Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
—January 15, 2020
Westcliffe, Colo.
by Jackie (Muddy) Bubis
The meeting started with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Introductions of the public followed.
Commissioner Printz presented Chairman Flower with a certificate of appreciation for all the hard work he’s done to include remodeling the Public Health office, the VSO, and the Human Services office as well as the new table for the BOCC.
Chairman Flower called attention to the new microphone system that will allow both the audience in the room and the audience on streaming to hear the speakers.
The Board approved minutes from December 31st and January 8th. Continue reading January BOCC: Commissioners Want An EMS Private Contractor
Tag Archives: Custer County EMS
January 8 BOCC Appointments and Calendars 2020
Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
—January 8, 2020
by Jackie (Muddy) Bubis
The meeting started with the Pledge of Allegiance, prayer, and roll call. Introductions of the public followed.
Chairman Flower opened the first meeting of 2020 with prayer.
After a vote, Mr. Flower will continue on as Chairman and Mr. Canda as Vice-Chairman. Mr. Flower expressed that he thought it would be “fun and interesting” to have the other two Board members chair a meeting during the year. Continue reading January 8 BOCC Appointments and Calendars 2020
December 31st BOCC: More on Wetmore EMS, Engine 32, and HOA snow plowing
BOCC: Wetmore EMS Progress,
Airport Fire Truck/HOA Issue,
HOA Road Snow Plowing
Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
—December 31, 2019
by Jackie (Muddy) Bubis
The meeting started with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Introductions of the public followed.
The minutes of December 18th were approved.
Commissioner Items
Commissioner Canda reported that Mr. Kunkleman from CenturyLink continues to pursue grant money for laying more fiber along Highway 96.
Commissioner Printz reported an upcoming meeting with the ambulance staff and clinic leadership to put together a workshop in Wetmore to help solve the ongoing ambulance service issues. Continue reading December 31st BOCC: More on Wetmore EMS, Engine 32, and HOA snow plowing
Wetmore: Dial 911 for EMS NO ONE COMES
Custer County Board of Commissioners (BOCC)
Afternoon Workshop
—July 17, 2019
by Jackie Bubis
A s you have read in the Sentinel, the people in Wetmore are no longer covered by emergency medical care. For years the people below McKenzie Junction have been served by the Florence Fire Department. But that is no more, due to a lack of personnel.
The West Custer County Hospital District also does not, technically, service this area. At numerous meetings, Director Lisa Drew has attempted to lay this issue in the laps of the county commissioners, who have been wrestling with the issue. The new policy handed down from the hospital district is this: if a 911 call comes in from out of the “district”, then it is dispatch’s job to tone out a second ambulance crew. Until that second ambulance crew is at the ambulance quarters, the on-call crew will not respond. Continue reading Wetmore: Dial 911 for EMS NO ONE COMES
No EMS Response to Wetmore Emergency
Custer County
Commissioners (BOCC)
A.M. Meeting
by Jackie (Muddy) Bubis
-July 17, 2019
As you have read in the Sentinel, the people in Wetmore are no longer covered by emergency medical care. For years the people below McKenzie Junction have been served by the Florence Fire Department. But that is no more, due to a lack of personnel.
The West Custer County Hospital District also does not, technically, service this area. At numerous meetings, Director Lisa Drew has attempted to lay this issue in the laps of the the county commissioners, who have been wrestling with the issue.
The new policy handed down from the hospital district is this: if a 911 call comes in from out of the
“district”, then it is dispatch’s job to tone out a second ambulance crew. Until that second ambulance crew is available, the on-call crew stationed in Westcliffe, will not respond.
Imagine for a moment the poor dispatcher trying to handle emergencies is now tasked with scrounging up a second ambulance crew. Imagine it no longer. In the early hours of July 5th, an extreme emergency happened to a person driving down the mountain. At the junction in Wetmore, the driver pulled over for the passenger to be sick. What happened then was the
The passenger had a significant medical emergency right there in the middle of the road. EMS was toned. Dispatched toned the second crew. No one answered. Finally, Flight for Life was called. Ordinarily, the Fire Department lands the helicopter. In this case, a lone fireman from
Wetmore did the best he could and the helicopter landed and loaded up the unfortunate patient. All the while the ambulance crew up the mountain went back to sleep.
The County Commissioners will further address the issue at a workshop this afternoon at the Wetmore Community Center. More to come on this issue.
Ms Drew responded to this article on 7/25/19. Response HERE
Two Other Boys: Good Samaritans
by Fred Hernandez

It happened on the night of September 12th on Highway 96 about ten miles East of Silver Cliff, Colorado. A vehicle was traveling westbound when it went off the right side of the highway and flipped, end over end, before coming to a full stop upside down. Inside the heavily damaged vehicle a mother, who was driving, and two children in child safety seats; a boy of six and a baby girl of two, were trapped. Luckily all were wearing seat belts.
That is when our boy hero, Zayden Lazear (emphasis on age six), went into action. Somehow managing to extricate himself out of his child safety seat and its belt, Zayden also managed to get out of the crushed vehicle. He then made his way up to the highway… Continue reading HERO BOY SAVES MOM AND SIS