Greg Lopez Speaks Locally: “It’s About All Of Us”
by Fred Hernandez
R ick Castor, campaign coordinator, announced the start of the meeting at 6 p.m. on June 13th at the Lange Hall of the Lutheran Church on 3rd Street in Westcliffe by calling Pastor Adrian Washington to the podium. Pastor Adrian, Custer County representative of the LOPEZ FOR GOVERNOR campaign, gave a prayerful invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Immediately thereafter, the energetic candidate, Greg Lopez, was up and running with one of his familiar mantras: “It is not about Denver or Boulder, it is about all of us” referring to the 64 counties that make up the Centennial State, a nickname resulting from becoming a state of the Union in 1876, one hundred years after the nation was founded. It was a good-sized audience of about seventy-five enthusiastic citizens eager to hear from Mr. Lopez about his plans and platforms. The only veteran among all those vying for the position, Lopez, who became the youngest Colorado Mayor (City of Parker) at age 27, recounted his experiences not only as a mayor but as City Manager as well, a position which involved him in all aspects Continue reading Greg Lopez Speaks Locally