Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
—May 31, 2019
Westcliffe, CO
by Jackie (Muddy) Bubis
The meeting started at 9 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Introductions of the public followed.
Commissioner Reports:
Commissioner Canda signed the contract with the architect for the Judicial Center. He announced that the Landfill did not get the grant for the skid steer but mentioned the possibility that the Landfill budget would allow the purchase of this equipment toward the end of the year. Continue reading May 31st BOCC: CCEDC/Tower Stall, No Money for 24/7 EMS — even after Tax Levy
Tag Archives: BOCC
April 3rd BOCC: Tower Madness
April 3rd BOCC: Tower Madness
CCEDC Would Get a Substantial
“Management” Fee for Towers Project
Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
—April 3, 2019
by Jackie (Muddy) Bubis
Afternoon Session 1 p.m.: BOCC and non county entity (non -profit corporation) the Custer County Economic Development Corp. (CCEDC) or (EDC)
The meeting began with Charles Bogle handing out an organizational chart showing the relationship that the EDC proposes with the BOCC as the tower project proceeds. It shows the EDC directly under the BOCC, the same level as Finance, IT, Road & Bridge, and Legal. The general contractor for the project would answer to the CCEDC in this scenario. For operating as what they called the project manager, the CCEDC would get $50K per year, with an expected two-year timeline. This money would be taken from the $2M grant money. Continue reading April 3rd BOCC: Tower Madness
A County Wide Nuisance Law? Really!
BOCC: A County Wide Nuisance Law? Really!
Who/What Is Really the Nuisance Here?
The People or The Government?
An open letter;
To Commissioners Tom Flower, Bill Canda:
The county “nuisance” law recently proposed by the BOCC WILL start the slippery slope towards “Boulderizing” Custer County. This is dangerous ground.
I, and many, many others have seen it before.
It starts with litter, then it’s noise, then it’s noise from guns, then it’s Conex containers, then its dogs, then it’s your porch light, then it’s your cow manure, then it’s the paint on your house or barn, then it’s the old jeep in your yard, then its a broken down tractor, then its YOUR XXXX behavior annoying a California transplant. The bottom line is: THEN THEY COME FOR YOU. Continue reading A County Wide Nuisance Law? Really!
BOCC Nov 29
Sanitation Issue Initiates a Look at “Nuisance” Ordinance
Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
—November 29, 2018
Westcliffe, CO
by Jackie Bubis
The meeting started at 9 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Introductions of the public followed.
Commissioner Items
Commissioner Canda reported that the economic development surveys will be out before the first of the year. He wants Commissioner Printz to be interviewed for this process. The official kickoff for the program is January 7th. Mr. Printz agreed to be interviewed and stated that economic development’s purpose was to grow the tax base so that the county could offer more services.
Canda continued with reporting that Seifert Enterprises (who received the bid for the berm ward at the airport) has received the permit, the money has been deposited, and work will proceed right away. Also Canda reported that CenturyLink, the U.S. Forest Service and CDOT will be meeting next week to see what can be done for the people in Wetmore who need phone service after flooding wiped out the lines.
Chairman Flower reported attending the CCI winter conference, the Upper Arkansas Weed Conference, and expressed a need for the CCEDC and Christy Doon to meet. All three commissioners will be attending the grant proposal meeting for the Underfunded Courthouse grant.
Commissioner Printz publicly gave kudos to the Department of Human Services, especially Stacey Schoch, for handling what “could have been a disaster” regarding an at risk adult in the community. He also mentioned that the Coroner is in serious need of a vehicle. There will be a “significant meeting” for the Attainable Housing Board on Monday the 3rd.
The search is ongoing for a new maintenance person/custodian.
Attorney Items
Attorney Smith presented a proposed contract for the sale of the Grape Creek property purchased by Big E Ranch. This will get the process started. A formal resolution will be coming wherein Chairman Flower can sign all documents related to the sale. The contract was approved unanimously. Mr. Smith reported that Sheriff Byerly continues to seek a local ordinance for forfeiture of properties used in illegal activities. Note: there is already a Colorado statute to this effect but Mr. Smith reported that the DA’s office is not willing to enforce it. Mr. Smith is also in the beginning stages of writing a nuisance ordinance based on what’s being done in Huerfano County.
Travis Denlinger appeared before the Board requesting a road name change for Reis Road in the Reis subdivision. There are five landowners on that road and there exists confusion with addressing. Assessor Henrich was present and the decision was made by the Board to break Reis Road up into three sections which will now be known as Sage Corners, Valley View Drive and Wildflower Lane.
Jackie Hobby, director of Planning and Zoning, had a list of items to be addressed by the Board. The first was a subdivision waiver for the Grape Creek property purchased by Big E Ranch which passed unanimously. Ms. Hobby has had difficulty with a property owner who camps out in a teepee on his property. The teepee is too close to the property line, and that has no septic. The zoning regulations say you can only camp out for thirteen days a year. This property owner has ignored all attempts by Hobby to gain compliance. Attorney Smith will write a letter warning the property owner prior to a cease and desist order. Regarding the Special Use Permit to
Ludvik Propane (which is now Rocky Mountain Propane,) the Board agreed to a cease and desist meeting at the mid-month January meeting. The terms of the 2015 SUP have not been completed.
The BOCC went into session as the Board of Health for a cease and desist order for William Mercer. Mercer has two residences on his piece of property which is not allowed. One of them does not have septic and raw sewage is allowed to drain onto the ground. An immediate cease-and-desist order was unanimously approved. There was a discussion on the efficacy of a nuisance ordinance to give the Zoning Office more power to enforce removal of trash. Note: there is already a prohibition against trash leaving one person’s property and entering another person’s property. In a subsequent conversation with Jackie Hobby, she stated that her efforts were more along the lines of helping people who couldn’t help themselves. The Board of Health adjourned and the BOCC meeting resumed.
The Sheriff’s contract with the town of Westcliffe was passed 2-1 with Mr. Printz abstaining. It was increased from $30,000 a year in 2018 to $33,300 in 2019. $3,300 of that will be in the form of four bulletproof vests and one body camera to be purchased by the town of Westcliffe for the Sheriff’s Department.
$125,000 in PILT funds were transferred to County General.
It was decided that Attainable Housing Committee would now be a board under the authority of the BOCC. As a board, they will be able to make spending decisions based on their budget.
The meeting adjourned at 11:24 a.m.
BOCC: October 24, Official Stance on Logo
BOCC: Official Stance on Logo,
Aught Six Ranch Committed to Airport
Revamp, Fairgrounds Grant Application,
Landfill Rate, Prairie Dog Woes
Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
—October 24, 2018
Wetmore, CO
The meeting started at 9 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Introductions of the public followed. |
The minutes for September 28, October 2, and October 3 were approved unanimously.
Commissioner items
All three commissioners listed meetings they had attended. Commissioner Canda also reported testifying before the PUC regarding the Century Link issues in Wetmore. The Board then signed a letter of support for Sol Vista and the Department of Human Services. A certificate of recognition was given to Meredith Nichols for completion of her Emergency Management Academy. Continue reading BOCC: October 24, Official Stance on Logo
BOCC: Tourism Board Issues, Airport Improvements Continue
Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
—August 15, 2018
by Jackie Bubis
The meeting started at noon with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Introductions of the public followed.
Minutes of July 31st, August 7th and 8th meetings were approved.
Commissioner Items
Commissioner Printz reported attending two Tourism Board meetings. He helped finalize agreement between the Wetmore Community Center and the Historical Society. He also has received calls about CR 260 needing grading. Continue reading BOCC: Tourism Board Issues, Airport Improvements Continue
BOCC: July 31: Printz Meltdown, Airport Improvements, Fire Ban Now Stage 1, New CC Proposed Logo Panned
July 31 BOCC: Printz Meltdown,
Airport Improvements, Fire Ban Now Stage 1,
New CC Proposed Logo Panned
Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
—July 31, 2018
by Jackie Bubis
The meeting started at 9 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Introductions of the public followed. Before the meeting began, three items were taken off the agenda including the proposal for establishment of a county housing authority and advisory board – which was moved to the August 7th agenda.
Commissioner Items:
Commissioner Canda updated the Board on improvements at the airport – funded by the Watts family of Aught Six Ranch. They expect all the work to be done by the end of September.
Chairman Flower reported on the meetings he attended and mentioned that the A/C will be serviced in the Wetmore Community Center. Continue reading BOCC: July 31: Printz Meltdown, Airport Improvements, Fire Ban Now Stage 1, New CC Proposed Logo Panned
BOCC: Printz Has Epic Temper Tantrum Over His Texas Registered Subaru
It was another very interesting Custer Board of County Commissioners meeting Tuesday, July 31st. It seems that the Sentinel’s picture of a certain BOCC Commissioner’s car, a Subaru with Texas plates/registration, that we ran a few weeks ago caused one Commissioner to have another meltdown in public. Under that picture, we had asked a rhetorical question along the lines of ‘Guess which Commissioner is driving this car to work?’. This has been going on for a long time. (Note: The transcript of the temper tantrum )
Well, we found out who owns the Texas Suby on Tuesday when Commissioner Jay “Lone Star” Printz asked for some time at the beginning of the meeting to discuss an “important” matter. Continue reading BOCC: Printz Has Epic Temper Tantrum Over His Texas Registered Subaru
June 29th BOCC: Tourist Board Members Feud
Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
—June 29, 2018
by Jackie Bubis
The meeting started at 9 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Introductions of the public followed.
The minutes from June 20th and 25th were approved.
Commissioner Items:
All Commissioners reported on meetings they attended.
Commissioner Canda urged the citizens to be patient with the roads. Because of the drought conditions, the washboard conditions are exacerbated. The Road & Bridge Department is working on the roads on a priority basis. He also reported that load testing is complete on the runway at the airport but results are not back yet.
Commissioner Flower reported: CDOT has put up lit signs for us at Wetmore and Hillside reminding our visitors of the No Open Burning in effect, CSU Extension will have an interim agent here the week of the second and will be paying the full salary and they expect to have a new hire by sometime in September.
Attorney Items
Attorney Clint Smith worked on several legal documents for various offices and did the annual ethics review with the Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Adjustment.
The Board reviewed vouchers and signed checks.
Next on the agenda was a discussion about a possible workshop with the Tourism Board. Greg Smith and Angie Arturburn were in attendance. After discussion, it was decided that the presentation of the new branding materials that resulted from the branding grant would happen during the BOCC meeting on July 31st.
Another Tourism Board item was next: appointment of a member to replace Robert Weisenbach who resigned recently after the combative meeting regarding who must be on that board. Mr. Printz began a discussion by saying that the Tourism Board had become very difficult and contentious. Changes were suggested and approved.
First, the Board approved removing Brent Bruser (at his own request) from the tourism board. Greg Smith objected and stated that if this was done, he would resign as well (effective July 31.)
Next, the Board approved that no member of county boards were to be paid in any way for their services. This referred back to a possible conflict of interest from board member Greg Smith getting paid for services he provided to the Tourism Board. It was noted that Smith did recuse himself when those items were approved.
Last, the Board approved that no commissioner should be a member of any of the boards overseen by the BOCC. Mr. Printz has been a voting member of the Tourism Board and when this motion passed, he resigned his position on both the Tourism Board and the Attainable Housing Board.
Christopher (Kit) Tyler, owner of the Westcliffe Inn was appointed to the Tourism Board. Letters of interest for becoming a member of the Tourism Board are being taken at this time. No further appointment will be made until after more letters of interest are received and the Tourism Board makes recommendations.
Evan Brooks with SSC, Inc. representing AT&T FirstNet Cell Site appeared before the Board to discuss the lease of land to AT&T for a tower on county land near the Sheriff’s Office. After discussion, the Board voted to move ahead with the negotiations for this lease. This tower will provide AT&T FirstNet service and also better service to the AT&T customers in the area.
The Board approved an updated IGA for shared responsibility of radio tower maintenance between the County, the Sheriff, the Fire Department and the Clinic.
The Board approved the Auditor’s Report.
Dave McCain requested action to free up a small triangle of land (.6 acres) that was dedicated to the County for the Blumenau Fire Well. After discussion with the County Attorney, who stated that the county did not own that land or have any interest in it, the Board voted 2-1to sign a quit claim deed on that property. The reason Mr. Flower voted no was because the County had no ownership or interest in the property.
Sheriff Byerly discussed a contract with the school for a School Resource Officer. The school has set aside $25K for the 2018-2019 school year for this purpose. The Sheriff’s Department will provide an off-duty deputy during school hours who will be paid by the school. The Board authorized the Sheriff to sign the contract.
BOCC: County Spending on Target…
County Spending on Target,
Airport Runway Weight
Capacity Study, Bennet to Set up
Office Hours in Custer County?
Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
—June 8, 2018
by Jackie Bubis
The meeting started at 9 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Introductions of the public in attendance followed.
Chairman Flower remarked on the passing of Allen Butler, saying that there were a lot of heavy hearts today. “May he rest in peace.”
The agenda was changed to remove Hank Miller of Westcliffe Meats and to move the discussion of the runway testing up on the agenda. Continue reading BOCC: County Spending on Target…