Tag Archives: Custer County

Let There Be Lights: Planning Commission Kills Latest Dark Skies Proposal 6 – 1

February 5, 2018
by Jackie Bubis
The courtroom was full to overflowing for the Custer County Planning Commission (PC) meeting on Monday afternoon. The citizens were there to make their voices heard on the on-going work the PC is doing, as requested by the Custer County Commissioners last year, to study requested changes made by the local Dark Skies International group concerning regulating outdoor lighting in the county. The Dark Skies group defines outdoor lighting as “light pollution”. This has been a highly controversial topic in the county for the past year or so and was one of the reasons for the successful recall of two County Commissioners who supported the Dark Skies proposals last November. Continue reading Let There Be Lights: Planning Commission Kills Latest Dark Skies Proposal 6 – 1

Core of Chaplains Receive Top-Class Police Training

by Fred Hernandez

Colorado Springs, Colorado

It was an extensive training program that covered two weekends of class room and hands-on exercises. Two consecutive Friday evenings and two consecutive Saturdays for a total of 19 hours. All training was held at the Colorado Springs Police Training Academy. Offered by the top-level law enforcement officers and Police Chaplains with decades of experience; members of the Rocky Mountain Police Chaplains (RMPC), the overall goal is to build trusting relationships with all members of the agency, or agencies, they serve.
Here in our county, a resident of Silver Cliff who is a retired first responder with over thirty years experience in a mega-city of multi millions in population, felt a calling to establish a chaplaincy to support those who work for the various agencies that daily serve and protect our communities. After extensive training, Eric Foster formed what is now the Custer County Core of Chaplains. Through his tireless efforts, the group of chaplains received world class training in Crisis Response offered by K-Love, a national Christian radio network with almost one thousand stations throughout the country.
The twenty-eight-hour training over a period of three days in August this year gained for the attendees a certification in Critical Incident Stress Intervention.
Once again, through his persistence and tireless efforts, Head Chaplain Foster succeeded in receiving an invitation to a professional training session offered through the RMPC by the Colorado Springs Police Department at their Training Academy in Colorado Springs. With the invaluable knowledge acquired during this training period the Custer County Core of Chaplains joins the ranks of qualified chaplains who render service and support to their communities nationwide. For Custer County’s first responders including the Sheriff’s Office, the fire district, EMS, Search and Rescue and others (even the general public) who may need and want the professional intervention the Chaplains can provide all that is needed is to ask. Call Chaplains Office 719-783-2270 or email: custercountychaplain@gmail.com.

BOCC: A Summer of Discontent Is Coming

Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)

-May 10, 2017


by Jackie Bubis

The meeting started at 1 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call. Introductions of the public in attendance followed.
Commissioner Items:

Commissioner Printz had four items he wanted to cover.  The first was an update on the Wetmore Community Center (WCC).  There was a mistake with a stainless-steel table that is the wrong size and Mr. Printz was adamant that contractor Whitlock fix the error.

He then announced that he had told Brenda Gaide to go ahead and post the meeting for Wednesday, May 17th as being held at the new WCC since the plumbing issues were taken care of.  Commissioner Kattnig took exception with Commissioner Printz not consulting the board before making the change in venue.  An argument ensued between Mr. Kattnig and Mr. Printz leaving the audience wide-eyed.  Continue reading BOCC: A Summer of Discontent Is Coming