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SDC Sentinel Has an Embedded Reporter Covering The People’s Convoy

The SDC Sentinel
Has an  Embedded Reporter Covering
The People’s Convoy

by George Gramlich, Editor

The People’s Convoy, emulating the very successful recent Canadian Freedom Convoy, will be leaving California this Wednesday, February 23rd and head to Washington, D.C. (See the People’s Convoy Press Release on page 23.) This is going to be a big, big
deal, patriots.

We are pleased to announce that the Sangre de Cristo Sentinel will have an embedded reporter covering the convoy from the start to the end. That reporter is the conservative author, blogger, film maker, T.L. Davis. T.L. is a big friend of the Sentinel and we have run many of his articles since we started. T.L. called us up last week and wanted to know if we could bring him on as a reporter as he was in contact with People’s Convoy administration re him being a credentialed reporter. We got T.L. a Press Pass and he left on
Monday to drive to California to cover this momentous event.

T.L. will be sending us daily updates which we will post on our website and FoolBook. We will have a comprehensive report every issue while this lasts.

Follow T.L. Davis at, or go to and search for Texas TL in Exile.

Contact information for The People’s Convoy:

For more links see  our page : People’s convoy updates and links on the left side bar (top)

Texas TL in Exile Ep 13 Feb 23

(We’ll be giving you the links each day. For this episode, go here.)

Texas TL in Exile Ep 13: People’s Convoy Update

After driving all night and half of the next day, I sat in the car, looking out at the scene of the People’s Convoy; dirt parking lots, lots of wind in excess of 45 mph, making whatever efforts I made to record or evaluate the crowd meaningless. When people can’t hear each other talk for the whistling of the wind, it’s difficult to do an interview and if I were like the others, who were only going to be there that day, I would have gotten the interviews anyway, but I’m with the convoy for the long haul.

At the end of that frustrating day, however, I felt as if none of it mattered. Yes, after all I had been through to get there, it felt empty, hollow, because I realized that when they decide to jail us all, the feds would sweep through without an ounce of resistance and the United States as a people would shrug and go about their business. As I thought about it more, sitting in the cold car, I realized that when this freedom is gone, the last bit of it while they gather all of their intelligence on who is there, where they are parked, what they are saying and soon, what they’re thinking, what will they have achieved but the death of everything that makes the world a unique and interesting place?

Government is a machine that searches for power, constantly on the prowl, tipping over trash cans, pushing on doors to see if they’re open, like a mechanical bear. It’s insatiable; always, always, more and more. Until it empties the world of creativity and innovation through enforced common thought. You don’t get both, sorry. One or the other, power or dynamic, free intelligence. So, it continues on, without thought, without inspiration. Government thinks that it’s supporting ingenuity and creativity because it looks for unique ways to achieve more power; all of human intelligence grinding along looking for that one extra ounce from some newly discovered source.

Our labor pays for their ability to censor us and force us closer and closer to our labor as the only value of a human being. The mind that can see their faults is not tolerated, so the mind that can create something beautiful is censored. It’s a constant, downward spiral that the governmental machine cannot see, feel or hear for the pounding of the pistons forming power from the raw freedom.


Follow T.L. Davis at, or go to and search for Texas TL in Exile.


Vernon Roth Announces Run for Coroner


My name is Vernon Roth and I want to be the Coroner for Custer County. I have been serving as the Deputy Coroner over two years. Custer County has been my heart and home for 27 years, the place I chose to raise my children. Eight years ago, I became an EMT and served 4 of those years on the ambulance corp. I have also proudly been a part of our Sheriff’s Posse for the last 10 years. The past four years, and while serving as Deputy coroner, I have also been the Custer County’s Director of IT/GIS, working to keep data moving and our 911 maps updated.

Two years ago, I saw a need to serve Custer with my medical experience and volunteered to work as Arthur Nordyke’s Deputy Coroner, and it has been an adventure ever since. During my time, I have become a certified Medicolegal Death Investigator, which is required to be a deputy. I have built a strong foundation with the Colorado Coroners Association and built relationships with funeral homes throughout the state. I have assisted in autopsies, over 50 Death Investigations, and have become a seasoned coordinator with our sheriff’s office, State patrol, and other Coroner’s Offices.

I love to serve this community and as Coroner I seek to continue. I would appreciate your Vote in June and November.


Thank you,

Vernon Roth

Superintendent Mike McFalls Stepping Down

From Mike and Elizabeth McFalls;
To the staff, students, parents, and community members of Custer County school district:
It is with a heavy heart that after three challenging but successful years, I will be stepping down effective July 31, 2022. I feel this is a good time for this transition as Custer County Schools District is in a good position. The major reason I am choosing to step down at this time is to be with my family. Continue reading Superintendent Mike McFalls Stepping Down

Florence Town Council Meeting – Feb 2022 Citizen Outrage & Responses

by Charlotte Burrous
Fremont County Crusader
February 7, 2022

During the visitors’ section of the meeting on Monday, several residents spoke out about the issues in Florence.
Florence resident Tim Jordan asked about the statement the city issued that was printed in the Fremont County Crusader,
where there were several references to the total cost of the previous lawsuit that was brought against the city after an incident in which former city manager Michael Patterson was
involved. Continue reading Florence Town Council Meeting – Feb 2022 Citizen Outrage & Responses

BOCC Drops Economic Development Corporation’s Broadband Project

Press Release
Custer County Economic
Development Corporation
—February 7, 2022
The not-for-profit (CCEDC) Custer County Economic Development Corporation regrets to inform you of the demise of the Custer County Broadband Infrastructure Expansion (six tower) Project. The county commissioners, in a meeting January 31st, voted unanimously against the submittal of the final grant request to the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) for the project of approximately $2 million. The technical and cost elements of the grant request were completed by CCEDC. The reason for denying the EDA grant submittal was that the tower locations had not yet been approved by the county Planning Commission (PC) and the county Building and Zoning Authority (BZA) had not approved the height variations. This was in spite of the fact that all six of the planned towers would be exclusively owned and operated by and for Custer County, a fact that the commissioners have known throughout the life of the project. Continue reading BOCC Drops Economic Development Corporation’s Broadband Project

Westcliffe Resident Announces Campaign for Custer Sheriff

Press Release
—January 31, 2022
Lloyd Richard Smith “Rich” announced Monday, January 31st, that he will be running for the office of the Custer County Sheriff as a Republican. Smith moved to Westcliffe in 2015 after being promoted to the position of Colorado State Patrol Troop Commander serving the four counties comprising the 11th Judicial District.
Since moving to Custer County, Smith has served the community as a volunteer on Custer County Search and Rescue, The Custer Sheriff’s Office Diving Rescue team, and as an EMT with Custer County EMS.
Smith looks forward to demonstrating integrity and courage as well as using his experience in law enforcement and leadership to serve the Custer County Community.

Westcliffe Town Meeting Jan 2022

by Becky Olson
The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees for the Town of Westcliffe convened as scheduled on Monday, January 17, 2022, at 5:30 p.m. in Patterson Hall. A quorum of Trustees was present and the proceedings commenced after recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.
The first item of business was approval of the consent agenda, which was unanimously approved. There was no old business to cover, so discussion turned to new business. Continue reading Westcliffe Town Meeting Jan 2022

Thanks For Your Service, Captain Rich


by George Gramlich
Lloyd “Rich” Smith moved to Custer County in 2016 when he was promoted to serve as the Troop Commander of Colorado State Patrol Troop 2A. Troop 2A encompasses the four counties of 11th Judicial District; Chaffee, Custer, Fremont and Park. Rich retired last week after serving an incredible 20-year career in the Colorado State Patrol.
Rich’s father served in the Air Force and Rich grew up around the U.S. but the family always considered Colorado Springs to be ‘home’. After graduating high school in Oklahoma City, Rich became a volunteer EMT and served 10 years as a volunteer with the Red Cross Disaster Action Team. A significant day in his life was the day of the Oklahoma City bombing that killed and wounded hundreds. Rich was a first responder there and the experience changed his personal vision from helping people after disasters and emergencies to preventing these disasters and emergencies. The final catalyst that got Rich into the law enforcement field was 9/11. Rich applied for the CSP the next day and was hired in 2002 to attend the six-month police academy. Continue reading Thanks For Your Service, Captain Rich