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Sheepdog to Graduates…
Sheepdog Speaks to Graduates
Last week I watched a few college graduation addresses by several prominent LPSCD leaders like Clinton, Carter and Gore. Turned my stomach and made me want to bite someone. I believe that I could provide better conservative advice and decided to speak to my many, many young readers, especially at the high school level. If you know any other young people graduating from high school this year please give them a copy of this sheepdog wisdom. WOOF!
Dear Graduates,
Congratulations! Here are some thoughts for a successful and responsible life: America is a wonderful place. Be thankful if you were born here or live here. America has many faults and challenges but it is still the greatest country in the world. Continue reading Sheepdog to Graduates…
Sheepdog Explanations
The New Subscriber’s Guide
to Reading and Loving
the ‘A Sheepdog Barks!’ Column
We constantly get questions from new readers about the strange “sounds” and “abbreviations” in my column. This column was inspired by an article I read many years ago called “On Sheep, Wolves and Sheepdogs.” New readers can always find it on our web site at Today you can read a condensed version on page 19. Please read it; it will help you understand.
Today I’m reprinting excerpts from several of my previous columns. I’m calling this one “The New Subscriber’s Guide to Reading and Loving the ‘A Sheepdog Barks!’ Column.” Continue reading Sheepdog Explanations
The Naked Communist
The LPSCD Manifesto
Cleon Skousen (1913-2006) was a conservative constitutionalist and author. He was an FBI Special Agent and the Police Chief of Salt Lake City, UT. Skousen was a controversial author and speaker, extremely anti-communist and opposed all federal regulatory agencies and argued for the abolition of everything from the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). He also wanted to repeal the minimum wage, eliminate unions, nullify anti-discrimination laws, sell off public lands and national parks, end the direct election of senators, eliminate the federal income tax and estate taxes, remove the walls separating church and state, and end the Federal Reserve System. His book, The Naked Communist, was first published in 1958 and exposed the dangers of the Communists trying to destroy America from within. In his book he printed the strategic Communist Goals of that time to accomplish that task. We are alarmed at how many of them seem to be the current goals (bolded) of the Liberal Progressives and the Democrat Party in America today. Please review these (at the link below) and judge for yourself. We believe they have already accomplished many of them. The LPSCD Manifesto
Memorial Weekend Parade
The Memorial Day Parade is set for Saturday May 26th at 10 a.m.
Memorial Day Parade application can be downloaded here
You may pick one up at the Sentinel Office (601 Main St in Westcliffe) or the Westcliffe Town Hall or the Silver Cliff Town Hall.
BOCC: Staff Reports; Landfill, Water Trucks, Extension Office, Health Nurse
Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
—April 4, 2018
by Jackie Bubis
The meeting started at 9 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Introductions of the public in attendance followed.
Commissioner Items
Commissioner Printz had no new items.
Commissioner Canda met with the Postmistress to make sure that the heritage road signs would be no issue in mail delivery. A group of citizens is working on a proposal to put up the heritage road signs (Kettle Rd, Macy Lane, etc.) along with the numbered road signs. Mr. Canda also asked Attorney Smith to look at the right-of-way up to the Hibbs tower. Continue reading BOCC: Staff Reports; Landfill, Water Trucks, Extension Office, Health Nurse
Bishop Castle Fire Most Likely Electrical
Photo courtesy of Wetmore Voluntary Fire Department
Press Release
Custer County Sheriff’s Office
On Wednesday, March 28th, at approximately 05:30 a.m., Custer County Sheriff’s Office received a 911 call from two female passersby of a structure fire at Bishop Castle, located on State Highway 165 at approximately twelve thousand block. Rye, Beulah and Wetmore Fire Departments were dispatched along with two Custer County Sheriff’s deputies.
Rye fire arrived on scene first and reported two structures were burning and had collapsed within themselves. The gift shop/residence and a small outbuilding were destroyed. There was no one living in the residence at the time of the fire. Fire had begun to creep up the mountainside but due to recent snowfall, the fire did not progress into the trees.
Wet Mountain Fire Department arrived on scene late afternoon to put foam on the structure as it remained hot and smoldering. Bishop Castle was closed to the public until the investigation was complete. The castle was not damaged in the fire.
Custer County Sheriff’s Office concluded their investigation of the Bishop Castle fire. An arson investigator in conjunction with our investigator determined the cause of the fire will be unknown but most likely electrical. Total loss of the two buildings is estimated at approximately $185,000 dollars which includes the buildings and contents. The castle has been released back to owner Jim Bishop and is open for tourism.
Custer County Sheriff’s Office wishes to express our condolences to the Bishop family in the loss of the buildings.
Comments on the CCEDC Broadband Tower Proposal
by Dan Bubis
Colorado law requires that municipalities hold a referendum before providing cable, telecommunications, or broadband service, unless the community is unserved. Our community is not unserved, we have several providers and yet we have not seen a ballot issue addressing whether taxpayer funding should go to providing either broadband or telecommunications. For the County to engage in the provisioning of these services they stand a reasonably good chance of being sued.
One of the major problems with the CCEDC’s proposal is that they don’t really have a plan beyond building towers. They have no commitments from any providers of Internet or Cellular service. While “if you build it, they will come” may work in a movie, businesses need more concrete commitments to ensure success. AT&T has demonstrated an unwillingness to increase their current equipment and they already have a tower. If the existing Internet providers could make the use case for additional towers, they would erect those towers. Perhaps the CCEDC is planning on providing access to the towers at no charge. Then how will maintenance and support be funded. See the map of DD Wireless (now Secom) towers for an idea of existing coverage. Continue reading Comments on the CCEDC Broadband Tower Proposal
FORTY-YEAR HOME-GROWN SUCCESS Congratulations to Entrepreneur Russ Hartbauer

photo by Katrina Stone
by Fred Hernandez
The year was 1978 in America. A good year. The average cost of a new house was $ 54,800, monthly rent was $260 and the price of a gallon of gasoline was 63 cents. Bacon was at $1.20 /lb. and eggs were 48 cents a dozen. On the international scene the big news was Egypt and Israel had signed the Camp David Peace Accords brokered by then President Jimmy Carter. Continue reading FORTY-YEAR HOME-GROWN SUCCESS
Ben Rusher Day Proclaimed
The Custer County Board of County Commissioners solemnly declared January 31st as Ben Rusher Day in memory of Ben Rusher’s heroic effort to save his drowning brother last summer. Shown is Commissioner Printz reading and presenting memorial plaques to Ben’s father, John Rusher, and mother, Elin Parker Ganschow.
Photo by George Gramlich