been served by the Florence Fire Department. But that is no more, due to a lack of personnel.
The West Custer County Hospital District also does not, technically, service this area. At numerous meetings, Director Lisa Drew has attempted to lay this issue in the laps of the county commissioners, who have been wrestling with the issue. The new policy handed down from the hospital district is this: if a 911 call comes in from out of the “district”, then it is dispatch’s job to tone out a second ambulance crew. Until that second ambulance crew is at the ambulance quarters, the on-call crew will not respond. Continue reading Wetmore: Dial 911 for EMS NO ONE COMES
No EMS Response to Wetmore Emergency
Custer County
Commissioners (BOCC)
A.M. Meeting
by Jackie (Muddy) Bubis
-July 17, 2019
As you have read in the Sentinel, the people in Wetmore are no longer covered by emergency medical care. For years the people below McKenzie Junction have been served by the Florence Fire Department. But that is no more, due to a lack of personnel.
The West Custer County Hospital District also does not, technically, service this area. At numerous meetings, Director Lisa Drew has attempted to lay this issue in the laps of the the county commissioners, who have been wrestling with the issue.
The new policy handed down from the hospital district is this: if a 911 call comes in from out of the
“district”, then it is dispatch’s job to tone out a second ambulance crew. Until that second ambulance crew is available, the on-call crew stationed in Westcliffe, will not respond.
Imagine for a moment the poor dispatcher trying to handle emergencies is now tasked with scrounging up a second ambulance crew. Imagine it no longer. In the early hours of July 5th, an extreme emergency happened to a person driving down the mountain. At the junction in Wetmore, the driver pulled over for the passenger to be sick. What happened then was the
The passenger had a significant medical emergency right there in the middle of the road. EMS was toned. Dispatched toned the second crew. No one answered. Finally, Flight for Life was called. Ordinarily, the Fire Department lands the helicopter. In this case, a lone fireman from
Wetmore did the best he could and the helicopter landed and loaded up the unfortunate patient. All the while the ambulance crew up the mountain went back to sleep.
The County Commissioners will further address the issue at a workshop this afternoon at the Wetmore Community Center. More to come on this issue.
Ms Drew responded to this article on 7/25/19. Response HERE
June 28 BOCC: Roads, Hospital District, Moratorium on Subdivisions
Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
—June 28, 2019
by Jackie (Muddy) Bubis
The meeting started at 9 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call. Introductions of the public
Commissioner items:
All three commissioners listed meetings they attended. Commissioner Printz reported that there are two private initiatives in Silver Cliff that have gotten approval to build attainable housing.
Commissioner Canda reported that Road & Bridge is prepping Hermit Road for chip seal. He also gave kuddos to the community Vacation Bible School that just finished up. Continue reading June 28 BOCC: Roads, Hospital District, Moratorium on Subdivisions