Category Archives: Uncategorized

Oct 19 BOCC

BOCC: Recall Lawsuit, More Manna
From Heaven Grant Money, OEM Attacked

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary
The October 19, 2022 Custer County Board of County Commissioners meeting started a few minutes late. All three royal commissioners were present: Chair Kevin Day, and members Bill Canda and “Traitor” Tom Flower.
Canda started off the Commissioner Items part of the meeting noting Round Mountain Water is getting a $500,000 grant. Upper Arkansas Water Conservancy helped them get it. Nothing big from Flower or Day. Continue reading Oct 19 BOCC

October Westcliffe Town Mtg

Chud’s Pizza Gets Liquor License, Round MountainWater District update and SO Quarterly Updates, Trustees Interview Candidates for Town Manager
by Becky Olson
The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees for the Town of Westcliffe convened as scheduled on Monday, October 17, 2022, at 5:30 p.m. in Patterson Hall. A quorum of Trustees was present and proceedings commenced after recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.
After the consent agenda was unanimously approved, the Trustees proceeded to the only item of old business and voted unanimously to approve a liquor license for Chud’s Pizza on Second Street. Moving into new business, the Trustees unanimously voted to grant conditional approval for installation of a mailbox cluster for the town homes at 9 Granada Court, which is contingent upon a signed agreement stipulating responsibilities for maintenance of the mailboxes being delivered to Mayor Wenke for his signature by November 1st. Consideration of a request to waive the building permit fee for an addition to the Fire Department continues to be tabled until the department submits more information to the Trustees. Continue reading October Westcliffe Town Mtg

Ileen Squire –2022 Outstanding Contribution to a Municipality

Press Release
It is with honor and privilege that The Town of Silver Cliff is pleased to announce that our Town Clerk, Ms. Ileen Squire, is the recipient of the 2022 Outstanding Contribution to a Municipality by a Clerk Municipal Clerk Award from the Colorado Municipal Clerk’s Association.

L to R, Ileen Squire, Toby Duffy (President CMCA) and Tiffany O’Donnell (Director CMCA). Courtesy photo

The Colorado Municipal Clerk’s Association is an organization that affords education, training, promotes personal development and provides support,
communication, and networking capabilities for the Municipal Clerks in Colorado. Municipal Clerks are the direct connection between the municipality and their Town Council and they also care for all the citizens, organizations and businesses within.
Every year the Colorado Municipal Clerks Association presents awards to honor the contributions of clerks who have significantly impacted a municipality and to honor individuals or organizations who have made a meaningful impact on our organization, to recognize outstanding dedication to the profession of Municipal Clerk and who give exceptional service to a municipality.

Ms. Tiffany O’Connell, Director of the Colorado Municipal Clerk’s Association noted, “It is very rewarding when an entire council takes the time to nominate their clerk,” and “Ileen had plenty of nominations.”
Ileen’s dedication, loyalty, professionalism and selfless service to the Town of Silver Cliff, our citizens, service organizations and outlying communities are second to none. She shows exemplary stewardship, goes above and beyond and does not stop until the job is done. Ileen keeps us all going, improving our Town every day and never lets anything get in her way. The Town of Silver Cliff is so extremely proud of Ileen’s accomplishments and this award!!
Contributed by H.A. Buck Wenzel, Mayor

Former City Manager Michael Patterson pleads guilty to two misdemeanor charges

Former City Manager Michael Patterson pleads guilty to two misdemeanor charges

by Charlotte Burrous
Fremont Crusader

After more than a year of delay, former Florence City Manager Michael Patterson pled guilty to harassment of an employee and providing alcohol to a minor.

In August, Patterson pled not guilty to all six charges. Since then, he struck a deal with prosecutors in the 4th Judicial District Attorney’s office. On October 20, 2022, as part of the plea bargain, the court dismissed two felony stalking charges, a misdemeanor sexual contact without consent and misdemeanor harassment charges.
The alleged behavior became known after an incident that allegedly happened on August 30, 2021. After a two-hour executive session, the Florence City Council unanimously voted on August 31, 2021, to terminate Mike Patterson as city manager, effective immediately.
After conducting an investigation, the Florence Police Department issued a warrant for his arrest November 3, 2021. On November. 15, 2021, Patterson was arrested at the Denver Int’l Airport by the Denver Police
Department with the assistance of the Department of Homeland Security, according to a press release from the Florence Police Department. Shortly thereafter, Patterson was transported to Fremont County Jail, charged with two felonies and four misdemeanors.
Since 2019, the City of Florence has settled three lawsuits for $444,000 that accused Patterson of sexual harassment. The city’s insurance providers paid the victims after elected leaders agreed to pay the deductibles.
Patterson will be back in court on January 12, 2023, where he will be sentenced.


Deb Adams Chronicles Pt 7

Who Is the Real Deb Adams?
The Deb Adams Chronicles Part 7
More Love From the Radical Left Candidate

by George Gramlich,
We’ve been exposing the extreme, progressive, left-wing positions of Custer County Commissioner candidate Deb Adams (“unaffiliated”) over the last
several weeks and we are far from done. The irony of a woman who went to an “anti July 4th party” on Independence Day with a bunch of hate filled progressives and is running against Bill Canda, a
retired, career Air Force Officer and Custer County native is
beyond words. Plus, the race is in a conservative county with the highest per capita veteran population in the state. (Remember, all true blue libs despise our military as we can see right now with Biden’s progressive military leaders literally destroying it.)
Adams’ poorly camouflaged left wing campaign, supported by every lib in the county, hinges on the hope that labeling Adams “unaffiliated” and TOTALLY hiding her real agenda with the most vacuous, vague, “feel good” koombaya campaign literature and speeches will fool the voters in Happy Valley. Us Peasants to Adams: We ain’t that stupid.
What is precious is that the libs (including Adams) are attacking the Sentinel (and poor GG personally) charging that our exposing Adams as a progressive is “hate” and it “must be stopped”. Folks, you’ve seen the last six episodes of the Adams Chronicles. Where is the hate coming from? And I am talking true, deep, burning, hatred. It comes from the left of course led by Adams. What the libs have done forever is to use “projection” to accuse the other side of what THEY are doing. It is what you see with Adams with her myriad of hate posts.
This week we take a hard look at morals, manners, and simple civil propriety with regards to Adams and how most of us roll here in Happy Valley. Again, we will use a Foolbook post that Adams deleted after she decided to run for commissioner to illustrate the total disregard for manners and propriety that Adams, and most progressive have. (We don’t do Foolbook except for our company page and that is all business. But thank goodness for our readers for sending us copies of posts, tweets, etc. that they have discovered re libs over the years and especially for the VOLUMES of stuff on Adams.)
Now basically anybody, including children, have access to Foolbook. So, normal, decent people refrain from putting obscene items on it but not Adams. And one would think that looking at the personal Foolbook page of the HEAD OF THE CUSTER COUNTY TOURISM
BUREAU that one would not see extremely vile
obscene language, but alas my fellow peasants, one would be wrong.
More than wrong, folks. Vile cursing, which we have multiple, DOCUMENTED evidence of, seems to be the standard language usage by Adams. As can be seen in the Foolbook post below, Adams has no problem throwing the “F” word around, in public, for the whole world to see. (Note: we blanked out all the letters except for “F”.)
So Adams posts a picture from the left wing Washington Post about an anti Trump hit piece article and comments on it with very mature language, for all the world to see, saying: “What a F** nut, f***ing up everything”. Nice. This is the President of the United States she is talking about, in a public forum! And Adams is the head of our Tourism Bureau. Nice imagery for our visitors, Adams. Yea, come to Custer County and swear your brains out on Main Street. It’s part of her Main Street Wild West tour. (like Red Bug, an Adams supporter, did the other day to three of us old guys on the Sentinel’s porch, SCREAMING like a MADMAN the “F” word and other choice profane morsels at us while giving the Sentinel the “finger” as he slowly drove by. He’s a “journalist” you know. It was quite the four-year-old temper tantrum but it was better entertainment than his paper. I guess it is a lib thing. We laughed for hours.)
We also have documented evidence that shows Adams uses extreme obscene language often in her social travels. And we are talking LONG burst of curse words that would make a sailor cringe (sorry Navy). It is so bad it is simply not printable in the Sentinel. It is gutter talk that no lady would ever, ever use.
If this is how she interacts with people in social media and in person, do you want her sitting at the Commissioner throne table and talking to the citizens like that? Believe me, if she can’t restrain herself on social media, she can’t restrain herself anywhere. This type of vile, low life, gutter language in pubic is not how most of us interact in Happy Valley.
Bottom line, this ain’t Boulder or Commiefornia Adams and we don’t talk to each other like that. It is called manners and you need some lessons in that. And we don’t want our children to talk like that or have them see adults talk like that. There are around 23 churches in this county and there is a reason for that. This is a civil county. Let’s keep it that way. Bottom line, folks: Don’t let this woman become a county commissioner.
These posts on social media by Adams were taken down after she decided to run for county commissioner. She is trying to hide her true self from the voters. And she is touting “transparency” as one of her goals. Someone who intentionally hides her past from the public is not fit for public office. Your call this November folks. Vote to keep our way of life what it is.
And yes, there is MORE to come next week.

Deb Adams Chronicles Part 6

by George Gramlich, Commentary

Deb Adams, an “unaffiliated” ex-Californian, who moved here fairly recently, is running for Custer County Commissioner against Incumbent, retired Air Force Colonel, Bill Canda, who is a Custer County native. Adams’ campaign so far is a call for “unity”, love and peace for all. However, her past posts on social media and behavior while involved in various local organizations seem to pose a different picture of a candidate whose values are the opposite of most of Custer County’s citizens. She also made huge attempts at
hiding her past, but luckily, failed. We will be exploring her “values, ethics and morals” over the next few weeks. It is an eye opener. Continue reading Deb Adams Chronicles Part 6

Who Is the Real Deb Adams? The Deb Adams Chronicles Part 5

by George Gramlich,
Deb Adams, an “unaffiliated” ex-Californian, who moved here fairly recently, is running for Custer County Commissioner against Incumbent, retired Air Force Colonel, Bill Canda, who is a Custer County native. Adams’ campaign so far is a call for “unity”, love and peace for all. However, her past posts on social media and behavior while involved in various local organizations seem to pose a different picture of a candidate whose values are the opposite of most of Custer County’s citizens. She also made huge attempts at hiding her past, but luckily, failed. We will be exploring her “values, ethics and morals” over the next six weeks. It is an eye opener. Below are some more tidbits of liberal love and wisdom from Adams:

Exhibit I: God and Country: The United States is a Christian Country. And so is Custer County. We have around 23 churches in the county, an untold number of house churches and bible study groups. The fact that our country is still a Christian nation makes libs like Deb Adams crazy mad as they rant and rave about the separation of church and state (as they take Thomas Jefferson’s famous quote out of context). The progressive hate for Christians is well known and also well documented. Look at the persecution of churches during the WuFlu drama by liberal local, state, and federal entities where worshipers and pastors/priests were literally ARRESTED for holding services in their churches.
Also, with regards to powerful elected officials like a County Commissioner, you want to know what the moral and ethical standards these people have BEFORE you elect them. How will they base their decisions? Christians and even “lapsed” Christians have an ethical and moral platform based on the Bible. This standard has successfully lead this country since its inception until just recently when the godless people (ie, progressives) took over and literally tore apart hundreds of years of liberty and freedom in just 60 years,
Adams says these “national” issues are irrelevant here in Happy Valley. All she is doing is trying to hide her true progressive agenda. One’s stance on a “national” issue, such as crime, freedom to worship, defund the police, free speech, “misinformation”, drugs, crime, abortion, big government, taxes, the homeless, red flag laws, the 2nd Amendment, etc. are ALL issues we face today in Happy Valley. What are Adams’ positions on these issues? Why isn’t she talking about them in her mailings and FoolBook posts? You know why? Because SHE IS HIDING THEM FROM US. Adams is a CLASSIC California lib who wants to make Happy Valley look like some homeless infested, high crime, highly taxed, welfare driven city in California.
She will tear this county apart if elected.
So, where does she get her moral and ethical decision base from? Where does her value system come from? Not the Bible, apparently. According to Adams’ FoolBook post below (which she deleted when she decided to run for Commissioner), “Nature is My Religion”. Oh that’s nice. And where does one receive instruction in this religion?: “And the Earth Is My Church”. Very edifying.
Our society was based on the Judeo/Christian teachings in the Bible. The country is in jeopardy right now. Our rights here in the U.S. come from God. Not “Nature”. Not “the Earth”. If you want somebody running this county who makes her decisions based on how the wind is blowing, if it is hot outside, or what phase the moon is at, vote for this lib. If you want somebody who has successfully led thousands of soldiers, has a local excavating business, was born here, and is a devout Christian, vote for Bill Canda. Our country is on the precipice right now. Let’s not let that happen here.

Exhibit J: Adams HATES Donald Trump and Republicans: Adams loves CNN and MSNBC and all the lib main stream media. This media trash and hate Trump, Republicans and freedom with a passion that is pathological. That is where Adams is. Her FoolBook post above is a screen shot of two MSNBC lib whack jobs hating on Trump and Republicans and laughing about it. The usual. How does “Let’s all get along” Adams think about this conversation about hating Trump and the Republicans? Her comment on the post is, “A danger to the world”.
About half the voters in this county are registered Republican and a bunch of the “unaffiliated” here are right leaning and voted for Trump. Adams thinks WE are “A danger to the world”. She is talking about her neighbors, the current elected officials, the people who work in the grocery store, in the banks, in the gas stations, and in the restaurants. She is talking about our ranchers, our trades workers, our LEO.
Where was Adams at the last Liberty Rocks event where all the people running for office were invited? All the Republicans showed up. Adams was a no show. She doesn’t want to be around her fellow citizens if they are Republican, I guess. Another kumbaya moment from Adams.
Adams is a phony hiding inside her Trojan horse campaign literature riddled with platitudes and vacuous promises. Peel that away, fellow citizens, and you find a driven, hard core deceptive, hateful progressive who will do anything to attain power and destroy our freedom and way of life here in Custer County. Don’t let her do it.
What did you do on Independence Day? Adams went to an “anti-July 4th” party where violence was discussed as the only political solution possible nowadays and guess what was going on after this party? A “flag burning” party hosted by some local libs! Do you want this sitting at the musketeers royal table?
(One interesting local tidbit is on Adams Facebook campaign site. From the site, the ONLY place in town where you can pick up her campaign signs is, of course, the “unbiased” Wet Mountain Tribune Office! From the site: “Signs are available to pick up at the Wet Mountain Tribune during office hours on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.” It looks like “Case Closed” re where the Trib stands politically. Always read the Trib with caution and amusement.)
These posts on social media by Adams were taken down after she decided to run for county commissioner. She is trying to hide her true self from the voters. And she is touting “transparency” as one of her goals. Someone who intentionally hides her past from the public is not fit for public office. Your call this November folks. Vote to keep our way of life what it is.
Next week we will have BOMBSHELL news about Adams. Stay tuned.

The Deb Adams Chronicles Pt 4

Who Is the Real Deb Adams?
The Deb Adams Chronicles Part 4

by George Gramlich,

Deb Adams, an “unaffiliated” ex-Californian, who moved here fairly recently, is running for Custer County Commissioner against Incumbent, retired Air Force Colonel, Bill Canda, who is a Custer County native. Adams’ campaign so far is a call for “unity”, love and peace for all. However, her past posts on social media and behavior while involved in various local organizations seem to pose a different picture of a candidate whose values are the opposite of most of Custer County’s citizens. She also made huge attempts at hiding her past, but luckily, failed. We will be exploring her “values and morals” over the next two months. It is an eye opener. Below are some more tid-bits of liberal love and wisdom from Adams: Continue reading The Deb Adams Chronicles Pt 4