December 29, 2017
I’d like to respond to Mr. Brown’s Letter to the Editor published in the December 22nd edition of the Sentinel. Mr. Brown actually gets it right, it is about property rights. Unfortunately, Mr. Brown demonstrates that he not only doesn’t understand property rights, he obviously doesn’t understand tyranny either.
First of all, you absolutely have the right to light or not light your property. What you don’t have is a right to tell me how to light my property. You also don’t have the right to force me to live in darkness. You clearly believe that equal rights, property or otherwise entitles you to infringe as you please on my rights. Property rights dictate that the owner can do what he wants with his property. Your interpretation would be that since you have an equal right to my property, you can not only force some action on my part, but you can also use my property as you see fit. If dark skies were a right, like life, liberty and property, every person living in a city is deprived of that right. What are you doing about restoring those rights? Every decent size town or city proves that there isn’t some right to darkness that the residents enjoy except in such advanced areas as North Korea. Continue reading Response to Brown-out →