Category Archives: Uncategorized

Brandon Schoch Announces Plans to Run for Custer County Sheriff

Press Release by Elect Brandon Schoch for Custer County Sheriff

With current Custer County Sheriff, Shannon Byerly stating that he would not be seeking re-election after serving two terms, Brandon Schoch officially announces his candidacy for the position. Schoch is a US Navy veteran who has lived in this community with his family since 2014. He is currently employed at the Custer County Sheriff’s Office and has served the community for the past eight years.

A Campaign Kick Off Event is scheduled for January 29, 2022, from 2-4 p.m. at the Community Room at Ranchers Roost in downtown Westcliffe. All are encouraged to stop by to meet, ask questions, learn about, and support his campaign for Custer County Sheriff. Petition signatures to place Schoch on the ballot will also be available to sign.
Schoch, a Republican, will serve all citizens following the laws we are governed by, and continue to keep us all safe. “I have been a police officer for over 15 years, with the last 8 serving the Custer County community. I have been a patrol deputy, a detective, and am currently in a leadership role with the Custer County Sheriff’s Office. I have been involved in the training of all the new deputies over my 8 years with the Office. I believe I am the best person for this position having devoted my time, blood, sweat, and tears for this community over the last 8 years, and it has been my honor to do so. As an Honorably Discharged veteran and having raised my family in this community, I take great pride in continuing to passionately serve the wonderful community we share. I have the integrity and grit to do this job and I will always have the community’s best interest at heart.”
Schoch is a man of high integrity, honor, dedication, and a consummate professional. Such attributes are proven by his exemplary service to our county. Please join Brandon Schoch in the Community Room at Ranchers Roost on Saturday, January 29th, 2022 from 2-4 p.m., to lend your support to his campaign for Custer County Sheriff.
Press Release by Elect Brandon Schoch for Custer County Sheriff

KLZR Adds Show to Saturday Lineup: “Automotive ADHD”

Press Release
Despite having mostly dirt roads to drive on, many car enthusiasts are attracted to our valley. Our highways are certainly beautiful driving roads with unparalleled vistas. However, for permanent residents, people who love cars and love to drive feel somewhat isolated from other car enthusiasts. Our summertimeWestcliffe Car Show is a fun event, but what happens to those enthusiasts the rest of the year when they can’t be out and participating in car culture? They feel lonely.
Now car culture has come to the airways on KLZR. Local car enthusiasts can now get a weekly fix of fun car information and
brotherhood/sisterhood feel good vibes by listening to the “Automotive ADHD” radio show Saturdays at 10:15 a.m. Continue reading KLZR Adds Show to Saturday Lineup: “Automotive ADHD”

Former Florence City Manager Patterson: Arraignment Update

by Charlotte Burrous
During former Florence City Manager Michael Patterson’s attorney arraignment, Steven Rodemer requested a special prosecutor because of a conflict of interest with the District Attorney’s office.
Because of the request, Deputy District Attorney Stacey Turner will look into the recusal issue in which Patterson’s attorney referred. If there are grounds for it, a special prosecutor will be selected to prosecute the case.
According to records, the incident that led up to the warrant stems from an incident that allegedly happened on August 30th. The next day, the Florence City Council held atwo-hour executive session, where the council unanimously voted to terminate Patterson’s contract, effective immediately.
Patterson, 54, was arrested on November 15th at the Denver International Airport after the Florence Police Department issued an arrest warrant on November 3rd. After an advisement hearing on November 24th, he bonded out of Fremont County Jail. He has been charged with two counts of stalking, sexual contact without consent and providing alcohol to a minor.
His next scheduled court appearance will be for a motions hearing at 4 p.m. February 7th.

Patriot State Radio


Patriot State Radio


By Mark Bunch/Royal Gorge Gun Club President/Chairman Fremont County NRA

Sooo disappointed in what has been going on in our great country that I have decided to launch my own Conservative news outlet podcast called Patriot State Radio. I launched this with two of my Royal Gorge Gun Club Armory instructors, Roy Tittes and John Pruden, known as JP.  Our plan is to follow the great role model of Rush Limbaugh and to tell you, our audience, exactly how things actually are, regardless of whether it is politically correct. It should be obvious by now that I do not have even one politically correct hair fiber on my entire body!

Our first couple of shows have been out for a few weeks now and our audience is quickly growing in size.  For those of you who have tuned into our program already, I thank you for giving us a chance to educate and entertain you.  For those of you who haven’t heard about our new radio show or have not tuned in yet, I would like to personally invite each of you to check us out.  I am confident you will love our programming, as we believe in God, Guns and your right to still live Free.

We will have something for everyone, local, state and national politics, firearms, shooting instruction tips, spiritual messages and live interviews with conservative candidates and conservative politicians like our HD 60 Representative Ron Hanks who is also a Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by that squishy milk toast beta male Michael Bennett.  And we will also have our current Republican District Attorney Linda Stanley on our show just to name a couple.

We will have survival discussions and emergency checklist planning sessions and we will look into our great countries history to learn from our past successes and failures. 

Clearly, there aren’t very many conservative news outlets anymore and our conservative values are dying a slow and tortured death because of it.  We need to spread the word and grow our numbers strong so we can resist the certain tyranny of the left while we still are able to do so. 

We will also be demonstrating products and viewers/listeners will be able to call in with their questions and comments.  We will be offering Patriot State Radio listeners 10% off all merchandise including guns, ammo, reloading supplies and anything else of value we have for sale at Lincoln Park Pawn.  We also have special pricing for firearms related training classes for Sentinel readers.

We will have reloading tips and tricks, and some very entertaining and educational skits that call out politically correct policy and wrong-headed thinking that has been poisoning our educational institutions and our healthcare organizations.

Our call-in phone number will be (240) 623-1776 and yes we chose that phone number for our conservative program.  Back to a time when our founding fathers found themselves surrounded by tyrannical and oppressive idiots that wanted to raise their taxes, take away their guns and infringe on all their God given rights and freedoms… Gee, does that sound like history repeating itself to anyone reading this??  LOL

We will also be offering choice advertising slots to community businesses who wish to advertise to our weekly conservative audience.  Each weekly program will air every Friday morning and will remain posted for you to listen to whenever you have time.

Those of you who know me and or have read my conservative articles in the Crusader and Sentinel newspapers, know that I am going to tell you exactly how it is and that is my guarantee to all of you with our brand-new Conservative Patriot State Radio.  Roy, JP and I are going to tell every issue you are concerned with exactly like it is.



BOCC Showdown Shocker! Flower Stripped of Assignments, Refuses to Resign

BOCC Showdown Shocker!
Canda, Day: Flower Has Created a Hostile
Work Environment,
Destroyed Morale of County Employees!
Stripped of Assignments, Refuses to Resign

by George Gramlich,
News and Notations
Be sitting down and medicated before you read this one, folks. I have been involved in politics for over 50 years and I don’t think I have EVER seen a beating like this at the county/municipal level. EVER. And of course, it happened in our very own Happy Valley.
This never to be forgotten Custer County Board of County Commissioners meeting of December 17, 2021, was held in the sacred throne room of the three musketeers and all three muskies were present: Chair Bill Canda and members Kevin Day and Tom Flower. It started at 9 a.m. A fair amount of the local peasantry was in attendance. And they were NOT happy. Continue reading BOCC Showdown Shocker! Flower Stripped of Assignments, Refuses to Resign



by Sangre de Cristo Sentinel Staff

What started as a dream is now moving closer to reality.  On December 13, 2021, a joint meeting was convened by Custer County Commission Chairman Bill Canda, Silver Cliff Mayor H.A. “Buck” Wenzel and Westcliffe Mayor Paul Weinke, together with the Elected Leaders of the Towns of Silver Cliff, Westcliffe and Custer County.  Upon public advertisement of a competitive request for proposals seeking qualified internet service providers, two highly qualified companies responded.  Highline Broadband, formally Rye Telecom, and Hilltop Broadband, a current Custer County Service provider, bid on the project with proposals offering a Public-Private-Partnership Agreement.  After two hours of focused deliberation and evaluation, the proposal from Hilltop Broadband was deemed most responsive to implement elected leader’s vision for high-speed internet availability for all end users in both Towns and County-wide locations.

The selection of Hilltop Broadband was reached with the goal to pursue a federal government grant to finance construction of a new, state-of-the-art, fiber-to-the-premise, future proofed internet network.  The project consultant, Mark Carmel, of the Carmel Management Company facilitated the agenda resulting in a unanimous decision to select Hilltop Broadband.  Westcliffe Mayor Paul Wenke and Silver Cliff Mayor Harry “Buck” Wenzel were first to offer their members motions for approval of the agreement.  Members of the Town elected Boards of Directors voted unanimously to approve the agreement subject to final review of legal counsel. Commissioners Bill Canda and Commissioner Kevin Day then voted in favor on behalf of Custer County.

The federal government broadband grant is aptly named ReConnect and is being administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Rural Utilities Service.  The goal of ReConnect funding is to drive high-speed internet service to rural areas of America that have been left behind in America’s digital divide.  Mark Carmel outlined the extensive requirements within the grant evaluation criteria that must be met in order to be awarded funding.  The request for proposals was written to ensure all grant criteria would be met.  The standards are very robust to qualify for federal funding.  Hilltop Broadband is committed to meet all standards requested in the grant application.  Hilltop Broadband has estimated the cost of the project at $24 million to construct fiber optic broadband delivery to Custer County communities.  Hilltop is committing $6 million of its own funds to meet the full 25% cash match requirement to qualify for the federal grant funding.  The grant deadline is February 22, 2022, with grant award notice taking up to six months.

Mr. Eric Ryplewski, Founder and CEO of Hilltop Broadband presented an overview of his company stating he is excited to respond to the RFP and deliver a “Fiber-To-The-Premise” solution for Custer County communities.  Mr. Ryplewski stated that HIlltop Broadband grew from a recognized need for reliable and fast broadband service in rural areas.  In 2013, Hilltop began its quest for improving service to underserved areas in Larimer, Custer, Fremont and Chaffee Counties.  From the earliest days the focus was first and foremost on great customer experience, both in building a reliable network and in how customers are treated.  This type of growth allowed Hilltop to grow smart and build a system that customers can count on today to work when they need it most, Mr. Ryplewski stated.   In addition to internet services Hilltop Broadband provides voice and PBX services.

At its meeting of December 20, 2021, the Westcliffe Town Board of Directors officially approved the agreement by unanimous vote.  The march is now on to secure funding for this project and make this dream a reality.







Custer County Board of Health Demands Apology

Press Release
Custer County Board of Health (BOH)
—December 14, 2021

This is the final and formal response from the Custer County Board of Health (BOH) to Jordan Hedberg, editor of the Wet Mountain Tribune, regarding his writings concerning Dr. Brown, Custer County Public Health Director (PHD). The Board asks that this response be printed in full by Mr. Hedberg, without edits or deletions, and on the front page of the Tribune. This press release will also be sent to the [Sangre de Cristo] Sentinel and The Valley Beat and will be posted on the county webpage. Continue reading Custer County Board of Health Demands Apology

December 7th BOCC: PZ Hears Complaint – Flower Accused

Shots Fired! BOCC WAR!
Flower Accused of Deplorable Behavior
and Improper Influencing
Shamelessly Refuses to Resign
Are the Winds of Recall Blowing?

by George Gramlich,
New and Notations

Man oh man. This was one for the record books. The December 7, 2021 Custer County Board of County Commissioners meeting (BOCC) was held in the courthouse basement as the war drums could be heard and there was going to be a bunch of peasants there wanting some blood. All three musketeers were present: Chair Bill Canda and members Tom Flower and Kevin Day. The meeting started at 9 a.m.
Under Staff Reports, the biggest news was that the Veteran’s Service announced that the Veterans Fund that helps vets with bills for propane, car repairs, fire wood, etc. was out of money as they are not getting reimbursed from the state right now. It was also announced that Kirkpatrick Bank is donating $10,000 to the VSO to help our local vets. (Thank you very much Kirkpatrick Bank.)
New Business was up next. And that was the bid deal.
Canda started talking about the Planning & Zoning Department (P&Z), the Planning Commission (PC) and the P&Z Director Jackie Hobby. Canda said he and Day were at some meeting somewhere the other day and Day got a call from Jackie and she said she was quitting her job. Canda goes on about how important P&Z is to the economic welfare of the county and said that Jackie gave them a pending/verbal notice that she was going bye bye.
He said that normally personnel issues are dealt in private executive sessions but that Jackie wanted a public forum so people could hear her grievances. So that is where we are here.
Jackie was in the seat next to the muskies with Day being next to her, Canda in the middle, muskie Tommy Flower was at the far end.
Jackie said it is true about her giving a pending resignation to the muskies. She said she wanted to tell a story about how this came about. She then rips into muskie Flowers with a vengeance that was passionate. She said he is constantly in her office harassing her over decisions she made, or worse, trying to override a decision made by the P&Z, PC or the muskies. She said that at one meeting a while back, The Flowers stopped a meeting and asked the muskies and her to come outside. They went into the stairwell of the courthouse. Jackie said that Flowers attacked her verbally and called her “You little F***er”. (We apologize for that but it is important verbiage.) (Later in the discussion, Canda, who was in the stairwell, confirmed that wording.) Flowers then continued to ridicule her in the stairwell.
She said that was just the tip of the iceberg; re Flower’s harassment of county employees and especially female county employees. Jackie goes on to tell story after story of how Flowers improperly would try to make Jackie change what she had already ruled on, or even change what the muskies have officially decided. She said that he said it doesn’t matter what the other commissioners decided and it was his opinion that counted. She said he continuously comes into her office harassing her and ridiculing her and that he ridicules her in public and she is tired of defending herself.
Jackie said she came in a few days ago, in spite of all this, and did five septic inspections for several contractors so they could keep on working and she told some of them that she was leaving and they had a fit. (Thus, the big crowd of contractors and ranchers in the audience.)
Day then speaks up and says he hoped it wouldn’t come to this and he believes Jackie’s accusations and he hopes we can come to a conclusion on this.
Canda asks The Flowers to comment and he defers. Canda then says he wants Jackie to stay and he has received a ton of emails and phone calls in support of her. Jackie then asks Canda to confirm what Flowers said in the stairwell and he does. (There is a murmur from the crowd in the room on this statement.) She then goes into more inappropriate behavior about Flowers centering on his coming into her office and trying to influence her decisions or the muskies decisions. By criticizing me in public he is trying to pit the public against me. She says he is trying to cut the knees off the contractors in the valley. Does he do this because I am a women? Or because “a friend wants a job”? (Uh, oh.)
Jackie then drops a bombshell. She says, ‘I am not the first woman to quit. There have been four that have quit’ because of his deplorable behavior (Double, uh-oh.) She says there is a problem going on and I am going to stand up and speak against it as the other ladies have not.
(Big applause from the peasants.)
Canda then reads a statement from a septic contractor who says Jackie is simply the best and does an incredible job. She uses her common sense and is a huge asset to the valley.
School Board member, Peggi Collins, says it is deplorable to me that a commissioner would speak to a lady like that and as far as I am concerned he should resign! (Bravo, Peggi. Res ipsa loquitur.)
Ex-commissioner Kit Shy then speaks from the peanut gallery. He said when Jackie started she reduced the size of the P&Z Office saving the county a ton of money and she has, over the years, taken on a lot of more work and Jackie is the best. Kit ends with saying that “you” (meaning Flowers) had embarrassed her in public in front of people and that is “unacceptable”.
Dale Mullen who is a volunteer member of the PC calls in saying he doesn’t think that this stairwell thing was the only reason Jackie wants to quit but that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. He also said that she is very overloaded with work and needs help.
Deb Adams then calls in. She said some guy is sending a survey to important people in the county and that although it is not done, the survey indicates (no sample size given) that the people don’t like the “governance” in the county although our “social cohesion” is good. (Note: a lot of rumors going along that ol’ Deb is going to run against Canda for muskie next year so all this survey nonsense might just be a lib smoke screen election propaganda job.) Deb also said that if Flowers apologizes all should be forgiven. (Hmmm, a woman defending what this guy is doing? Something not right here.)
Another contractor in the audience speaks up: I talked to Tom about this and Tom said it was employee “insubordination”. The contractor said Flowers shouldn’t talk about team members like that and I think he “should resign”.
Several other citizens then talked about how great Jackie was. (It was touching.)
Rancher and realtor Twila Giroux then took the floor. She said when her and Flowers were both teaching at our school years ago he often said you have to “hold people’s feet to the fire” when problems come up. She said I am going to hold your feet to the fire now. Twila said what you said to Jackie “is not acceptable” and if the other girls in the building left because of this then you are completely out of line. Then she said, “I’d love to hear from you.” (Twila was mad!)
A woman in the audience then says to Jackie I applaud your service.
Local rancher John Rusher was up next. He asks Jackie how many years has she worked for the county. Jackie said she started in 2007 and told the tale of her work at P&Z. After that, John said you need some help with all the work you have.
Several messages from the “Chat” board were then read. One from Michael Foster said that if Flowers said those bad words then he should resign and that Flowers is “unfit to serve the community”. T. Ballard wrote that if Tom said that, he should resign. Deb Adams wrote basically if he apologizes all would be good.
Michael Foster then Zoomed in. He said I praise Jackie’s courage and look at the way we treat others in the community. I believe in forgiveness and we can forgive people for their “transgressions” but they have to be held responsible for their actions. We have to hold people accountable and if you are a public official and treat a public employee like that it is unacceptable, and you are unfit to lead and serve our community.
Canda then turns to The Flowers and again asks him if he has anything to say. After a couple of grunty type, feel sorry for me sounds, Flowers starts his slow, poorly dramatic, obviously fake chameleon crocodile tear apology. (It was revolting.) Jackie, I apologize. I guarantee you I am willing to hold my feet to the fire. (Regrettably, there is currently a fire ban.) I express my sorrow to what I said to you. Blah, blah, blah. (Finger-down-throat level drivel.) Sometimes I am not professional. I can’t take that back. I have to own that. I can assure you that that language will never happen again. (What about all the other improprieties?) If you believe I am speaking from my heart I ask for your forgiveness. (Get the airline bag.) I don’t do that very often. His next statement, I think sums up his whole pathetic cry session: “This sounds like cat covering manure.” (So true. He should have stopped there.) Sometimes sorry is not enough. (You got that right. Resign.) Then more crocodile-tear blabbing. He asks Jackie not to resign.
Flowers then goes on and on about how great Jackie is. (When she is obeying his improper orders and requests.) He is sooooooo sorry. He then starts talking even slower and takes time between each sentence. (Drama 101.) He then attempts to lay a guilt trip on Jackie for causing all of this! (Manipulator.) And just more whining. On and on. I didn’t
realize I would be on trial. (Waiting for his usual mention of him hanging on this or that cross…) On and on. I didn’t sleep at all the other night. (Poor boy.) He then tries to segway saying we need a county manager.
(To prevent him from harassing everybody. Sick.) Then a couple of more ‘please forgive me’ lines. (Everybody who knows The Flowers knows that this whole speech is a total con job.)
Canda asks Jackie if she has something to say now and she says no.
Some citizen speaks up and says Flowers comments were in
“la la land.”
Peggi Collins again speaks and says see all these people here? This is just the tip of the iceberg and a recall is being discussed.
One John Cristen speaks up and forcefully asks, how does Tom just step in and change everybody’s decisions? You misrepresented yourself when you ran for office. The “R” behind your name stands for “ridiculous”. I feel proud to have Bill and Kevin as commissioners.(Canda and Day did real good. Real Good. They let the people speak.) He then says if you spoke to my wife like that there would be a real problem. You should be recalled.
Jackie then speaks up and nails the coffin shut on The Flowers. I have been apologized to before many, many times and after the apology you have to prove it. She then gives a couple of examples. Jackie then says she has been apologized to before by Flowers and it didn’t mean jack. He steps “in my business”, then apologizes, then does it again. This doesn’t “hold water anymore.”
Canda then says we are going to have workshops on P&Z and the PC to fix some problems.
Jackie then gives us tentative rules for her coming back. She says she doesn’t want Tom Flower in her office! (Good girl.) I will meet him at commissioner meetings as long as the other commissioners are there. I am not comfortable around him after this situation. I was Tom Flower’s friend once but when you treat women like this, it is over. I am not the only one in the courthouse that quit over him. There are other women here now that can’t quit ‘cause they need the job and the insurance. If somehow he wants to be in my office, I want someone from Human Resources there. (Any honorable man would resign right now and save the county the grief of going forward with this abuser. Shameless.)
(Jackie Hobby is a hero. Period.)
Canda then says we need to further explore this stuff in a future meeting. And that’s it for the Jackie Hobby story. Stay tuned, folks. This ain’t over.
There was other county business after this. We will report on
that later.


Public Open House on Custer County Hazard Mitigation Plan

Press Release
Custer County is updating its 2017 Multi-Jurisdictional
Hazard Mitigation Plan in collaboration with local municipalities and other community organizations. As part of this planning process, a public open house will be held on Thursday, December 16th from 5:30 to 7 p.m.
Residents and businesses are encouraged to stop by to enjoy some free appetizers and learn more about the plan. The event will be held at the Hope Lutheran Church’s Lange Memorial Hall at 312 South Third Street in Westcliffe, Colorado.
The term “Hazard Mitigation” describes actions that can help reduce or eliminate long-term risks caused by hazards, such as floods, wildfires, drought, and earthquakes. Hazard mitigation is best accomplished when based on a comprehensive, long-term plan developed before a disaster strikes. This plan is designed to proactively reduce the risk of hazards facing the county by
identifying a mitigation strategy for reducing
future losses.
Custer County is committed to providing equal access to all programs to ensure nondiscrimination for individuals with access or functional needs. Should you require reasonable accommodation or for more information about this event, contact Custer County’s Director of Emergency Management, Adrian Washington (719.269.7958 | ).
Virtual options are also available. For additional details, see the ‘Public Zoom Meetings’ link on the county website.

The following day,

Workshop #2 – Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA)
Friday, December 17, 2021 / 9 – 10:30 a.m.
Lange Hall or

Join on your computer or mobile app (See Custer County website Top of Page Zoom link is the same for all county meetings. See Or call in (audio only): 1.872.242.8065 / ID: 244 862 501#

(The presenting team from Thursday evening will head home. The purpose of Friday’s meeting is to review the information we learned from the public on Thursday, and to determine our way forward. )


Heaven’s Gate Opened – In Memory of John Penezic

Did you feel the earth shake as Heaven’s Gates opened and God called home an extraordinary man? Well, I felt it in every fiber of my being. That extraordinary man was my heart and soul for a little more than 54 years. That is a long time in Earth years. Of course, we know in our minds that we all belong to God, but our hearts still fight to hold on. Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying he was a Saint, but he was as close as a mortal man can be. Continue reading Heaven’s Gate Opened – In Memory of John Penezic