Tag Archives: BOCC

March 27 BOCC: Non-Sanctuary Proclamation

BOCC: We Are Now a Non-Sanctuary County!
(Local Lib Doesn’t Like That.)
Plus: Anti Porn Internet Resolution Passed

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary

The March 27, 2024 Custer County Board of County Commissioners’ (BOCC) regular meeting got into some hot topic political issues, and we are happy to report, that the “good guys” won to the weeping angst of the County’s political left. The meeting was at the Commissioners lavishly appointed throne room across from the courthouse. All three Commissioners were in attendance: Chair Kevin Day and members Bill Canda and Lucas Epp.
In Commissioner Items, Canda reported that the equipment for the TV towers has arrived and the contractor is testing it. Epp noted that the County’s accounting system provider, CIC, will be training our troops on various dates in April. Continue reading March 27 BOCC: Non-Sanctuary Proclamation

March 13 BOCC: OEM Pushing for Taj Mahal

BOCC: OEM Keeps Pushing for a Taj Mahal, Copper Gulch Road a “Train Wreck”, Finance Progress

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary
The March 13, 2024 Custer County Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC) meeting was another romp down the bureaucrat drainage ditch lasting four hours and fifteen minutes. The meeting started at 9 a.m. in the Commissioners building next to the Courthouse. All three Commissioners were in attendance: Chair Kevin Day and members Bill Canda and Lucas Epp.
In Commissioner Items, Epp reported that the company hired to clean the mold in the courthouse basement finished the task and it appears that the leak from the roof is fixed. Epp said he is getting bids to fix the roof. (This has been going on for a decade….)
Staff Reports were next. Road & Bridge said that Copper Gulch Road is a “train wreck” and they are working on it. Excessive speed is blamed for a lot of the damage. R&B plans on doing a lot of work out there this summer. Continue reading March 13 BOCC: OEM Pushing for Taj Mahal

February 24 BOCC: Money “For the Children”, UAWCD Manager Drama, Audit Cavalry Coming

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary
The Custer County Board of County Commissioners meeting held on February 24, 2024, occurred at that Wetmore Community Center. All three Commissioners were present: Chair Kevin Day and members Bill Canda (via Zoom from France) and Lucas Epp. From the Zoom video, it appeared that only one meeting spectator was present.
In Commissioner Items, Epp mentioned that the accounting consulting firm they selected (Redlands Consulting) will be starting next week and will work Monday through Thursday on the audit and adjusting entries issues.
Old Business was next: Epp talked further about what Redlands was going to do next week. They will put in 40 hours of work analyzing the issues and put a plan together to get the mess fixed. This includes the audit issues plus a bunch of accounting problems we are having. They will then present the plan and the cost to the Commissioners hopefully in two weeks’ time. Epp gave a shout out to our IT guy, Vernon Roth, who is putting a lot of time in at Finance to keep the ship from sinking.
In New Business, Day presented his Agenda Item, Money for Playground Equipment for Wetmore. Day said Ruth Roper has been working for years trying to get a playground built in Wetmore “for the children”. She has found a piece of playground equipment from a company that is on sale for $9,281. Day said we have money in the LATCF fund and
the CTF fund that can be used for this. Day said there are around 30 children in the area.
Epp wasn’t too happy with the timing of this request. He said we just turned down two department head’s requests for a vehicle so they can do their jobs two weeks ago and giving money away for playground equipment now is not right. Epp said the state of the LATCF AND CTF funds is unknown, and it would not be wise to tap into those now. He said he will look into their status. Epp concluded saying we have several purchases that have to be made and we need to prioritize them.
Canda then piped up from the Riviera in southern France and said he agreed with Epp, that the timing for this is bad. He requested that we “table this until we understand how much money we really have.” He continued, “We had issues with the LATCF stuff. Can we wait a few weeks?”
Day, trying to salvage the spending “for the children”, said “we don’t have to move on it today.” But he added that this price is special and if that equipment is sold, we have to pay more for it down the line. (Day should have pulled this Agenda Item. Absolutely the wrong time to ask for money when we can’t even provide a crucial vehicle for county employees. But Day lives in Wetmore and this is gravy for his homies.)
Canda responded, “We need to make sure we have the money for priorities.” Canda ended with, “I think we ought to wait.”
Epp noted that he will “look into” the LATCF slush fund and see what is left.
They then decided to hold off on this until a later date.
The next item was Consideration of Signing a Letter of Recommendation for Greg Felt. This letter is a recommendation for Mr. Felt to become the next General Manager of the Upper Arkansas Water Conservation District (UAWCD). (This is a big deal. UAWCD is the big water player around here and very powerful.) Canda put this Item on the Agenda. Canda does a love minute dance for Felt saying he knows the guy, blah, blah, blah. Felt is also on the UAWCD Board.
But Epp smells a rat. He asked Canda, “Is there anybody else running for the same job?” Canda responded, “There are several others. I know one other that is qualified is a Mr. Jord Gertson.”
Epp turns the screws with, “This letter carries a lot of weight. If we are going to endorse someone else, we need to know about the other candidates. I don’t know the other candidates.” Canda replied, “I will send you Jord’s resume.” Day then chipped in, “We need to reach out and get information on the other candidates.” Epp finished with we need to put it on the Agenda “before the deadline.”

(Here is the skinny on this UAWCD Manager opening. The current Manager Terry Skanga, who helped start UAWCD is stepping down. Our very own ex Board Chair of UAWCD, local Bob Senderhauf’s choice is one Jord Gertson. Jord is a professional water guy who has worked for UAWCD for a long time (he’s their resident hydrologist) and even has his own water consulting business. He also has a B.S. in Watershed Science from Colorado State University. His resume is astounding. His has done everything you can think of re: water management. Bottom line, if Senderhauf wants this guy, HE IS THE ONE. Canda’s boy, Felt, has very limited actual water management experience and no degree. He owns a rafting company on the Arkansas River and with him on UAWCD there could be conflicts of interest. Plus, and I can hear the snowflakes whining already, he is supposedly a Democrat and the last thing you want is someone with that lib orientation running a locally powerful organization controlling our water.
Canda should not have recommended this guy without giving out the resumes of the other candidates. In fact, the BOCC doesn’t know jack about water and the UAWCD and should probably not endorse anyone. If they insist on it, they should definitely invite Senderhauf in and let him educate them on the candidates.)
At the end of the lovefest, Epp said the February 29 BOCC will be on Thursday so that Day can attend some meeting on Wednesday.

BOCC: Ruh, Roh! County Employees Paid Twice, Now It’s Payback Time


BOCC: Ruh, Roh! County Employees Paid Twice,
Now It’s Payback Time

by George Gramlich,
News and Notations
A big surprise for us peasants in this meeting: Do we have our own “Paygate” or is it just a procedural issue? We will find out.
The Custer County Board of County Commissioners June 30, 2021 board meeting had the full complement of our valiant musketeers, Chair Bill Canda and muskies Tom Flower and Kevin Day. They all appeared coherent in the internet broadcast. Continue reading BOCC: Ruh, Roh! County Employees Paid Twice, Now It’s Payback Time

February 2 BOCC Meeting Report: Bridge Repair, STR Public Meeting Set for 26th

BOCC Feb. 2nd: “We Need to Fix This”,
Bridge Repair, STR Regulations,
Food Charity, VSO

by George Gramlich

The meeting started at 9 a.m. with a break for lunch.
All three commissioners were present: Chair Bill Canda, and Board members Tom Flower and Kevin Day. County Attorney Clint Smith was also present.
All three commissioners did their “what did I do since the last meeting” recitations. No revelations there.
Day then brought up a good point. At the last meeting they approved a motion making masks optional in the county courthouse rather than “mandatory”. Day said they really meant all county buildings, but the resolution specifically said, by mistake, the courthouse. Day said “we need to fix this” so they put it on the agenda for the February 17 meeting in Wetmore.
Flower then brings up the subject of how items can be added to the BOCC’s meeting agendas. This starts a LONG, disjointed discussion. It appears it was never settled. Continue reading February 2 BOCC Meeting Report: Bridge Repair, STR Public Meeting Set for 26th

Oct 21 BOCC: Covid $$, DHS playground? Thermometers at the Courthouse

by Laura Vass
—October 21, 2020
The meeting came to order followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call.
Amend Agenda Items: First Net Tower discussion was moved to October 30th and the Executive Session was removed from the agenda, both due to the unanticipated absence of the county attorney.
The August 12th BOCC minutes were approved. Continue reading Oct 21 BOCC: Covid $$, DHS playground? Thermometers at the Courthouse

July 15th BOCC

July 15th BOCC: Possible New Positions – CARES Act Coordinator,and HR/Finance Asst. Director
Commissioners Postpone Justice Center Funding Survey

Custer County Board of
Commissioners (BOCC)
—July 15, 2020
by Laura Vass
The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) held their mid-month meeting via Conferencecall.com. All three commissioners and the county lawyer were present in the board room. There were no minutes to approve and no amendments to the agenda. Continue reading July 15th BOCC

June 29th BOCC: Botvin Grant, EMP Grant, SB20-217

by Tracy Ballard
with Laura Vass

June 29, 2020

The Custer County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) met on June 29, 2020, where they tackled a rather lengthy agenda. Interested persons were also on the teleconference. The commissioners met in person. There were no Amendments to the Agenda.
Commissioner Reports:
Jay Printz: Reported he had attended the following: Two Board of Health meetings, Pre-Waterline meeting, CES, Economic Recovery, Upper Ark (UACOG, Attainable Housing. Printz also stated that he had been contacted by Board of Education board member, Newell Woodbury regarding the school grant. Continue reading June 29th BOCC: Botvin Grant, EMP Grant, SB20-217

BOCC: May 29 Exasperating Pontification

BOCC: Exasperating Pontification
Flower, Printz Throw Two Businessmen
Recovery Team for Expletives and “Defiance”

Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)

—May 29, 2020


by Laura Vass

This meeting was conducted by teleconference some participants and all public.  Counted as present at the meeting were Chairman Flower,  Commissioner Printz, Commissioner Canda,  Attorney Smith and Clerk Camper.

Minutes from April 7, 15 and 21, 2020 were approved.

Commissioner Items

Commissioner Canda reported that the Board of Health (BoH) and the Economic Recovery Board met. The next BoH is scheduled for June 4th at 1 p.m.  He attended The Airport Board meeting. The Airport is short $50K on the AWAH program because the project cost has increased over time. They have been working with CDOT (Division of Aeronautics) and are also working to get the power trenched. It is a 3,400 ft. trench and the project may cost 10K. Efforts are being made to get a match of 5K in funding. The Airport Board  has also asked Sangre Electric how much it would cost to have them do it. Canda reported the commissioners continue working on the Fiber project and are working hard on getting the two spots for the towers nailed down and working with landowners directly. The work with Carmel group has been slow due to the virus. All three commissioners attended the Broadband executive session on May 4th. Canda said he sent the PDOT agreement to the two towns and the commissioners so that everyone is on the same page and can proceed on the intergovernmental agreement. An Internet Speed survey is now on the county website and he sent it to the newspapers. He is hoping to get feedback from the community. The new water truck is arriving today or tomorrow. He deferred to Mr. Flower on a new piece of road equipment that the county is using. Chairmen Flower said Mr. Hyde has a road groomer on a demo project. (The county is looking to budget an additional piece of equipment in the future.) Continue reading BOCC: May 29 Exasperating Pontification

January 8 BOCC Appointments and Calendars 2020

Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
—January 8, 2020
by Jackie (Muddy) Bubis
The meeting started with the Pledge of Allegiance, prayer, and roll call. Introductions of the public followed.
Chairman Flower opened the first meeting of 2020 with prayer.
After a vote, Mr. Flower will continue on as Chairman and Mr. Canda as Vice-Chairman. Mr. Flower expressed that he thought it would be “fun and interesting” to have the other two Board members chair a meeting during the year. Continue reading January 8 BOCC Appointments and Calendars 2020