Category Archives: Archives

Living Nativity December 15th


Living Nativity
20th Year at Shepherd of the Hills
Lutheran Church

Press Release

Saturday, December 15th from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church will continue its traditional re-creation of the birth of Christ as a Living Nativity scene. This year marks the 20th Anniversary of the event.
Visiting the Living Nativity has become a tradition for many viewers, as well as cast members. New visitors are invited to join in the tradition at 801 N. Sheridan Avenue in Cañon City to help celebrate the Christmas season. Continue reading Living Nativity December 15th

Housing Needs Assessment: Community Meeting Scheduled

Press Release
Autumn Dever,
Housing Director

The Upper Arkansas Area Council of Governments – Housing Department (UAACOG) has contracted with Economic & Planning Systems (EPS) to complete a three-county (Fremont, Custer, Park) regional housing needs assessment. The purpose of the housing needs assessment is to help local governments, economic development organizations and housing agencies/authorities identify the housing needs of the community and to provide potential solutions that can be used to make strategic decisions related to the housing market. As part of the process, a community meeting will be held Monday, December 3, 2018, at 2 p.m. at Rancher’s Roost Community Room, 25 Main Street, Westcliffe, CO. Continue reading Housing Needs Assessment: Community Meeting Scheduled

LTE: The Guber Race

Well, the election is over, and Republicans are now licking their wounds, while Democrats are gleefully running around Denver plotting what California type policy to foist on the people first. You may likely look forward to many forms of wealth redistribution in the months and years to come. So much for all those taxes you voted down!

“Had the Republican Party been able to put forward a candidate with strength, confidence and presence, they could have given Polis a real run for his money”

Continue reading LTE: The Guber Race

BOCC: November 14

BOCC: Justice Center Progress, Land Sale,
New Extension Agent, Airport Improvements

Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
—November 14, 2018
Westcliffe, CO

by Jackie Bubis

The meeting started at 9 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. (Attorney Smith was not present for roll call but showed up at 9:20 a.m. after having mistakenly gone to Wetmore for the meeting.) Introductions of the public followed.
Commissioner Items:
Commissioner Canda reported that the strategic plan process is ongoing. The survey is in the works and there will be many ways for citizens to participate. He deferred until later for the bids to be opened for the work at the airport. He mentioned a meeting between CenturyLink and the Forest Service that he will be attending. This meeting will address options for getting service back to the Wetmore area people who have lost their phone service. He also believes that the Board should discuss the hours at the landfill due to the number of people needing the landfill
on the weekend.
Commissioner Flower brought up the Underfunded Courthouse grant hearing to be held November 30th in Denver. After discussion, the BOCC meeting for the 30th was changed to the 29th so that all three commissioners can attend to defend the grant.
Commissioner Printz congratulated Commissioner Canda on his victory at the polls. He listed a number of meetings he had attended and asked if anyone had heard anything about the housing study. No one had.
All three commissioners commented on the wonderful job the American Legion did with the Veterans Day dinner.
Commissioner Flower reported that our new County Extension Agent will be Guinevere Nelson. She hails from Creede, Colorado, and has been working for a nonprofit mining reclamation firm for nine years there. He also reported that Commissioner Canda was honored at the School Board meeting for his work getting the new scoreboard.
Attorney Items:
Mr. Smith has been working on the easement for a cistern requested by Fire Chief Kit Shy. He’s worked on an ordinance to protect County property, has worked on several cease-and-desist orders for Jackie Hobby, and worked with the Sheriff on several issues.
Public Comments:
Tthis reporter asked for clarification on the relationship between the Attainable Housing Committee and the County. The answer is that Attainable Housing will have its own budget and is indeed a County Board.
Clerk Kelley Camper asked about the staff Christmas party at the courthouse. After discussion, it was decided that the party would be moved off-site, that each person going would pay $5, and that the county would cover the remainder.
Dawna Hobby presented six resolutions for the supplemental budget. She also brought up the topic of Christmas bonuses for the staff. Since 1995, each department has given dedicated service bonuses (a.k.a. Christmas bonuses) to their staff if they have money left over for it. The Board approved these bonuses but suggested that a new process should be addressed before next budget season.
The Special Use permit for San Isabel Propane (Ed Lyons) was approved unanimously.
Christe Coleman presented an award to Cindy Howard for her service during hurricane Irma.
The bids for the next phase at the airport were opened. The work includes the removal of the berm on the east side of the airport and re-sloping at the south end. Mountain Valley Excavating (Ed Lyons) presented a bid for $97,340. Seifert Enterprises presented a bid for $70,750. A motion to accept the lowest bid passed unanimously. This work will be paid for in full by Aught Six Ranch.

Custer County Schools Board of Ed – November 2018

BOE: Construction Update, Bullying,
More Rodriquez, FFA/AG Teacher Selected

Custer County Schools Board of Education
BOE Regular Meeting
—November 13, 2018

by McKenzie Huffman,
Education Reporter

The well attended regular BOE meeting started off with two presentations from 5th Grade students Logan Nameth and Alyssa Gaide showcasing their researching and writing skills. Logan shared how he applied skills he had learned to create his slideshow on Desert Hedgehogs. Alyssa taught us about Reindeer and how to use words to engage your audience in her presentation. Great job kids! Bobcat Pride Certificates were presented to everyone involved with the new scoreboard. Those new and old to the community came together to volunteer time, labor, equipment, supplies and money to complete this project. Dr. Davis presented the certificates and gave the BOE, administration, staff and audience a few moments to walk around to express their gratitude. Continue reading Custer County Schools Board of Ed – November 2018

Silver Dome Liquor License Drama

Silver Dome Liquor License Drama
State Patrol Against Renewal

Town of Silver Cliff Board of Trustees Meeting
—Monday, November 5, 2018
by Lisa Frank

The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. The Mayor and all Trustees except one were in attendance. The attendees were acknowledged by name and residence and it was a packed room. The Consent Agenda (consisting of the approval of October’s regular and special meeting minutes, the Treasurer’s report and approval of bills) was passed. Continue reading Silver Dome Liquor License Drama

Amendment Y & Z

by Dan Bubis,
Commentary & Opinion

The State of Colorado is at a crossroad. If you vote yes for Amendments Y and Z, Republicans will never win a statewide race. Like California, which is where this proposal comes from, only Democrats will control the state.

National Socialism and Progressivism have the same goals they just disagree on the method to accomplish the goals.

Continue reading Amendment Y & Z

U.S. Navy Seaman Scott E. Freeburg Graduates Basic Training

Press Release
—October 26, 2018

U.S. Navy Seaman Scott E. Freeburg

U.S. Navy Seaman Scott E. Freeburg graduated from Navy Basic training on October 12th at the Navy Recruit Training Command in Great Lakes (N.Chicago), Illinois.
Recruit training is eight weeks and consists of: naval customs, firefighting, physical training, basic rifle and pistol live fire (qualified sharp shooter), gas chamber qualification which simulates chemical and biological hazards and ends with an overnight Battle Stations qualification.
Scott has reported to Naval Submarine Base in New London, CT, for Basic Enlisted Submarine School for the next two months. He will stay in New London for an additional five months for STS Electronics / Sonar school before being assigned to a submarine.
Scott is a 2018 graduate of Custer County High School. He was active in Civil Air Patrol, Boy Scouts (Eagle Scout), FFA and 4H. He is the son of Dave and Janet Freeburg, and has a sister Katlyn.