Recall Polis Kickoff Rally
Thursday, June 27th
Ex Gubernatorial Candidate Greg Lopez,
Recall Honcho Tom Good, Speakers
by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary
It’s almost here: the Recall Polis Petition Drive. As Tom Good, Director of the Recall Polis PAC says, “This is the largest multi-partisan movement to ever hit Colorado Politics. By being here, you’re already part of the solution, and I thank you for that.”
A daunting 631,266 valid petition signatures are required (some from every county in Colorado) to put our left-wing Governor Polis up for a recall election. (The election date will be set by the Colorado Secretary of State. It can be no sooner than 30 days after a successful petition and no longer than 60 days from that determination. Once recalled, there will be a new Colorado Governor election.)
It has to be done.
Liberty loving Custer County voters NEED TO STEP UP. We did it before by recalling our RINO County Commissioners a few years ago and we can do this now.
The first step is to attend Custer County’s Recall Polis Kickoff Event, sponsored by the Custer County Citizens for the Constitution and Liberty Rocks, Thursday, June 27th at Tony’s Pizza in Silver Cliff at 6 p.m. (Get there early to grab some food and drink.)
The featured speakers are ex Gubernatorial candidate Greg Lopez and the Director of the Resist Polis PAC Tom Good. Conservative Mr. Lopez will discuss the current state-of-affairs regarding the outrageous progressive agenda that Polis has successfully paraded through Colorado’s left-wing Senate and House. Mr. Good will outline the recall process and the tasks that need to be done to be successful.
It is anticipated that the Recall Polis petition wording will be approved by Colorado’s Secretary of State on July 8th.
The Sangre de Cristo Sentinel has been designated the Custer County Recall Polis Headquarters. We anticipate receiving the recall petitions July 10th. You can sign the petition there. We are also looking for patriots to volunteer as petition gatherers to help make this happen. Also needed are other business sites in Custer County willing to serve as petition gatherers. You can sit at home and let Colorado become a 2nd, degenerate California, or you can stand up and be counted and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
We have only two months to gather the huge number of signatures and we need to hit the ground running.
So, drop by The Sentinel and volunteer to TAKE BACK OUR COLORADO.
(Below is a partial refresher of what the left-wing Polis led Colorado legislature did so far:
1. After the voters of Colorado rejected the oil and gas industry killing Proposition 112 last year, the new progressive Colorado legislature passed Senate Bill 181 which basically is Prop 112. This will essentially kill the Oil and Gas industry in Colorado and throw hundreds of thousands of workers out-of-jobs and will gravely hurt Colorado’s tax revenue. 2. The libs passed and Polis signed HB 1032, an extreme left-wing radical Sex Education bill that literally teaches numerous forms of sexual perversions to our children. Even in elementary school. Opting out is almost impossible. This alone is enough to recall this evil socialist. 3. The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact bill, SB 19-042 passed by the progressives and signed by the lying Polis assigns our Electoral College votes to whoever wins the plurality vote in the U.S. Even if we voted for someone else. This means our votes DON’T COUNT and N.Y and California will rule the whole country. 4. The libs put an anti-TABOR referendum on the November Ballot eliminating the tax limiting TABOR law and allowing the libs to TAX US TO DEATH to fund their failed socialism model. 5. The RED FLAG BILL: HB 19-1177 allows for the cops to take your guns BASED ON AN ANONYMOUS TIP WITH NO EVIDENCE. This, folks, is socialism. Your property is not yours Your rights are negotiable.
Recall Polis and kill this thing. YOU DID NOT HEAR ONE WORD FROM POLIS ON THESE OUTRAGES WHEN HE WAS CAMPAIGNING FOR GOVERNOR. He hid his agenda and lied to the people of Colorado to get elected. If you want to live in a bankrupt state with insane taxes, have your kids taught sexual perversions in school, and have your guns taken away without a hint of due process, keep watching TV and Facebook. If you want to restore Colorado to a liberty loving, free state that embraces capitalism, free markets, personal responsibility and the 2nd Amendment, grab a petition and hit the streets. You can make a difference. TAKE BACK OUR COLORADO.