Category Archives: BOCC

February 2 BOCC Meeting Report: Bridge Repair, STR Public Meeting Set for 26th

BOCC Feb. 2nd: “We Need to Fix This”,
Bridge Repair, STR Regulations,
Food Charity, VSO

by George Gramlich

The meeting started at 9 a.m. with a break for lunch.
All three commissioners were present: Chair Bill Canda, and Board members Tom Flower and Kevin Day. County Attorney Clint Smith was also present.
All three commissioners did their “what did I do since the last meeting” recitations. No revelations there.
Day then brought up a good point. At the last meeting they approved a motion making masks optional in the county courthouse rather than “mandatory”. Day said they really meant all county buildings, but the resolution specifically said, by mistake, the courthouse. Day said “we need to fix this” so they put it on the agenda for the February 17 meeting in Wetmore.
Flower then brings up the subject of how items can be added to the BOCC’s meeting agendas. This starts a LONG, disjointed discussion. It appears it was never settled. Continue reading February 2 BOCC Meeting Report: Bridge Repair, STR Public Meeting Set for 26th

BOCC 11/5/20: “Ghost Buster Foggers”, CORA Conundrum, Recycling Hope, County CC’s

Custer County Board of Commissioners (BOCC)
—November 5, 2020
by George Gramlich
Commissioner Items:
Canda: The airport is going to get a beacon signal.
Kelly Camper, County Clerk gave an election update: 3,625 votes cast so far.
Attorney Items: Mr. Smith is still addressing the flashing light on the tower. It can be replaced with an infra-red one. CORA request: He suggested a need for an executive session concerning a CORA request which contained a law argument and that he believes that person is representing the CORA requestor(s). Smith said he was considering filing a complaint with the office of attorney regulation about this for unauthorized practice of law. Continue reading BOCC 11/5/20: “Ghost Buster Foggers”, CORA Conundrum, Recycling Hope, County CC’s

Oct 21 BOCC: Covid $$, DHS playground? Thermometers at the Courthouse

by Laura Vass
—October 21, 2020
The meeting came to order followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call.
Amend Agenda Items: First Net Tower discussion was moved to October 30th and the Executive Session was removed from the agenda, both due to the unanticipated absence of the county attorney.
The August 12th BOCC minutes were approved. Continue reading Oct 21 BOCC: Covid $$, DHS playground? Thermometers at the Courthouse

December 31st BOCC: More on Wetmore EMS, Engine 32, and HOA snow plowing

BOCC: Wetmore EMS Progress,
Airport Fire Truck/HOA Issue,
HOA Road Snow Plowing

Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
—December 31, 2019
by Jackie (Muddy) Bubis
The meeting started with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Introductions of the public followed.
The minutes of December 18th were approved.
Commissioner Items
Commissioner Canda reported that Mr. Kunkleman from CenturyLink continues to pursue grant money for laying more fiber along Highway 96.
Commissioner Printz reported an upcoming meeting with the ambulance staff and clinic leadership to put together a workshop in Wetmore to help solve the ongoing ambulance service issues. Continue reading December 31st BOCC: More on Wetmore EMS, Engine 32, and HOA snow plowing

BOCC: Airport Firetruck Fireworks

Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
—December 18, 2019
by Jackie (Muddy) Bubis
The meeting started with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Introductions of the public followed.
The minutes for November 27th, December 5th and 6th were approved.
Commissioner Items:
Commissioner Canda reported that CenturyLink is looking at options for extending fiber down to McKenzie Junction to include grant application. The meeting with Sallie Clark from USDA Rural Development went well and Mr. Canda was pleasantly surprised at all the programs available for small rural communities. Continue reading BOCC: Airport Firetruck Fireworks

BOCC: Commissioner Flower not happy with Trib’s Article, Trib CORAs Docs…

BOCC: Flower not happy with Trib’s Article, Trib CORAs Docs, Board to Talk about Vacation Rentals, More Money Tossed at Implementation of the Strategic plan?

Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
—December 5, 2019
by Jackie (Muddy) Bubis

The meeting started with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Introductions of the public followed.
Commissioner Items:
Commissioner Printz expressed that the CCI (Colorado Counties, Incorporated) conference that the three commissioners just returned from was profitable and suggested that the time to talk about short-term vacation rentals is sooner rather than later.
Commissioner Canda reported that Sally Clark from USDA will be here on Thursday the 12th at 10:30 a.m. to meet with the commissioners regarding fiber and broadband. He also appreciated the CCI conference and came home with more knowledge and information. Continue reading BOCC: Commissioner Flower not happy with Trib’s Article, Trib CORAs Docs…

November 27th BOCC: Fiber, EMS, Airport Fire Truck Issue, HOAs want Snow Plowed by County

BOCC: IGA Signed for Fiber Project,
Airport Fire Truck Issue, HOA Wants Snow Plowed,

Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
—November 27, 2019
by Jackie (Muddy) Bubis
The meeting started with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Introductions of the public followed.
The minutes from November 13th were approved.
Commissioner Items
Commissioner Canda reported that the Upper Arkansas Water Conservancy District will be meeting after the first of the year with those opposed to the water augmentation plan. He worked with Fire Chief Shy to clarify insurance issues with the damage done by the fire truck housed at the airport. He announced that the $30K grant for the Underfunded Courthouse project was awarded. Continue reading November 27th BOCC: Fiber, EMS, Airport Fire Truck Issue, HOAs want Snow Plowed by County

BOCC Nov 13th: BOCC: New Christian Radio Station Coming To County; Another EMS Vote, Fiber IGA Approved

Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
—November 13, 2019
by Jackie (Muddy) Bubis
The meeting started with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Introductions of the public followed.
The minutes from October 31st, November 6th and 7th were approved.
Commissioner Items:
Commissioner Canda held his comments until a later agenda item.
Both Chairman Flower and Commissioner Printz reported on meetings they attended. Commissioner Flower got a consensus from the other commissioners that the county should not buy the salvaged deputy’s vehicle from the recent crash. The vehicle was heavily damaged and Mr. Flower expressed that he didn’t think the county wanted to be in the salvage business. He also reported that the letter that the Board sent to DOLA requesting funds had a mistake in it. Christy Doon from DOLA will attend the end of month meeting to discuss this request in light of new management at DOLA. Continue reading BOCC Nov 13th: BOCC: New Christian Radio Station Coming To County; Another EMS Vote, Fiber IGA Approved

SHOCK: Hospital District REQUIRED to Provide EMS Service to Wetmore!

by George Gramlich,
News, Analysis and Commentary

Contrary to what we have been told repeatedly by the West Custer County Hospital District Board (the “District”) and District Management for around the last decade, the District is required, by contract with the Custer County Board of County Commissioners, to provide emergency ambulance services to ALL of Custer County, regardless of whether the area is in the District’s taxing area or not. This surprising fact somehow has not been disclosed to the public by the District and directly contradicts multiple District Management statements that the District has no responsibility for areas
outside of their taxing district. Continue reading SHOCK: Hospital District REQUIRED to Provide EMS Service to Wetmore!