Tag Archives: BOCC

BOCC April 30: Clinic Board Chair Defends Clinic Performance

BOCC: Clinic Board Chair
Defends Clinic Performance
Update: Accused of Illegal Electioneering
Tourism Board Members Issue?
Kerfuffle Ensues

Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)

—April 30, 2018

by Jackie Bubis
The Board agreed to cancel the Executive session scheduled for 2 p.m. They approved the minutes of the April 18th meeting.
Commissioner Items
Commissioner Canda reported on attending the Justice Center committee meeting. At the E-911 meeting there was a discussion on the IGA for sharing costs on the towers used by emergency services. He stated that the Road & Bridge department may be able to do more than anticipated this year because of lack of snow plowing. Mr. Canda had a conversation with Armstrong Engineering regarding some of the upgrades at the airport that the new owners of the south part of Wolf Springs Ranch are wanting – and are willing to pay for. There will need to be a study – funded by these new owners – of the load capacity of the existing runway. He also confirmed that he is registered for the Mountain Connect conference in Vail later this year. Continue reading BOCC April 30: Clinic Board Chair Defends Clinic Performance

BOCC April 18 2018: BOCC: Cleanup Day Scheduled, Land Acquisition, Tower Electric Bills, Possible Weed Manager Share

Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)

—April 18, 2018

by Jackie Bubis

The meeting started at 9 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Introductions of the public in attendance followed.
Chairman Tom Flower began with Attorney Items:
Attorney Roger Smith reported giving legal advice to Sheriff Shannon Byerly, attending the Justice Center Committee Meeting (see below for discussion of name change.) He also went to the Fire Ban Workshop, and drafted a letter to Tom Redmond regarding airport hangar space. Continue reading BOCC April 18 2018: BOCC: Cleanup Day Scheduled, Land Acquisition, Tower Electric Bills, Possible Weed Manager Share

BOCC: Staff Reports; Landfill, Water Trucks, Extension Office, Health Nurse

Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
—April 4, 2018

by Jackie Bubis
The meeting started at 9 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Introductions of the public in attendance followed.
Commissioner Items
Commissioner Printz had no new items.
Commissioner Canda met with the Postmistress to make sure that the heritage road signs would be no issue in mail delivery. A group of citizens is working on a proposal to put up the heritage road signs (Kettle Rd, Macy Lane, etc.) along with the numbered road signs. Mr. Canda also asked Attorney Smith to look at the right-of-way up to the Hibbs tower. Continue reading BOCC: Staff Reports; Landfill, Water Trucks, Extension Office, Health Nurse

March 7th BOCC: Jet Fuel at Airport, NEW Landfill Issues, Bogle Wants More Money

Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
—March 7, 2018
Westcliffe, CO
by Jackie Bubis
The meeting started at 9 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Introductions of the public in attendance followed.
Minutes from February 23rd and 28th were approved.
Commissioner Items:
Commissioner Canda reported a conversation with County Surveyor, Kit Shy and the Reis family about a possible right-of-way through the landfill for their property.
Commissioner Printz reported that he is satisfied with the response from the Tourism Board regarding the question Mr. Canda asked about the makeup of the Board. “They are an excellent board and they’re doing well.”
Chairman Flower reported on the Republican caucus. Continue reading March 7th BOCC: Jet Fuel at Airport, NEW Landfill Issues, Bogle Wants More Money

March 6th BOCC: Wetmore Center Issues, Hibbs Tower, Hermit Bridge Project

Board of County Commissioners (BOCC)
—March 6, 2018
Westcliffe, CO
by Jackie Bubis
The meeting started at 9 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Introductions of the public in attendance followed.
A question from this reporter started the meeting: Can the agenda be amended at the beginning of the meeting on an item that will require a vote, or must there be 24-hour notice on such agenda changes? The answer from all three commissioners and the county attorney was that those changes required the 24 hour notice.
Commissioner Items:
Commissioner Printz met with the Wetmore Community Center (WCC) Board. There are still lingering issues and the new construction is nearing the end of the warrantee period. Mr. Printz sent a note to Mr. Duke regarding these issues. The consensus of the BOCC was that the WCC would be under the same maintenance as the rest of the county buildings. He also reported meeting twice with the Custer County Economic Development Corporation (CCEDC.) Continue reading March 6th BOCC: Wetmore Center Issues, Hibbs Tower, Hermit Bridge Project

February 28th BOCC: Broadband, Personnel Policy, 4-H

Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)

—February 28, 2018
by Jackie Bubis
The meeting started at 9 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call. Introductions of the public in attendance followed.
The room was again packed with folks there to encourage the Board to vote yes on moving forward with the grant for the “broadband” towers.
Approval of the minutes of February 6th and 7th was unanimous.
Commissioner Items:
Commissioner Canda reported on attending the County Needs Assessment meeting as well as the CCEDC Workshop. Commissioner Printz attended both meetings as well.Chairman Flower went to the Fair Board meeting as well as these other two. Continue reading February 28th BOCC: Broadband, Personnel Policy, 4-H

First Streamed BOCC Meeting

R&B gravel bid goes to A&S Construction, County Server Crashed, DA Not Interested in Grant Money?

Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
Westcliffe, CO
—January 24, 2018
by Jackie Bubis
The meeting started at 9 a.m with the Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call. Introductions of the public in attendance followed.
Minutes for January 9th and 10th were approved unanimously.
Commissioner Items
Commissioner Printz met with the Tourism Board by phone. He attended the Sheriff’s Awards dinner and the Early Childhood Development meeting. He reported that there is an outlet that is not working in the Wetmore Community Center and he wants to hire an electrician to fix it. Commissioner Canda asked about the dollar limit that would require three bids on a job, wanting to make sure there is no nepotism with regards to commissioners hiring work done. Continue reading First Streamed BOCC Meeting

Ben Rusher Day Proclaimed


The Custer County Board of County Commissioners solemnly declared January 31st as Ben Rusher Day in memory of Ben Rusher’s heroic effort to save his drowning brother last summer. Shown is Commissioner Printz reading and presenting memorial plaques to Ben’s father, John Rusher, and mother, Elin Parker Ganschow.

Photo by George Gramlich

BOCC: December 29, 2017

Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)

—December 29, 2017


by Jackie Bubis
The meeting started at 9 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call. Commissioners Printz and Canda were present via phone. Introductions of the public in attendance followed.
Minutes for November 30th, December 5, 6, 7, and 14th were approved unanimously.
Commissioner Items
Commissioner Canda had a great meeting with the Road & Bridge crew in Wetmore. He reported an enjoyable tour of the “world’s greatest grader.” He missed meeting with the folks from Wetmore at the Community Center but did get a tour. Regarding speeding issues on Kettle Lane, there will be one additional sign posted to let folks know that they’re approaching a speed limit change. He also attended the Airport Board meeting. Continue reading BOCC: December 29, 2017

December 6th BOCC: Staff Reports

Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
—December 6, 2017
by Jackie Bubis
The meeting started at 9 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call. Introductions of the public in attendance followed.
Since yesterday’s meeting, there were no Commissioner, Attorney or Admin Assistant items.
Staff Reports
Dallas Anderson, from the Airport Advisory Board reported that the Capital Improvement Plan was finished and submitted to the Aeronautics Board. The Advisory Board will draft a letter to one of the hangar owners regarding the rules for parking. Anderson discussed the board appointments with the commissioners and how his board could stagger two-year positions on the executive board. He also asked about getting road base put on taxiway three as there are individuals that want to build hangars that will use that taxiway. The Board asked him to put together a plan and to get with Gary Hyde from Road & Bridge about getting that done. After discussion, the Board agreed to allow the Advisory Board to have the authority and flexibility to change fuel prices as they see fit (within certain parameters) to make sure the Silver West Airport is competitive. And finally, after receiving a letter from the company that put the fuel pump in – regarding the disputed billing – it was agreed that Attorney Smith will send a letter inviting them to meet with the Board to negotiate a settlement. Continue reading December 6th BOCC: Staff Reports