Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Deb Adams Chronicles Pt 3

Who Is the Real Deb Adams?
The Deb Adams Chronicles Part 3

by George Gramlich,
Deb Adams, an “unaffiliated” ex-Californian, who moved here fairly recently, is running for Custer County Commissioner against Incumbent, retired Air Force Colonel, Bill Canda, who is a Custer County native. Adams’ campaign so far is a call for “unity”, love and peace for all. However, her past posts on social media and behavior while involved in various local organizations seem to pose a different picture of a candidate whose values are the opposite of most of Custer County’s citizens. She also made huge attempts at hiding her past, but luckily, failed. We will be exploring her “values and morals” over the next two months. It is an eye opener. Below are some more tid-bits of liberal wisdom from Adams: Continue reading The Deb Adams Chronicles Pt 3

BOCC: Flower Gets Political

BOCC: Flower Gets Political at Public Meeting
Attacks His “Teammates” Again

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary
It took a while, but Ole’ Tom Flower couldn’t hold back anymore and got real angry and vindictive again at the September 6, 2022 Custer County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) meeting held in their mighty throne room. All three royal musketeers were present: Chair Kevin Day and members Bill Canda and Tom Flower.
First thing on the agenda was, as usual, “Commissioner Items” where they regale us peasants with all the hard work the muskies put in since the last tribal gathering. Canda and Day had a few morsels and then came, yet again, the Tom Flower Power Hour. Continue reading BOCC: Flower Gets Political

Airfest is a Success

Press Release

On Saturday, August 20th, SilverWest Airport hosted SilverWest
Airfest from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. This fly-in was open to the public for free.
Over 600 people enjoyed watching the planes take off and land, the vintage airplanes on display, and live music. Additionally, the airport board served over 1,000 free pancakes during the annual free pancake breakfast. The SilverWest AirFest brings attention to the airport’s facilities and focuses on showcasing career opportunities in aviation for Custer County young people. The SilverWest Airport supports local businesses by offering airport courtesy cars to those that fly-in to be used to explore our local downtown areas.
The SilverWest Airport is a county-maintained airport. All maintenance and upkeep are the responsibility of Custer County. The airport is managed by a volunteer board which is appointed by the Custer County Board of County Commissioners. The airport generates income through fuel sales and hangar ground leases.
Separately, on August 22, 2022, in a Special Meeting Board Meeting, the Custer County Commissioners approved the nomination Lutie Mora for SilverWest Airport Board. The BOCC also approved the use of a
$400,000 CDOT-Aviation Grant for runway maintenance (fog-seal, crack-seal, and runway marking). The fog-seal that is to be used is new technology that will double the life expectancy of seals used in the past. The runway maintenance will be done in two phases. Fog-seal and re-marking was completed late August 2022. The crack-seal will be scheduled next summer.
Utilizing the CDOT Division of Aviation grant for the required runway maintenance will save the county a significant amount of money over the next 10 years and help to preserve the existing runway.

The Deb Adams Chronicles Part 2

Who Is the Real Deb Adams?
The Deb Adams Chronicles Part 2

by George Gramlich,

Deb Adams, an “unaffiliated” ex-Californian, who moved here fairly recently, is running for Custer County Commissioner against In-cumbent, retired Air Force Colonel, Bill Canda, who is a Custer County native. Adams’ campaign so far is a call for “unity”, love and peace for all. However, her past posts on social media and behavior while involved in various local organizations seem to pose a different picture of a candidate whose values are the opposite of most of Custer County’s citizens. She also made huge attempts at hiding her past, but luckily, failed. We will be exploring her “values and morals” over the next two months. It is an eye opener. Below are some more tidbits:

Exhibit C: Socialism is Good: Here we have Adams complaining about the evils of capitalism after she prospered under it. Below is another lovely social media post by Adams admiring an extremely vocal atheist and another hypocrite on capitalism. Her comment on the post is “There you have it”. Adams ran a photography business in lefty California for a long time and apparently did quite well at it. Now that she has her money, the system she used to get it is no good anymore. And this woman is the head of Custer County’s Tourism Board! Can you imagine her as a commissioner? More taxes, more regulation, building codes, we all must share

Exhibit D: Anti 2nd Amendment anyone? The social media post – Contact Left – contradicts
Adams’ supposed support for the 2nd. Her comment on this post is, “Question of the day! Great read.” Of course, like all libs, she uses “the children” as political props for her denial of one of our God given rights. Adams is also not a big fan of the NRA which we will point out in another Chronicle. Plus, one of her acquaintances related a conversation that he had with her re gun rights where she said “assault rifles” should be banned. In lib land, this means all semi-automatic rifles and shotguns plus confiscation of them. Folks, with the new Colorado law allowing local governments to pass restrictive gun legislation (e.g., the County Commissioners could literally attempt to ban semi-automatic rifles, concealed carry and open carry in Custer County), do you want her sitting on the Board and trying to take your guns away?
The article in the post is here; Good Read? Really?
These posts on social media by Adams were taken down after she decided to run for county commissioner. She is trying to hide her true self from the voters. And she is touting “transparency” as one of her goals. Someone who intentionally hides her past from the public is not fit for public office. Your call this November.
More to come next week and they are doozies.

Fire Hire 2022

The Pike/San Isabel National Forests & Cimarron/Comanche National Grasslands (PSICC), Fire and Aviation Management, is seeking to fill PERMANENT positions within its fire organization We are a highly functioning, results- oriented group who value and embrace the firefighter principals of duty, respect, and integrity. We put in long hours, we work hard, and we have fun all while striving to provide critical support and customer service to the National Forests and Grasslands districts, our cooperators, and our neighboring National Forests. If you want to be part of a great team, if you are a hard worker with a strong work ethic, if you want to challenge yourself, and you meet the requirements below then please consider putting in for this opportunity…..

Opportunity Types: There are multiple opportunities across the Pike/San Isabel National Forests & Cimarron/Comanche National Grasslands. The PSICC will be filling fire positions to include Engine, Hotshot, Helitack, Hand crew, and Fuels Module Positions. These announcements will open on September 9th and will close on September 28th, 2022 and all duty locations will be eligible in this event. Applicants are encouraged to contact duty location Points of Contact (POC) listed as the bottom of this outreach for specific questions regarding duty location questions…..

See full document here with full details and helpful hints on applications.

New Trustee In Silver Cliff

by Sentinel Staff

The resignation of  Mayor Pro Tem Stacey Schock, who served since 2016 until her resignation after the recently concluded GOP primaries, left a vacancy which was filled on September 6, 2022, at the regular monthly meeting of the Silver Cliff Board of Trustees.
Surprisingly, there were four letters of application for the position received by the Town Clerk. In a nomination by Trustee Jordan Benson and seconded by Trustee Troy Bomgardner, Jacob “Jake” Shy was unanimously voted to fill in the position for the remainder of the term ending in 2024. Mayor H.A. “Buck” Wenzel presided over the induction and the new trustee immediately took his place at the meeting. Congratulations to Jake Shy.

Who Is the Real Deb Adams?

Who Is the Real Deb Adams?
The Deb Adams Chronicles Part 1

by George Gramlich,

Deb Adams, an “unaffiliated” ex-Californian, who moved here fairly recently, is running for Custer County Commissioner against Incumbent, retired Air Force Colonel, Bill Canda, who is a Custer County native. Adams’ campaign so far is a call for “unity”, love and peace for all. However, her past posts on social media and behavior while involved in various local organizations seem to show a pretty left leaning political and moral woman whose values are the opposite of most of Custer County’s citizens. We will be exploring her “values and morals” over the next two months.
It is an eye opener. Below are the first morsels:

Exhibit A: Adams Endorses “the most divisive speech” in American Presidential history. Biden’s dementia
driven violence and hate speech against half of America last week was a disgrace. (Benito Biden called republicans “fascists” and threats to democracy.) Even lib media condemned it!
Not radical Deb Adams: I guess ol’ Deb doesn’t like the majority of people in Custer County. “Unity”? Yea, sure.
(Note: Somebody must have told Adams that the post might hurt her chances of winning an election in conservative Custer County. She
deleted it a day or two after it was posted. Transparency? Yeah….)

Exhibit B: Deb Adams on Volunteering and Charity: Back in 2020 the local Dark Skies 501c non-profit group was planning on having a multi-night big star party called the Sangre Star Festival. Well the wuflu stepped in and they had to cancel it. They did a lot of fundraising for it and gave most of it back but some folks said keep what we gave and give it to the 501c. That amount was around $23,000. Note that the Dark Skies group is a volunteer association. They are all volunteers and give their time gladly. Not miss charity Deb Adams. She volunteered to help on the Festival project and did so. She was also in charge of the Festival’s checking account. Instead of returning the whole amount left to Dark Skies, Adams asked then Board Chair Clint Smith to be PAID for her volunteer work out of that money to the tune of $2,315.53 because of all her “hard work putting together the Sangre Star Festival”.
Shocked by this request, Clint held a board vote and they voted NOT to give her the money. In Clint’s December 28, 2020 email to Deb Adams, Clint gave three major reasons:
1. You undertook this venture as a volunteer without expectation of
recovering any compensation other than the satisfaction that it was a job well done…..
2. Most of our members put in long hours as volunteers on other projects without pay.
3. Paying a member (or former member) out of donations could be construed as a misuse of money given to Dark Skies for a particular purpose and could have a negative impact
on future donations if word got out.”
So Deb acted like most libs: everybody else’s money is my money. (Every charity donation study done has shown conservatives and moderates gave WAY more money to charity than libs.) So folks, do you want Adams with the county’s checkbook? I don’t think so.
Much more to come citizens. Stay tuned.

August Westcliffe Town Meeting

Planning Commission Vacancy Filled, Town Considers Vendor Solution to Manage Ordinance Publishing & Updates, New Liquor License Granted to the old “Wine Mine” Location
by Becky Olson
The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees for the Town of Westcliffe convened as scheduled on Monday, August 15th at 5:30 p.m. in Patterson Hall. A quorum of Trustees was present and proceedings commenced after recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.
After the consent agenda was unanimously approved, the board’s only item of old business was approval of Mayor Paul Wenke’s recommendation to appoint Christy Patterson to fill the vacancy on the town’s Planning Commission, with Chris Lund as an alternate. The Trustees voted unanimously to accept the Mayor’s recommendation. Continue reading August Westcliffe Town Meeting

Home on Derange

Home on Derange

Lefty London Publisher Knocks the Sentinel and Custer County’s Citizens
Plus: The Real Deb Adams!
Sentinel Support Staff

by George Gramlich,  Sangre de Cristo Sentinel

Last July 4th, just after the parade ended, I walked back from the end of the parade route to the Sentinel where there was a whole bunch of people on the lawn and inside talking and having fun. I went inside, put my rifle down on a table and grabbed some water. Somebody outside said that there was a reporter from London, United Kingdom, outside and he wanted to talk to me about Custer County. All the red flags went up in my deplorable head (London, reporter, our Independence Day Parade/GUNS….) but I thought, hey why not, this could be fun. And it was. Continue reading Home on Derange

New Undersheriff Sworn In

L to R: County Judge Amanda Hunter, Undersheriff Lloyd “Rich” Smith, Sheriff Robert Hill
A new Custer County Sheriff’s Office Undersheriff, Lloyd “Rich” Smith, was sworn in Tuesday, August 16, 2022, at the County Courthouse by County Judge Amanda Hunter. Rich is also the only candidate on the November ballot for County Sheriff and will be our new Sheriff in January of 2023.